Don't opportunities in Goa attract Goan youth?

Sangeeta Naik

"How many of you intend to hang around and work in Goa after
graduation?", I asked a group of 100-plus sparkling faces of
to-be-engineering grads sitting in front of me brimming with
enthusiasm and positivity. My modest expectation was that at
least 50% of them would raise their hands in affirmation. But
alas, to my utter shock and dismay two -- just two! -- of
them raised their hands. I asked again and there was no
change in the scenario. I was really taken aback!

I was part of the team which was on a visit to the Goa
Engineering College (GEC) under Project DIKSHANT of the Goa
IT Professionals (GITP). The project aims to build IT
industry-academia synergy by keeping the students abreast
about the needs of the IT industry and giving them an insight
into the growing IT ecosystem in the state.

The response from the students made me ponder.

Can we blame the youngsters for this response? I sincerely
don't think so. I feel, we as a community have failed to
instill in them a sense of confidence in the opportunities
which are available in the state. It could be the
indifference of the system, the apathy of the decision
makers, our education system, our overall environment etc. etc.

I do understand that when we give wings of state-of-the-art
education to our youth, then we have to be ready to see them
fly high and fly past us. But, when so many people across
India look at Goa as a land of opportunities, my bare minimum
expectation is that at least 50-60 % of our youngsters should
aspire to remain in the state and contribute to building an
upwardly mobile and healthy industry ecosystem. This in turn
will create more opportunities for the next generation of

          Around six million (60 lakh)  national and
          international tourists i.e. almost four times the
          population of Goa come to the state every year.
          That itself creates umpteen opportunities in every
          sector from agriculture to IT. Brand Goa also
          offers many add-on opportunities. Then there are
          sectors like mining, shipping, pharma which have
          their own set of openings. Since Goa is a small
          state, prototypes for public utility solutions in
          e-governance, tourism, digital payment etc can be
          created and scaled nationally and globally. For
          anyone who has an eye for opportunities we have the
          most conducive atmosphere around.

With technology, the world has been turned into a global
village. 'Working remotely' as a concept is picking up. You
can work for any company in the word by sitting right here in

The IT ecosystem in Goa is buzzing with action. Many
companies in Goa are catering to global clients. Incubation
and startup activities are building up. Against this
backdrop, instead of trying ones luck in alien environments
in the metros, youngsters should be motivated to put in equal
amount of effort right here in Goa and climb the ladder of

I am confident that if they join a local company or venture
into entrepreneurship, they will surely be happier
financially... and otherwise too. And I am looking for
measures to pass on that confidence to the youngsters.

          As someone who has observed the industry from very
          close quarters over the years, I know there are
          multiple teething problems and hiccups. At the
          entry level the salaries are comparatively low. But
          as one gains experience and develops expertise in
          niche areas doors of high-end opportunities will
          open up. I know of many IT companies in Goa who pay
          on par with the best in the industry. Their number
          might be small at present but it is growing

Option of going out of Goa and experimenting can always be
tried out, but with the objective of gaining quality
experience and returning back to the state as a value-added

Many of you might grossly disagree with me. But the post is
always open for further discussions and deliberations!

#GEC #GITP #ITinGoa #Goa #Startup #Incubators #ITEngineer

Sangeeta Naik is an IT professional, educator and
Malaysia-returned Goan who has been consistently promoting
and writing on this field in this state. She is also part of
the GITP, an active and voluntary body of IT professionals in
the State. Email Share your feedback
with her and also via

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