Datta Naik

The political party Goa Forward has brought forward this word
of Goenkarponn and Manohar Parrikar, whom I would call the
Chief Minister of North Goa since most ministers in his
cabinet are from North Goa, has borrowed this word from Vijay
Sardessai, the leader of Goa Forward. However the exact
meaning of the word Goenkarponn is not clear. Politicians
in fact have vested interests of keeping it ambiguous.

The citizens of Goa should however know what is Goeankarponn,
what are its undercurrents and nuances.

          I would divide Goenkarponn into two parts. The
          iceberg has only one-eighth of its surface visible
          above the sea and the remaining seven-eighth of it
          is submerged under water. Similarly Goenkarpon has
          its visible and invisible dimensions. One can also
          term it, using computer technology, as the hardware
          and software of Goenkarponn.

Goenkarponn manifests itself visibly through our mother
tongue Konkani, our flora and fauna, our traditional
architecture, our religious traditions, communal harmony,
Goan festivals, folklore, literature, art and culture. But
the invisible aspect of Goenkarponn is very important and
crucial. It is manifested through various qualities of head
and heart of the Goan community.

A Goenkar, or Goan, is essentially a jovial, happy go lucky,
susegad person who sees the world from a positive
perspective. She likes to work hard and enjoys her leisure
time. The Goenkar is loyal and committed to her work. She is
hardworking and can take up any challenges in her
professional life.

          The Goenkar is highly hospitable and enjoys
          treating her guests with warmth and affection.
          Christian values such as love, kindness, compassion
          are an essential part of Goan nature irrespective
          of her religion. Every Goenkar has a great sense of
          humour. It is manifested through folklore, tiatrs
          and cartoons. Compared to the size of the
          population of Goenkars, the creative Goenkars in
          the field of literature, art, science and sport are
          very high. The average Goan is very frank and
          outspoken. Her mind is as transparent as the fresh
          flowing spring water.

A Goenkar thinks collectively and also acts collectively.
Therefore there are words in Konkani such as 'Dha Zanachi
Budh' which literary means 'Let ten people meet and decide.'

'Gaonkari' which later developed into the Communidades is a
conspicuous example of the collective farming of Goans. Some
of the creative inventions such as Khazan farming, sluice
gates (manos), hurrak, feni, puran farming, fishing by way of
khutavani, dipakavani, the team-spirit that makes the rapon
work effectively, and hunting by bhovandi (a collective hunt)
are perfect examples of collective actions.

Simplicity is another great virtue of Goans. A Goenkar is not
greedy. Respect to elders and women is a family value which
has been engraved in every Goan for centuries. A Goenkar is
not quarrelsome and violent. Therefore there were hardly any
cases of murder, divorce and rape prior to the Liberation of Goa.

A Goenkar is highly religious. She believes that God will
stand by her at all times. Many Goenkars especially from the
Hindu Bahujan Samaj have become teetotalers due to their
religious convictions. A Goenkar does not mind undertaking
any sacrifice for the sake of the members of her family. A
Goenkar is highly mobile and she migrates for the sake of a
job to distant foreign countries.

A Goenkar has learnt the importance of education a few
centuries back. Even parents facing abstract poverty have
made great sacrifices to educate their children so that they
can come up in life.

If one asks me which is the most important aspect of a
Goenkar, I would unequivocally point out that it is the
honesty and integrity of an average Goenkar. A Goenkar will
not compromise her honesty for the sake of money, fame or
power and will never dishonour her commitments.

          However I will have to segregate things here and
          point out that there are two aspects to
          Goenkarponn. One is the Bahujan Goenkarponn (the
          Goanity of the masses) and the other is Brahminical
          Goenkarpon. The Bahujan Goenkarpon has simplicity
          and a lack of greed but the same cannot be said
          about Brahminical Goenkarponn. A Bahujan Goenkar is
          honest and is a women of her words but history has
          proved that the other Goenkar is not. Brahminical
          Goenkarponn from that of Mhal Poi, who connived
          with Afonso de Albuquerque to defeat Adil Shah at
          the start of the sixteenth century, to Manohar
          Parrikar and Vijay Sardessai in our times, have
          proved that Brahminical Goenkarponn can dishonor
          commitments and can betray at any given point of time.

When I think of this concept, I ask myself whether
Goenkarponn is full of virtues and free of vices? My answer
is in the negative.

The jovial nature of the Goenkars is making them lazy and
lethargic and makes them indulge in conspicuous consumption.
A sense of humour is overflowing into taking sadistic
pleasure in finding faults in others, writing anonymous
letters and turning Facebook into a Defacebook.

          Entrepreneurship among the Goenkars is decreasing
          in geometric progression. Mobility which is a
          virtue is unfortunately turning into a vice and
          Goenkars are migrating abroad by selling ancestral
          lands and occupations. Instead of thinking and
          acting collectively, the mentality of "Hanv Sangta
          Ten Tun Aik" (What I Say, You Listen To), is
          becoming predominant.

One conspicuous example is Vijay Sardessai taking the
decision to back the BJP without even bothering to consult
his party president Prabhakar Timble who resigned not only as
party president but also as member of the party and member of
the executive committee, comprising Mohandas Lolienkar,
Prashant Naik and Dilip Prabhudessai, who mutely agreed to
the decision.

The lack of ambition is another vice which I have noted in
Goenkars. If this was not the case, Manohar Parrikar would
not have resigned as the Defense Minister of India and come
back to Goa as its chief minister. This is like a big fish in
the sea coming to a small pond to become the king of frogs.

In the near future, if these vices of Goenkarponn predominate
and overweigh the virtues, then we will have to say goodbye
to this concept because Goenkarponn is not the ultimate value.
The ultimate value is humanity.

If in the name of Goenkarponn politicians like Vijay
Sardessai and Manohar Parrikar trample upon values such as
honesty and integrity, then we will have to dump such
disgraced policians into the Arabian Sea with their tainted
flag of so-called Goenkarponn!
The author is a Konkani writer, social activist and

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