Sickness is a part of one’s life, many times it comes and goes but sometimes 
it becomes deadly.  Cancer is one such sickness which has no complete cure 
and when it is detected at the last stage it is become more deadly.  The 
news of Dr. Rosario Rodrigues suffering from Cancer and been operated at 
Bombay’s Tata Memorial Hospital is very distressing.  Let us pray for his 
recovery because Goa, Konkani Language, Konkani Culture & Konkani Stage need 
him very much. It was he who revolutionized not only Khel Tiatr converting 
it into non-stop Konkani Shows but also Konkani Tiatr Stage by writing 
highly literate and highly intellectual dramas. Precisely because of this he 
is rightly called “Shakesphere of Konkani Stage”.  He is the only Konkani 
Stage Artiste having doctorate to his credit.  According to the latest 
information I received thru well known Actor/Director Comedian Ben 
Evangelisto, Dr. Rosario Rodrigues was just operated and doctors are trying 
to save his life.  For his operation and other treatment lot of expenses are 
incurred and these expenses may increase gradually. As per the communication 
of Ben Evangelisto there is  need for funds for this treatment. Hence it is 
our sincere plea to all the Konkani, Tiatr and Goa lovers spread all around 
the World to come to the rescue of Dr. Rosario and help him in this hour of 
need financially.  As it is great hearted Tiatrists from Goa by keeping 
aside their differences joined together to organise two musical shows in 
Goa, one at Panjim and the other at Margao.  Kudos to their right decision 
to help their needy colleague.

We at Konkani Heritage Kuwait on receiving this news took a decision to do 
something.  The President of Konkani Heritage Kuwait Mr. Fidelis Fernandes 
(Colva-Goa)  and Vice President Mr. Joseph Desouza (Dharward) promised to 
donate Indian Rupees Ten Thousand on behalf of KHK.

It is my sincere appeal to all the Goans and Konkani lovers spread all 
around the world to come forward and donate something –“ful na tor pakli”- 
towards the expenses of medical treatment of Dr. Rosario.

Those who are willing to donate may kindly remit their contribution to A/C 
No. 14461 of Rosario Lawrence Rodrigues at Margao Branch of Central Bank of 

While concluding, let me be on record that no Goa lover and no Konkani lover 
can forget the contribution of Dr. Rosario Rodrigues toward the development 
of Konkani Stage. Such a tiatrist should not be ignored.
May God help him to recover from this deadly sickness.


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