goanet-digest        Wednesday, April 24 2002        Volume 01 : Number 3878

In this issue:

    [Goanet] virus rampant on goatelecom emails...
    [Goanet] Ancestral Home Remedies
    [Goanet] "Wild Goa" natural history field trip to the Cumbarjua mangroves on 

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 05:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Lawrie D'souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] virus rampant on goatelecom emails...

Aware !!!

I have received 16 messages from goatelecom.com
addresses. Some of the addressees known to me and some
not. The subject was found suspect so I deleted all of
Subject read like this ...

A Powful toy

Body read like this..

This is a powful tool
I expect you would like it. 

Please donot open any attachments coming with such

If any PC's already infected then you could go to this
link to remove this virus off your PC.


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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 14:12:58 +0000
From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



In the first semifinal at Sour Ground on Friday 19th of this month at 8.30 
A.M. Jabriya Indian School defeated Indian Central School by 3-0.  From the 
beginning itself Jabriya started playing very aggressively in which their 
forwards especially Kevin on the right flank with bustling moves created lot 
of openings for his colleagues but due to poor marksmanship by the center 
forwards they failed to forge ahead.  However, in the 15th minute of first 
half, receiving a pass from his colleague on the right flank, Kevin dribbled 
past two defenders and nicely fed his colleague Mahmoud Nasir in the box and 
Nasir without wasting a single moment hit a powerful shot into the far left 
corner of the net.  Earlier Munif missed a nice sitter when his right footer 
went over the bar.  In the second half ICS mounted heavy pressure on the 
citadel of Jabriya but with firm custodian under their bar and reliable 
defenders Jabriya thwarted all the clever moves initiated by ICS.  In the 
20th minute of this half Jabriya again mounted pressure on ICS and succeeded 
in increasing the tally to 2-0 thru Munif with a fine goal scored from left 
flank.  The third and final goal was scored five minutes before the final 
whistle by Nasir again. This match was refereed by Eric Almeida who was 
assisted on the lines by Pillay and Alvaro.  Before the start of the match 
the chief co-coordinator of the tournament Mr. Fidelis Fernandes  introduced 
well known Indian philanthropist and great sports lover Mr. Mathews the 
Chairman of the JIS along with Inacio Faleiro ex president of KIFF and Mr. 
Amaldo the president of Curtorcares United to both the teams.

The second match between Indian Community School - Kheitan and Gulf Indian 
School was just a drab affair in which ICS easily won the encounter by 
scoring 4 goals without reply.  With this victory ICS qualified to compete 
for the third place play-off before the final at the same venue.  The 
scorers for this match were Naveen Kumar, Nighaut Kumar, Agai Jacob and 
Amaldo Fernandes.  This match was refereed by Joe and he was assisted on the 
lines by Tony and Viegas.  Before the start of this match again Fidelis 
Fernandes introduced Mr. Cajetan Pereira The President of United Friends 
Circle and Mr. Thomas The Principal of New Indian School to both the 
participating teams.

The final of this match will be played on Friday at 4.00 p.m. between The 
English School Fahaheel and Jabriya Indian School.  Before the final at 3.00 
p.m. Carmel School will play against Indian Community School for the third 

As an added attraction on the same day and at the same venue before the 
beginning of both the matches and also during the intervals some athletics 
items will be conducted namely 100 metres dash, Shot Put and Tug of War 
which is going to be between GOA XI led by Justinho and REST OF INDIA XI led 
by Lawry Pinto.  The prize distribution for the winners and runners-up and 
also for Basket-Ball tournament will be done immediately after the grand 
finale thru  the hands of some of the distinguished guests and dignitaries 
including Mr. Sodhi the Councelor-Indian Embassy and Mr. Adeeb Shuaibher who 
will be attending this sports festival at Sour Ground.  These activities are 
organized to mark the Silver Jubilee of the establishment of United Goans 

A. Veronica Fernandes.

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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 07:34:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sunila
> P.S. Blooming, money minded, capitalist Americans.
> Now if they were smart 
> they would patent terrorism and then sue Bin Ladin
> and Pakistan for using it 
> ! ;- )

That's a good one, Sunila! I remember the Americans
trying to patent neem and basmati rice.


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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 20:35:57 +0530
From: "Aloysius D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Ancestral Home Remedies

Hi Goans Everywhere

Her are a few more ancestral home remedies:

1.  Kokam or Binda  --  a small pharmacoepia  --
        The skin dried and salted  --  (bindi che sola)  --  good
        The fat from the seeds --  bindel  --  very good to soften skin  --
if you could get enough cosmetic manufacturers would             love  to
use it as the base for lipstick
        The pulp of the ripe fruit  --  made into a syrup  --  Amrut
okam  --  good to bring down blood pressure
2.  Pumpkin seeds  (yellow variety) --  dried and pounded with gur and copra
and formed into ladus  --  very good to get rid         of worms of all
types --  Goans who eat pork roast (from Goan pigs) with the centre portion
a lovely pink colour  could         get tape worms, which work themselves
into the brain eventually
3.  Nashni or Ragi  --  specially the dark red variety we get in Goa  --
very rich in iron and easily digested  --  ideal for
        building up strength after an illness  --  with gur as TISAN  --  or
with salt as AIMIL  --  you could add grated  fresh             coconut,
raisins, etc to make it interesting for kids --  sprouted nashni, dried and
powdered, is even more nutritional
4.  Caju feni  --  with hot water, lime and sugar  --  ideal for colds and
5.  Aloe Vera  --  that spiked lily-like plant found in most Goan
ompounds  --  good for blind boils, whitlows and the jelly like
         stuff inside I am told also for spreading over burns
6.  Leaves of the "four o-clock flower " --  good for putting on a blind
boil with castor oil  --  brings the boil to a head
drawing out all the pus
7.  Fibrous, juicy internal stem of the banana plant --  the juice extracted
from this dissolves stones in kidneys, bladder, etc --          should be
tazken for at least fifteen days  -- a small glass each morning
8.  Drumsticks,  leaves and flowers are supposed to be good for a hundred
and one ailments  --  dried drumsticks are very
        good for filtering out toxic contents of water
9.  Hot water with salt and haldi powder  --  even better than only hot salt
water  --  for clearing up blocked nasal passages             and relieving
a sore throat
10. Warm salt water  (water should have been previously boiled and
ooled  -- not raw Bombay municipal water)  --  poured         through one
nostril and allowed toflow out of the other  --  clears out all the
accumulated pollution and also clears nasal             passages blocked
with cold mucus  --  good specifically for people having sinusitis
11.  Dishti che panna (I do not know the English equivalent) but could show
the plant to you if my cousins have not destroyed         it  at our
Nachinola house  --  ground with vinegar and FENI and applied to any
sprained or swollen joint  --  reduces             the  swelling almost
12.    If you are visiting and forgot to carry a toot-brush  --  take a
mango leaf --  pull out the centre stem  --  roll eachhalf and         rub
you teeth with this roll
13.    If you want to sham  --  try putting a raw onion in your arm-pit and
sit in the sun for a while  --  I have not tried this but         at SMHS,
Mount |Abu this was said to be effective  --  you get a high fever
14.  Marlon was lucky  --  he sucked cod liver oil capsules  --  I had to
take cod liver oil straight from the bottle  --  but it did         give me
resistance to colds and coughs at SMHS, Mount Abu  --  now  doctors
prescribe fish oil for reducing
        cholesterol  --  I have a permanently high cholesterol lever
(triglycerides of the level of 700 and above)

If I remember any more I shall add them to this list  --  but all you Goans
everywhere please think and put down your own memories  --  maybe someone
will accumulate all of them --  and we can make a fortune selling these
remedies when the world's scientists reach the acme of the antibiotic and
the germs continue to build resistance to these antibiotics  --  we started
with penicillin, then tetrcyclines, then chloramphenicol, them omnicycline,
now nopflox, each more powerful than the last  --  eventually we have
reached a stage where we are taking a huge mallet to kill an ant and end up
bashing our own toes


Aloysius D'Souza


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 20:51:05 +0530
From: Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] "Wild Goa" natural history field trip to the Cumbarjua mangroves on 

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network

Hi Wild Goans!

Southern Birdwing will conduct another "Wild Goa"
natural history field trip to the Cumbarjua mangroves
by boat on 28 April, Sunday. This is the penultimate trip by boat.

Our recent sojourn to the cumbarjua produced excellent sightings
of Peregrine Falcon, Osprey, Brahminy Kite, Blackheaded Ibis,
Woolynecked Stork, Night heron, Green Heron, Slatybreasted rail,
Whitebellied sea-eagle, Blue-tailed bee-eater,
and varoius species of kingfisher like the storkbilled kingfisher,
blackcapped kingfisher, lesser pied kingfisher
and even the rare collared kingfisher !
A few crocodiles and the common jackal were also spotted .

As part of a serious committment towards nature conservation,
this trip will also include the planting of mangrove saplings
along the banks to conserve the declining mangrove cover.

The trip will commence at 7 30 am from the fuel pump
at the Cortalim ferry point and end at approximately 12 15 noon.
Participants will be charged Rs 125 per person.

Those interested in joining up can contact email us
at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to confirm their participation.

Only those who confirm their participation
by email or phone will be admitted, as there are limited seats.

Neil Alvares & Harvey D'souza
Southern Birdwing

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy


End of goanet-digest V1 #3878

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