Currency rates supplied by
Your base currency is : INR
This shows the value of the Indian Rupee against world currencies...

AED 13.314729
AUD 26.134832
BHD 129.583996
BRL 21.318657
BSD 48.905000
CAD 30.845159
CHF 29.345935
DEM 21.989159
DKK 5.781963
ESP 0.258478
EUR 43.007057
FRF 6.556384
GBP 70.286266
IEP 54.607698
INR 1.000000
IQD 157.301383
IRR 0.028086
ITL 0.022211
JPY 0.370226
KES 0.624186
KWD 159.455494
NLG 19.515752
NOK 5.642733
NZD 21.625791
OMR 127.025974
PKR 0.814405
PTE 0.214518
QAR 13.432487
RUB 1.566464
SAR 13.039595
SEK 4.739821
SGD 26.657037
TZS 0.049852
USD 48.905000
YER 0.280757

-------- End of Currency rates --------

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