Why being Goa CM is telling on otherwise superstar minister
Manohar Parrikar

Pressure from the Centre and
allies is telling on the chief

Kiran Tare

As he heads towards completing a year as Goa chief minister
in March 2018, Manohar Parrikar appears to have lost his way.
In complete contrast to his earlier three tenures, his
performance on the economy, environment and law and order is
raising questions across Goa this time around. Many believe
the pressure from Delhi and coalition partners is telling on
the chief minister.

At a presentation to legislators on December 11, the chief
minister tried in vain to convince his audience that the
Centre's plans to nationalise Goa's rivers as well as
increasing the coal-carrying capacity of the Mormugao Port
Trust (MPT) were in the state's interest.

          Vehemently opposed by locals, both projects,
          nationalising rivers and upping coal-carrying
          capacity, are incidentally being pushed by minister
          for road transport and highways, shipping and water
          resources Nitin Gadkari. But activists point out
          that the transport ministry's plan to use the
          Chapora, Sal, Mapusa, Pomburpa, Mandovi and Zuari
          rivers as part of its national waterway project
          would effectively end the state's rights over its
          rivers and eventually impact fishing Goa's third
          largest enterprise. As many as 60 gram sabhas have
          cited environmental concerns to oppose ferrying
          more coal.

Insiders say even Parrikar believes both proposals are
against Goa's interests. But the CM is apparently beholden to
Gadkari, who played a key role in convincing the Goa Forward
Party (GFP), Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and three
independent MLAs to back Parrikar as chief minister after the
BJP had failed to secure a majority in the assembly polls
last year.

He is, therefore, singing a predictable tune. While 'not
available' when India Today made repeated attempts to contact
him, Parrikar said in Panaji: "The Centre's attempt to
'notify' six rivers in Goa as national waterways is a feat
accomplished. Goan rivers are kept open for shipping and
navigation. It is not nationalisation of rivers." The story
doing the rounds is that the state government is readying to
sign memorandums with MPT and the Inland Waterways Authority.

          Olencio Simoes, joint general secretary of Goenchea
          Ramponkarancho Ekvott, an NGO that has threatened
          to challenge the move in court, says close to 70
          per cent of the catch of local fishermen comes from
          inland waterways. But Parrikar says the Centre will
          implement the National Waterways Act even if Goa
          refuses to sign the MoUs. "Don't ask me for the
          moon," he told the activists, arguing at the same
          time that the state did not possess the resources
          to dredge its silt-filled rivers.

In a bit of a surprise, though, Goa's pollution control board
has filed a criminal complaint against MPT, demanding action
against port officials for handling coal in excess of the
consented capacity. MPT, however, denies the charge.

        Even as these twin issues threaten to boil over,
        Parrikar has fresh problems on the iron ore mining
        front. Ore exports were down 76 per cent in the first
        two months of the current season and expected to
        result in a Rs 400 crore dip in mining revenue. This,
        when Goa's tiny economy is already in trouble with a
        debt of Rs 17,000 crore, which is 20 per cent of its
        GDP and precariously close to the 23 per cent cap.

Parrikar is now also beginning to lose friends. Goa
Foundation director and environmentalist Claude Alvares is
convinced that he is working under extraneous pressures "from
mining firms who had funded the BJP's poll campaign". "I have
lost faith in him," says Alvares.

The growing number of drug seizures is another embarrassment
for Parrikar. His home department hit a new low when he had
to relieve Vimal Kumar Gupta, the state's No. 2 IPS officer,
who was facing bribery allegations, on December 5.

On the political front, too, Parrikar is now saddled with
having to appease coalition partners. And so he has consented
to appoint the tainted Atanasio Monserrate of the GFP as
chairman of the newly established Greater Panaji Development
Authority. The MGP too has been allowed a free run with its
PWD portfolio.

Somehow, no one in the BJP is questioning CM Parrikar's
'questionable' decisions. So while Manohar Parrikar may have
succeeded in settling his minority government, analysts say
that his personal image has taken a beating.


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