While tuning in to the radio last night, I came across this programme, from
the Tiatr Academy Goa. It was an interesting take, remembering (and paying
tribute to) the tiatrists of yesterday.

Suddenly three to four minutes into the programme, I thought of a rough
recording to share with others who might be interested. (Hope the Tiatr
Academy Goa tiatracad...@gmail.com doesn't mind!)

Please tune in to it here:

The next programme will be at the end of March, if I understood right. This
programme focuses on the work of *Kid Boxer*, *Miss Mohana*, *Rom Tony* and
*Star of Curtorim*.

So please go here and tune in:
This programme is by the Tiatr Academy Goa. Reminds me of the music we grew
up with....
P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at archive.org https://archive.org/details/goa1556

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