Here's an academic debate which has spilled over to the columns of the
local newspapers (Herald/O Heraldo):

Milagris and Lairai: fostering the bond of divine unity
Sushila Sawant Mendes
QUOTE: Goencho Sahib unites us all. We have many such unifying factors.
Every generation of the people of Assolna, Velim and Cuncolim have grown up
with the belief that the Goddess Shantadurga of Fatorpa is the sister of
Saude Saibin of the Church of Our Lady of Health in Cuncolim. The festival
of the Sontrios in Cuncolim and the devotional visits of the Catholics to
this temple is a graphic representation of this undying belief.  Tomorrow
is both the feast of Milagres Saibin at Mapusa and the Shree Devi Lairai
Zatra at Shirigao, both to be celebrated on the same day after thirteen
years, on April 24 this year. UNQUOTE

Mary to Mira: Just a sound away?
Oscar de Noronha
QUOTE The article titled ‘Milagris and Lairai: fostering the bond of divine
unity’, by historian Dr Sushila Sawant Mendes (O Heraldo, April 23,  2023)
has added to the myth rather than clarified it. One would expect to be
enlightened on the origin of the statue of Our Lady of Miracles (Milagr
Saibinn, in Konkani), or the story of the Seven Sisters, or even be
favoured with a sociological or anthropological explanation; but that was
not to be. At any rate, as a lay reader, I wish to raise a few issues about
its interface with Catholic practices in Goan society. UNQUOTE
[Thanks to Eddie Fernandes' for pointing to this link]


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