>From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Goanet] India being MODIfied!
>Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 06:47:10 -0700 (PDT)
>TGF comment:[ For a country which is known the world
>over for its peaceful people (the Partition exception
>having been noted), this carnage is absolutely
>For years, we have assigned the blame for such
>horrible acts (and rightly so) to the British for
>Jallianwalla Bagh & the Portuguese for the

And rightly so !!! I will focuss on that.

>We however stuck our heads in the sand when the
>Partition carnage took place. We know now that both
>Hindus and Muslim extremists took a very active part
>in the butchering of a million people.

No secret about that !

>With time, the wound appeared to have been healing; it
>never really did heal.

How can it when organised religion and our political system simply 
encourages it ?

>The Rt. Wing Hindus (like their counterparts, the
>Islamic, Jewish and Christian extremists ) have opened
>up the wounds all over again.

Actually include the Rt.Wing Muslims, the Rt.Wing Sikhs, and the Rt.Wing 
Christians in the lot who have opened the wounds all over again. After all 
you cannot forget Kashmir, the North-east, Godhra, etc.

>Somehow, it appears that the more extreme the
>situations, the more the funds that flow in.

Errrr.....excuse me but what funds are you talking about ? The Finance 
Minister has finally admitted that the Gujarat carnage has affected 
investment and the economy adversely

>This thing in Gujarat is an absolute shame. I hope
>some of us are proud of it.

I hope you meant "none of us are proud of it". Well how can one be proud of 
senseless killings in the name of religion and false egos ? Nevertheless I 
am sure we will have those kind in all communities.

>Not Moi!

Wow ! I hope that means you aren't proud of course. ;-)

>and what is Papa Doc Atal B. Nero doing while the
>Rampant Religious Right are MODIfying the social
>fabric of the country?

Whose Papa is Atal ? Not mine ? Is he yours ? I understand he is a bachelor 
and doesn't have any children that he knows of ;-)

>Communalism Combat and SAHMAT felt the need to bring
>the voices of the survivors of the Gujarat Genocide.
>Immediate stoppage of violence, justice and lasting
>peace is the message that they carry. We owe it to
>those who so brutally lost their lives to ensure that
>their voices are heard.

Didn't see your point in pasting the horrible wails and moans of the Muslim 
victims in Gujarat.....if you wanted us to shudder well let me tell you that 
I have been shuddering from the very first day that the burning in Gujarat 
began. One doesn't need to read this stuff to know what hell these poor 
people have been thru.

Maybe the point you were trying to make is that you only know of these 
emotional outpourings. You probably haven't read or heard or thought about 
those of the Sikhs, Kashmiri Hindus, North East Hindus, low caste Hindus, 
Kashmiri Buddists, etc. Or maybe the point you were trying to make is that 
the moans of the victims of Godhra which considering the carnage began with 
this incident are not worth listening to since they were specifically 
absent, considering this was an essay on the Gujarat carnage. Or maybe you 
were trying to show us how people put blinders as and how it suits them i.e. 
when it is not their community or interests affected.

All in all I agree that the Gujarat carnage should be condemned. But I also 
condemn all the other carnages including the ongoing one in Kashmir, the 
North-East, Bihar, UP, etc. Can I hope for the same from you ?


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