--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], bernadine decosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yeah....we need to compile all these remedies so that
>our future generations can always put them to use -
>these are far less harmful than modern day medicines,
>antibiotics etc.,

Not if you count the careful and caring application of cowdung on the 
freshly cut umbilical cord of an infant. Those who have encountered 
this seemingly harmless act of healing have more often than not found 
out that the curative powers of cowdung, if any, are well masked by 
its smell and its potential to produce tetanus.

It is important not to go overboard with the mythical effectiveness 
and harmlessness of home remedies. Somebody has to compile them 
because of their cultural value - their value as a heartwarming 
component of our rich tradition, and for sheer amusement. But as for 
their usefulness in the treatment of genuine medical conditions, 
their chances of therapeutic success might charitably be slightly 
better than of music curing an AIDS patient. And many of these 
remedies can pose a significant threat to one's life. 

For example, another addition to stomping breech boy and other home 
remedies is a deceptively innocuous and silly little Goan folk 
remedy, whose name I consider to be a triumph of our homegrown Goan 
imagination. This remedy is fittingly called mithacho goo (Hey, this 
did pass Herman's filter!). It's use, as far as I know, is limited to 
little girls with infected newly pierced noses. The whole idea behind 
this remedy is to separate the dirt from common salt, and apply it to 
the purulent bleb on the pierced nose of a hapless child. In every 
instance that I have seen it used, the poor victim ended up with a 
nose twice as infected and horribly swollen, crying to be rescued by 
the dreaded antibiotics.



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