In the 1970s and thereabouts, Tanzanian-born [Peter] Donald Sequeira was an
inspiring Math teacher at St Britto (Mapusa), known as much for his sense
of humour and his popularity with students. Subsequently, he moved to Qatar
and the US, teaching in North Carolina.

In the first of a series of talks by invited denizens of Saligao -- the
goal being both to spread knowledge locally and highlight our own achievers
-- Donald will share his experiences with teaching in India as compared to
the US. If you wanted to know why Indian students do great in Math contests
and exams in the US, here's where you should be this weekend.

Open to all, especially to teachers and those with an interest in
education. On Saturday July 6, 2019 at Arrarim, Saligao starting at 6 p.m.
and continuing till the last person leaves, at the Saligao Institute. The
function is open to the public, and entrance is free. However for logistic
reasons please RSVP by WhatsApp or SMS your participation plan to

Contacts for the speaker; Peter Donald Sequeira +1 336 918 0166

Watch this space for more plans, ideas, and talks.

An initiative of the Saligao Institute (founded 1929... ninety years

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