For the El Shaddai Trust website go to:

Source: Bristol Evening Post  April 18, 2002 
HEADLINE: Their smiles drive me on; Ted reaches target to buy home for
Indian orphans - but will keep fund-raising 



Longwell Green fund-raiser Ted Moreman's dream of creating a new home for
45 penniless Indian orphans should soon be a reality. 

The children in the care of the El Shaddai Trust in Goa are being forced
out of their orphanage by their landlord who wants to reclaim the building.
The 79-year-old was so moved when he heard about their plight that he
decided to step in. 

In 1999 he set about raising thousands of pounds through talks, collections
and selling 1,500 copies of a booklet about his experiences on a sponsored
walk from Bristol to Ilfracombe. 

Ted's total currently stands at 39,000, which has paid for the purchase of
a building named The House of Kathleen in memory of Ted's wife who died in

But he wants to increase the fund to 40,000 to pay for essential repairs to
the building, which will house all 45 children. 

He said: "It needs a new kitchen big enough to feed them all, bunk beds,
showers and some kind of sanitation because at the moment there's
absolutely nothing. 

"I lived for Kathleen for all 53 years of our marriage and when she wasn't
there anymore I couldn't just sit back and do nothing." 

"I had to have a purpose and I feel that this cause was what I was meant to
put my energy into. She is still with me. It's all worth it to see the
children's smiles." 

Ted hopes to reach the 40,000 total by the end of this year. 

If you would like to make a donation, please send a cheque, made out to El
Shaddai TMC, to 5 Sheridan Way, Longwell Green, Bristol BS30 9UE. Ted has
been covering all his fund-raising expenses and all proceeds go to the

El Shaddai Charitable Trust
C Block, 2nd Floor, St. Anthony Apartment, Mapusa Clinic Road, Mapusa, Goa
Phone: 0091-832-253371/264798  FAX : (0832) 253371


Mobile : 
Mathew Kurian - (Managing trustee): 98230 85642
Anita Edgar - (Chairperson ): 9823023244

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