goanet-digest         Tuesday, April 30 2002         Volume 01 : Number 3906

In this issue:

    [Goanet] A letter sent by a daughter to Ann Landers
    [Goanet] mankurad etc.
    [Goanet] 30 Apr: GOACOM NEWS CLIPPINGS
    [Goanet] AVF's posting on expats...

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:16:58 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] A letter sent by a daughter to Ann Landers

Dear Ann Landers: Please print this letter on Mother's Day. It is to my own
dear mother who will not see it. (She died several months ago of cancer.)
But maybe others who are still lucky enough to have their moms will learn
something from what I have written. 

- ------------

Dear Mom: 

When I was growing up, we had more than our share of battles. I remember
how I thought you were too hard on me, insisting that I keep my room neat
as a pin, hang up my clothes, help with chores around the house and write
thank you notes for gifts right away. You made me do a lot of things I
didn't want to do--said it was good for my character. I thought you were
nuts. But now that I have two little ones of my own, I understand a lot
better and I am grateful to you. 

I don't think I ever told you how much I admired the way you conducted
yourself when Dad lost his business and you went out and got yourself a
job. Never once did you complain or let anyone know how tired you were,
putting in 16-hour days; you even found time to make my prom dress, with a
coat to match. It was the prettiest one at he party. 

When you knew you were dying, you kept everyone's morale up. The doctors
said they never saw anything like it. Your main concern was for us. You
died the -way you lived--head up, gutsy, a model for all of us. 

I knew I would miss you, Mom, but I never knew how much. I find myself
going to the phone to call you. And when I realize you're gone, it seems
unreal. I apologize now for the times I should have said, "You're right. .
. I was wrong"--and didn't. I need to be forgiven for the things I said
when you were trying to help me be a better person, a better wife and a
better mother. You were so wise, and I was too blind and too proud to listen. 

Why is life such a cruel teacher? Why don't we appreciate what we have
until it is taken away from us? I would give anything in the world if I
could relive the last year of your life and let you know what a terrific
lady you were and how lucky I was to be-Your Daughter. 


Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!


Check out the Mothers' Day offer for 12th May

EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop
World famous all over Goa!


Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 10:55:44 +0200 (MEST)
From: William Robert Da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] mankurad etc.

mankurad (mal curada from Portuguese):

It was interesting reading on mangoes, the discussion too was
very lively and kept many busy searching for meanings.

However, I felt, the discussion centred round mankurad and
mal curada, the name of one variety of mango. The mango
itself in Konkani was spared. One could have also discussed,
I suppose, if it is "ambo" or "amo." I remember a lively,
bamon-chad'ddo-gauddo-sudir discussion on whether it was
"ambo" or "amo."

I remember another expression: amborpiko haso or amborpiko
hanso or amorpiko hanso/haso. It is a Konkani smile like a
ripe mango, as ripe and enigmatic as that found on Mona Lisa.

With best wishes,

- -- 
GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.


Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 14:58:16 +0530
From: "Joel D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] 30 Apr: GOACOM NEWS CLIPPINGS

30 APRIL 2002

SANTOBA HOPS ON BJP CHARIOT: Former DySP Santoba Dessai along with 150 MGP 
and Congress supporters joined the BJP at a well attended public meeting at 
Poriem (Sattari)  yesterday. About 1,000-strong gathering cheered as speakers 
including CM Manohar Parikkar urged them to immerse the sitting MLA 
Pratapsing Raoji Rane in favour of Dessai. (GT)

Pratpasingh Rane to active politics and taking over as the chairman of the 
Congress Party's campaign committee, is expected to benefit the party in the 
forthcoming assembly elections, according to political sources. (GT)

Social Action has called for the rejection of candidates, who represent 
communal interests as well as habitual defectors and also to defeat money and 
muscle power and to promote a third candidate, if the choice is between a 
communal and corrupt one. (H)

governance and corruption-free adminsitration to combat violence, the Chief 
Minsiter, Mr Manohar Parrikar, claimed that all violence-hit states should 
take his "18-month governance" as model for peace. (NT)

BRAMHANAND FOR FATORDA? The BJP is likely to finalise the candidature of 
former India (football) captain Bramhanand Shankhwalkar for the Fatorda 
assembly constituency even as there are another four serious aspirants in the 
race. (GT)

NOT YET REVOKED: Goa Heritage Action Group and People's Movement for Civic 
Action allege that the Chief Minsiter's directive to the Economic Development 
Corporation to halt the proposed demolition of the heritge 
structures--Provedoria and Massano de Amorim--lacked conviction and was 
half-hearted, claiming that the official notification has not been revoked. 

MAUVIN'S NAME DROPPED: The South-Goa District Congress Committee has dropped 
the name of former Power Minsiter, Mauvin Godinho, from the list of ticket 
aspirants for Cortalim seat and has instead recommened the names of former 
Revenue Minister Dr Wilfred Mesquita and Martha Saldanha for the coveted 
ticket. (H)

mark the release of his book "Gomantakia Christian Samaj" at the Institute 
Menezes Braganza yesterday, well-known Marathi writer Manohar Hirba Sardessai 
said that relations between the two major communities have endured well due 
to the Christian community's fight to retain their nationality and old 
traditions. (GT)

SHANTARAM, MAUVIN FILE SLP: Congress leaders Shantaram Naik and Mauvin 
Godinho have filed a special leave petition before the Supreme Court praying 
for a stay on holding of elections on 30 May and utilisation of funds in the 
wake of enlarging of the Contingency Fund. (GT)

FOUND HANGING AT MAJORDA SCHOOL: A highly decomposed body of 36-year-old man 
Joao Jose Rodrigues of Dongirim-Majorda was found hanging in a store room cum 
toilet of a school at Majorda yesterday morning. (H)

FISHBOY'S READY-TO-COOK PRODUCTS: Nair Fishboy India (P) Limited, a leading 
exporter of marine products, have now shifted their focus on the domestic 
market by picking up the market trend towards a preference for ready-to-cook 
products, which will now be vailable in select outlets in Goa. (GT)

SOLDIER'S BRAVE MOTHER: Mahesh Binnar, a young soldier from Vasco, was to 
celebrate his 23rd birthday on May 3. However, his life was cut short on 
April 25 in the Akknur Sector in Jammu, when he was hit in the chest by a 
bullet from enemy firing. His mother was calm and did not cry at all. As the 
body was being taken for the final rites, she got up, raised her hands and 
shouted 'Vande Mataram'. (H) 

MOVE TO INCLUDE 3 COMMUNITIES IN ST LIST: Union Ministery of Tribal Affairs 
has considered the proposal for inclusion of Gawda, Velip and Kunbi 
communities in the list of Scheduled Tribes of Goa and circulated it among 
various ministries for their comments. (GT)

IMPORTANCE OF MOTIVATING WORK FORCE: Christopher Fonseca, general secretary 
of the All India Trade Union Congress and secretary of the Communist Party of 
India, while speaking at a three-day programme on "Motivtion in Work" 
organised by the Panjim Municipal Council, emphasised the importance of 
motivating the work force in order to get the best out of it. (H)

GARBAGE DUMPING SITE AT COLVALE: A delegation of residents from Colvale and 
Madel-Tivem, under the banner of 'Colvale Jagrut Manch', called on Chief 
Minister Manohar Parikar and submitted a memorandum, requesting him to look 
into the unauthorised dumping of industrial waste on Colvale Comunidade land 
in the village. (H)

GOAN FOOD FEST FROM MAY 1: A collage of culture, fireworks, food, rock shows, 
fashion, music, beverages and beer will greet visitors at the annual Goa Food 
Festival, which is being held at Caranzalem, from May 1 to May 5. (H)

LAMBERT MASCARENHAS AWARD FOR PRABHU: Paresh Prabhu of "Gomantak" has been 
selected for the prestigious Lambert Mascarenhas Award for the best 
investigative news report for the year 2001. Prabhu's writings on the 2000 
Sanquelim-Bicholim floods, entitled "Valvanticha gal upasla ganvthan 
haravlyache kai?', was adjudged the best report for 2001, by a three-member 
panel of judges. (H)

   28 Apr: Margao: MITZIE BOAVENTURA ALMEIDA, wife of late Ernesto, mother of 
Pansy/Nandial, Audrey/Willie, Derek/Betsy and Melvyn/Merlin.
   29 Apr: Sinsorda-Loutolim: MENINO FERNANDES, husband of Sebastiana, father 
of Anthony, Michael, Antonette/Alvito, Succorina/Luis, Marquine/Rocky, 
Ancy/Santan, Cony.
   29 Apr: Chinchinim: LUIS NB DA CONCEICAO, husband of Maria Isabel, father 
of Victor/Patry, Valente/Ivy, Jose, Maria Olinda/Darryl, Luis/Selma.
   29 Apr: Navelim: VICTOR FELECIO C FERNANDES (Ex-Sesa Goa), husband of 
Piolita, father of Ramsay, roney, Sophia, chistabele, Angelina, Pention.
G O A   W E A T H E R

Min Temp : 29.6 deg C (85.3 deg F) 
Max Temp: 34.3 deg C; Relative Humidity: 70%  (yesterday-Panjim)

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, GT=Gomantak Times
Daily Goacom News Clippings also at: http://www.goacom.com/news


Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 14:23:00 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] AVF's posting on expats...

AVF's post on an 'expat Goans voice' raises some interesting issues,
contains some views one can't agree with, and makes charges which one
would rather not get caught up in.

Some points for brainstorming:

* The view that large sections of the Press in Goa doesn't care much about
Goa is not a myth. But that has more to do with the urge to make quick
profits. If a new newspaper is set up, what guarantee is there that it
won't go down the same road?

* An advert blitz just might not really convince anyone.

* What are the low-cost options to build up a media-diversity in the years
to come? Do none really exist? Does one have to necessarily follow the
route of starting major new newspapers?=20

* The Internet might be an elitist medium at this point of time; but what
is likely to be the situation two years down the line? Already many in Goa
have access this medium? Is there any way of granting more access to the
Internet to more people in the state? Free modems for schools=20
(not a heavy investment)? Encouraging more youngsters to gain from the
Net? Opening up school labs for community use in non-school hours?

* Seeking to build up a newspaper that represents a community or caste
group (this was the case in the past for much of the 20th century; not
sure about the present) would be a disaster. What is needed is media
institutions who would be simply willing to tell the truth, without
censorship. But is that asking for too much?

* Just pouring in money into Goa could well be counter-productive, and
attract the wrong sort of interest. Instead, to make sure money is well
spent, would it be possible to, say, offer scholarships to young students
to study journalism/media studies outside Goa? (There are virtually no
such courses in Goa.)

* What happens when the interest of the expat is seen as running counter
to that of the Goa-based Goan? Is there some way of harmonising these?=20

The need for a free and vibrant press is a must for any society. In the
'sixties, 'seventies and early 'eighties, there was virtually no media
diversity, particularly in the English-language press. The arrival of
Herald (1983) and Gomantak Times (1987) did something to change that
situation. But, papers too mature, and once circulation grows, there's a
tendency to become pro-establishment, leading to the newer papers
suffering from similar ailments as the earlier ones.

As one firmly believes, a society that cannot think for itself, and
generate its own ideas... is as good as an enslaved society. But finding a
solution is a far, far more complex issue that AVF suggests. FN

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, goanet-digest wrote:

> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 06:46:13 +0000
> From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The expatriate Goans and especially Gulf Goans have shown lot of interest=
> the affairs of Goa and its well being.  Regretably our efforts are direct=
> only to help financially Goan affairs without any collateral rights and=


End of goanet-digest V1 #3906

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