goanet-digest         Monday, April 29 2002         Volume 01 : Number 3903

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Rules and Regulations
    Re: [Goanet] Jose being fair
    [Goanet] Report of the GOA CAN Earth Day meeting.

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:23:15 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [none]

The Dar es Salaam Institute


on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 8:00pm


# MBUZI CHOMA (Roast Goat/Mutton) ** FREE AS LNG "MBUZI IK" **

 What else could you ask for??
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If you ARE in Dar es Salaam, this is one pArTy you don't wanna miss!!
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 I know I'll see you all there!! 


 Thank you 


Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:42:30 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Rules and Regulations

Netters - I've been remiss in reminding you all of GoaNet's Rules and
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Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:54:13 +0400
From: "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Jose being fair

Dotor, let me first thank you for your balanced reaction to my last message 
to you. You have proved that we can all have civilized discussions on this 
forum without things deteriorating to blows and I truly appreciate your 

>From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Goanet] Sunila on "fairness in reporting"
>Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:09:19 -0700 (PDT)

>It is impossible for me to support extremists from any
>religion, country, whatever, especially the ones who
>see NO wrong that their OWN do but Holler at the top
>of their voices when a mouse from their political or
>emotional rival/competitor crosses their path.

I agree with you completely

>BTW: those who made noise about the Staines' burning
>need to be commended for their noise.

Sure. But don't forget Godhra again.

>While those who blamed the Church bombings on the
>Sangh Parivar, need to apologize for being distinctly
>prejudicial - automatically thinking that IF any group
>bombs Christian Churches...it MUST be HINDU.
>If they haven't apologized yet.....there is still

Well let us not wait for an apology. After all, the Pope refused to 
apologise for the Inquisition crimes when he last came to India. With the 
Pope being the representative of Christ and all that I would have thought 
the ego factor would have been non-existant in this person at least. But was 
unfortunately proved wrong. Christ to me is the embodiment of love and more 
love and more love. He is completely and truly beautiful. Unfortunately, 
with organised religion most of what is practised today is a travesty of his 
teachings. Otherwise the Pope would have turned the other cheek......and 
succeeded in taking the wind out of the VHP sails.

Talking of apologies, do you think the VHP and Co. will ever apologise for 
the breakdown of the Babri Masjid ? I am certainly not waiting with bated 
breath. After all, this is the group that is trying to group the Hindus into 
following an organised religion which Hinduism fortunately is not.

And while on the apology do you think we will ever get one out of Pakistan 
for killing 60,000 plus people in Kashmir in order to keep their own nation 
together with the promotion of "collective hatred".

And what about all the caste killings. Do you think any apologies will flow 
on those ?

As I said I will not wait for the apology.

>And.....ALL of us need to condemn the ethnic cleansing
>going on in Kashmir...where both Hindus & Muslims are
>losing lives.
>Lives which could have been used productively.
>I hope....one day...this hate will end, and we will
>resume our lives with our resolve to do(legally &
>ethically) the best we can for ourselves and our

It will end Dotor when you and me and all others like you and me stand up 
and voice our concern loud and clear just like what we did with the Gujarat 
riots. Being an optimist, I have hope. After all what is living in this 
world without love and hope ?


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Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 10:55:46 +0530
From: Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Report of the GOA CAN Earth Day meeting.

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
      Report of the GOA CAN Earth Day meeting
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
The need for concerted action by Panchayats and Municipalities
along  with pro-active involvement of citizens to find local solutions
to the problems of Garbage disposal, Water scarcity and
Environmental protection was the resolve at the Earth Day meeting
attended by Civic and Consumer groups from different parts of Goa.

The meeting, which was held at Mapusa on the occasion of Earth Day,
was organised under the aegis of the Goa Civic and Consumer
Action Network (GOA CAN) an initiative of the Goa Desc Resource Centre,
which aims to promote and consolidate
the civic and consumer rights movement in Goa.

The meeting which was attended by Civic and Consumer Forums
from both North and South Goa discussed matters pertaining
to present methods of Garbage disposal, consumer concerns
& alternate ideas concerning the issue, the proposed Garbage Dump
at Saligao-Calangute for villages of North Goa.,
formation of Panchayat level Garbage Management Committees,
current water shortages in Bardez Taluka and the limited supply
by the PWD, the recently passed Goa Ground Water Act,
the increase of water sellers and their implications and
alternate consumer ideas to augment village water resources.

Members of the Saligao Civic and Consumer Cell
voiced their concern about the 4 lakh litres of water being drained
out from eleven wells in the village each day, which has had serious
consequences specifically on people of Donvaddo.
About 25 families have been directly affected while those
from the neighboring areas have witnessed extremely
low levels of water, which has led them to deepen their wells.

Consumer activists from other villages felt that water scarcity
facing urban and semi urban areas of Bardez has resulted
in a thriving business of selling water and much of this lobby
has also got political patronage and with mafia influence
has become a force to reckon with. The Aldona Civic
and Consumer Forum felt that the govt. should put regulations
to ground water extraction and get local people to engage in
rainwater harvesting in an attempt to find a long-term solutions to the 

While activists of the Candolim Residents and Consumer Forum
were deeply concerned with the Govt. solution of drilling tube wells
in an effort to deal with the water shortage in the area when no attempts
were being made to recharge the water table, for desilting
and maintaining traditional water catchments areas and
preventing the contamination of the ground water table.

Divar Lok Vikas Samittee informed that while everybody
is striving hard to maintain their precious ground water,
the wells in Divar have been destroyed by the breached bunds,
which have resulted in salt water entering the wells.
Activists from other Consumer Forums also voiced the need
to maintain and use community water sources like springs
and community wells thereby reducing dependence
on Govt. provided water. They also felt the Govt. should compulsorily
get households and buildings to engage in rain water harvesting
and take action to curb the illegal use of booster pumps on PWD water lines.

The garbage problem facing various villages of Bardez
was also discussed in detail and the major focus
was on the village of Saligao. The Govt. has recently selected
the Saligao-Calangute plateau as the dump site for the whole of North Goa.
Towards this end, 33,500 sq mts of land has been purchased.
The villagers stated that garbage dumping
on the plateau has been going on for the last few years and the villagers
are already experiencing hardships in terms of air pollution,
due to the constant burning of plastics and kitchen waste.
Further, local cattle owners have complained that cattle have died
due to the consumption of plastic. The Saligao Civic and Consumer Cell
is also apprehensive about potential pollution
of their already scarce ground water sources.

Members of the Calangute Residents and Consumer Forum,
who have recently been surveying the beach informed that garbage
was not being adequately dealt with, while certain areas are frequently 
the garbage is dumped in unfrequented areas
and in the bushes on the fringes of the beach.

The open dumping of Industrial waste was yet another problem
discussed and members of the Colvale Jagrut Manch
highlighted this problem and gave a detailed presentation
of their successful action taken against garbage dumping
by Mapusa Municipal Council. Complaints on dumping
of industrial waste have been filed with the Mamlatdar Bardez Taluka,
Mapusa Police, Goa Pollution Control Board and the Colvale Village Panchayat.
It was being noticed that 6 factories from all over Goa,
including the Verna Industrial Estate are dumping waste such as plastics,
fiber glass and other hazardous materials used in their manufacturing 

Members of the Curca Nagrik Vikas Samittee voiced their opinion
that this attitude of 'NOT IN MY BACKYARD' must stop.
Each village and town should come up with a plan to deal
with the garbage being generated in their own area.
More so coastal villages, which are earning revenue from tourism,
must earmark revenue for investing in environmentally friendly
methods of dealing with waste.

Activists present also felt that the problem of waste facing Goa
could be brought under control if the Goa Government steadfastly
implemented the various laws relating to plastic generation and disposal.
As part of the action plan the meeting resolved to hasten the formation
of the Garbage Management Committees, visit affected sites
to mobilize public opinion, undertake planting of saplings
to increase the tree cover, promote household compost pits,
to be vigilant against the dumping of toxic waste & the selling of water
in new areas and to undertake an intensive campaign
for citizen involvement in Beach Management.

The meeting was also attended by consumer activists
from Bastora, Tivim, Merces, Socorro, Moira, Navelim
while solidarity messages were received from forums in
Revora-Nadora , Cuncolim,  Seraulim, Majorda and Benaulim.

Earlier the meeting began with a one minute silence
as an expression of concern to the killings of citizens in Gujarat
in the name of religion and to express solidarity
to the efforts undertaken to promote communal harmony.

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy


End of goanet-digest V1 #3903

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