India's 'social movement legend' dies
May 4, 2014

Thiruvananthapuram: Father Thomas Kocherry, an activist
priest who helped unite traditional fishermen globally, died
of cardiac arrest on Saturday. He was 76. He had survived
four heart attacks in the past.

The death occurred at the Redemptorist House in
Thiruvananthapuram, capital of Kerala state in southern
India.  The funeral is scheduled for Monday at the Holy Cross
Church, Muttada, a suburb of Thiruvananthapuram.

          The tall, stocky, bald and clean-shaven priest
          helped found the Kerala Swatantra Matsyathozhilali
          (independent fish workers) Federation.  He was a
          bitter critic of globalization in India.  In 1999,
          he received the Sophie Prize, a Norwegian award for
          environment and development.

A year earlier, the United Nations presented him the "Earth
Trustee" Award for establishing the World Forum of Fishermen.

Fr Kocherry had made a mark as a union leader, anti-nuclear
activist and people's movement educator and became a "legend
of social movement politics in India," says Richard Swift of
the New Internationalist Magazine who closely followed the
priest's activities spanning over four decades.

Swift recalled that the priest remained an "inveterate
optimist" despite getting scores of scars from many battles.
He recalled Fr Kocherry's slogan, "Every fight, every
movement, every reform is an optimism."

          After four heart attacks, innumerable fasts and 16
          stints in jail, Fr Kocherry had shown no sign of
          slowing down.  His last battle was against the
          controversial Koodankulam nuclear plant in Tamil
          Nadu.  He supported the decision of two Catholic
          priests involved in the anti-nuclear movement, to
          fight the general election.

"You cannot talk about social justice without talking about
the environment," Swift quoted Fr Kocherry as saying. "There
can be no shortcuts, no depleting of natural capital." When
not campaigning, the priest traveled through southern India
conducting seminars for young activists.

The fifth of eleven children, Kocherry grew up in the
Backwaters region of Kerala, where poor fisher folk used
small boats to eke a living from the fresh waters that
parallel the Indian Ocean. The two influences on his early
adult life were the Church and the radical Left movement.

He studied bachelor's degree at St Berchmans College
Changanacherry and obtained law degree from the Law College,
Thiruvananthapuram. He was ordained a priest in 1971. He
began his priestly life in northern Indian states.

He and three other Redemptorist priests made their living as
part of the Shore Seine fishery, and helped organize health
clinics and nurseries among the poor fishers systematically
exploited by a series of wholesalers and merchants.

He was the first to oppose the use of mechanized boats in
fishing in India.

          In the late 1970s, Kerala fishers started to
          organize and assert their rights on a whole range
          of issues.  They set up an organization called the
          Kerala Independent Fishworkers Federation.  In 1981
          Kocherry and fellow leader Joyachan Antony went on
          an 11-day fast in favor of a Monsoon Trawl Ban (the
          breeding season for many varieties of fish) in
          Kerala.  Kocherry was arrested on trumped-up charges.

By 1982 the fish workers' struggle had gone national, with
Kocherry elected president of the National Fishworkers Forum.
In the mid-1990s he led a nationwide campaign to stop the
Indian government from opening up the country’s fishing
industry to large foreign trawlers. With 10 million Indians
dependent on a sustainable fishery for their survival, the
stakes were high. A militant campaign included marches, fasts
and blocking of major fish ports around the country.

The Indian government was forced to withdraw the legislation
-- one of the first and most significant victories against
corporate globalization.  Fr Kocherry, who went on to help
form the World Forum of Fisher People, understands the
tensions of fighting for the rights of the fishing community
in an era of declining global fish stocks.

          Although influenced by liberation theology and
          Marxist ideology, Fr Kocherry toward the end became
          very critical both of the Communist Party of India
          (Marxist) and the established Christian church.
          "They become institutionalized, create dogmas and
          rituals and statues of their gods, they become
          power mongering or give in to the power of money,"
          he explained.

For Fr Kocherry, the strength of a people's movement lies
elsewhere.  "It must be from the bottom up.  The challenge is
to create an evolving revolutionary structure that never
becomes institutionalized or ossified by power," he used to

          Friends used to joke that a megaphone was stuck in
          Fr Kocherry's throat for his voice rose out like
          rolling thunder.  If he was loud, he was fast.  He
          had no concept of full stops or punctuations, his
          words rushed forth resembling some never ending
          waterfall of sentences.  He was heard on Sundays,
          cassock clad, when he stood bowed in front of his
          congregation and God.

On other days he was a savior in another form, wearing a
khadi dhoti and standing tall in front of politicians,
police, unions, shipping companies or anyone who dared bother
his beloved fisherfolk and ruined the oceans. Kocherry is by
vocation a priest but his Bible and cassock were about where
his similarity with most other priests ended, says M.G.
Radhakrishnan in 'India Today'.

He was president of the National Fishworkers Forum for eight
years since 1982. Once, he travelled 3,000 km in two weeks to
drum up support against a proposed Aqua Authority Bill that
gave sanction to hundreds of aqua farms involved in
industrial prawn culture.

In 1997, he became the first Indian to be awarded the
US$150,000 Pew Fellowship in Conservation and the Environment
for his contribution for protecting marine life.

If the 1980s go down as a crucial period in the history of
the fishworkers movement, then Fr Kocherry is a symbol of
that battle, Radhakrishn says.  A man who understood that in
all the talk of ecological disasters on land, the coastal
belt -- where both human and marine life were dying -- had
been ignored.

In 1981, when he was assigned to Delhi and violent clashes
erupted between two fishing villages of Anchuthengu, only he
could boldly walk into the war zone and restore peace: his
word was final for both groups. The police was not impressed.

When Kocherry protested their brutal methods to control the
warring fishermen, he was arrested and charged with
attempting to murder a police official. The priest fasted.
And the fishermen of Anchuthengu waited. "Days and nights in
front of the police station for his release," recollects
Mascerene, a local fisherman.

          Not all agitations went smoothly. In 1989, the
          NFF's long march from Delhi to Kanyakumari
          protesting against coastal pollution, assaults on
          the marine environment and the proposed atomic
          plant at Koodamkulam ended violently on the beaches
          of Kanniyakumari where eight fishworkers were
          killed in police firing.

Kocherry fought on. When he couldn't argue in the courts, he
used the old Indian weapon -- the fast.  In 1995, his fast
led to the inclusion of fishworkers in the Murari Committee
which was formed to review the 1991 policy on joint venture
fishing; in 1996, when the government again ignored a
parliamentary committee's recommendation on cancellation of
all licenses to foreign trawlers, he fasted until the United
Front rescinded it.  He, says Harekrishna Debnath, now NFF
head, "personified the struggle of Indian fishworkers".

Not everyone is as complimentary. By attempting to organize
an unorganized sector, Fr Kocherry has enraged not just
corporate marine exporters but the trade unions. CITU
Secretary M.K. Panthe blasted the NFF as an organization
thriving on foreign money.

INTUC's Kerala boss V.P. Marakkar echoed that, saying: "The
American fellowship is proof of NFF's foreign links."

Fr Kocherry was unperturbed.


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