Kodakaphobia: (Noun) 
Fear of being photographed.

Kodakaphobe: (Noun)
One afflicted by Kodakophobia

This a term 'coined' by me (with a little help from Mr. Vinayak Naik - the
Editor of Goa Today). If anyone knows of any previous reference to this
word, in print, please let me know so that I may give due credit.

Kodakaphobes are of three main catgeories:

1) Those who were abused as children and hence fear being photographed -
and thus maybe exploited.

2) Famous people (eg. Marlon Brando, Diana Spencer) who do not wish to be
photographed by the paperazzi as it is an intrusion on their private lives.

3) Certain tribal people in Africa who feel that the camera, by capturing
their image, is capturing their soul.


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