Uhuru Kenyatta's Media Company Raids Nation For CEO

Tuesday, 25 March 2014 16:45 , Written by  Mr. Majani (Janitor)

Media intellect, Ian Fernandes , will soon be headed to Kenyatta family
owned media house - MediaMax, as the group’s Chief Executive Officer.

The bespectacled, media-wit who was deployed to NMG’s television stations
months before the 2013 general elections is soon to quit his job as the
Managing Director, Broadcasting at the Nation Media Group.

According to reliable sources, the board of recently formed MediaMax is
expected to announce his appointment later this month.

Mr Fernandes move is set to create shock waves in the media circles after
he revived the ailing NTV from a distance 3rd in media ranking making it a
clear number two after Citizen TV

Mediamax whose brands include The People newspaper, television channel -
K24 and radio stations Kameme Fm, Milele Fm,  Meru Fm and Mayan Fm has made
significant investments in it's media properties in the last eighteen

According to our sources, Mr Fernandes has been recruited to give Mediamax
the much needed impulse it so needs.

Mr Fernandes an experienced media hand was responsible for the revamp of
the Standard Newspapers in the 1990's, he was also responsible for the
dramatic turnaround of KTN after it had been put under receivership.

In 2005 he was recruited as Managing Director, by Nation Media Group to
prop up its loss making broadcasting division where he successfully
launched NTV and radio station Easy Fm

He has been credited with NTV's turnaround in 2013 making the station the
most watched urban TV Station in the country.


[Thanks to Herman Carneiro and Ivan D Pereira for posting the link.]

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