The sudden and unexpected death of Dr Jose Colaco was reported via
cyberspace earlier on Saturday (Goa time) and confirmed today. JC, as he
liked to sign off his emails, was an alumni of the Goa Medical College from
the 1960s and a pediatrician in the Bahamas for a long time. He spent his
youth in Pune (then Poona).

More importantly to us, he was an active and enthusiastic participant in
very many discussions in cyberspace, has long been an active member of
Goanet. He was also closely associated with The Goan Forum network, and
also the website through which he networked with Goans across
the globe and also shared the writings of many. See this link to his family
roots and his cherished connections to the villages of Velim (Salcete) and
Carambolim (Tiswadi):

The unanticipated news of his death took many by surprise, as Sweden-based
Lianne Falk-Rodrigues (journalist and alumni of Carmel's College, Goa)
said: "Just heard the sad and shocking news that Dr Jose Colaco has passed
away." Lianne added that his funeral will be in the Bahamas. He leaves
behind his wife, three children and families, and eight grandchildren.

In Canada, Michael Pinto shared a short, terse message while the day dawned
in that part of the world: "Dr.Joe Colaco passed away today."

A message shared by JC's niece Carol, shared via cyberspace, said: "Rest
peacefully my dearest Unca Jose Colaco. You were like a Dad to me... will
miss you dearly. You are now in Heaven and will see you one day. You left
so sudden without even saying 'Goodbye My Girl'. Save some red wine for me
...Love You Always ..your 19th favourite niece (I am his favourite but he
loved saying that.)"

Valmiki Faleiro, author and active cyber discussant from Margao, said: "Just
learnt from Dr. Lynette Colaco Martins, via her FB page, that her father
(and our Goanet friend), Dr. Jose Colaco is no more.... Doutorbab passed
away peacefully while on holiday. The funeral will be held in Nassau, she

Santosh Helekar, a Goan researcher in Texas added: "Josebab passed away in
his sleep last night.... He died while on vacation with his extended family
in the Dominican Republic. Feels terrible to have lost another friend whom
I never got a chance to meet in person. Very sad indeed! Funeral will be
held next weekend in the Bahamas."

Dr Colaco had discussions (even arguments) with some of us, held on fast to
what he believed, but was always a gentleman in his disagreements. He was
involved with Goanet perhaps from its earliest days since its founding in

One particular incident I remember was when I asked for "Santa Claus'
address" online, in those early times in cyberspace, when few websites were
available and we communicated mainly via email. JC asked me (off channel)
what it was for, and I mentioned that a friend's daughter wanted to write
to "Santa" for a particular CD popular among kids of her age. JC gave his
own address (or created a temporary one), and received the mail as Santa.
On his way back to Goa, he made use of a halt at London to pick up the
exact CD, claim it came from "Santa" and even apologise for being so late.
It was February. I couldn't believe anyone could take so much trouble ....
for a child he didn't even know.

>From all his discussions, it was obvious that Goa was always high up in his
thoughts. On behalf of Goanet, our sincere condolences to the entire
family, including Emma, Alan and Vanessa, Lavina and Noel, Lynette and all
the names missed out.... -- Frederick Noronha (on behalf of Goanet).
_/  Frederick Noronha
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twtr @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 shared audio content

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