I have been asked to publicise the information below.  Please forward this
message to anyone you know who is likely to be affected.
Eddie Fernandes
>From Mr. Z. Malik of the Dr. Ribeiro Goan School Ex-Students. 
P O Box 40713, Nairobi, Kenya.  
Fax 332796
Dear Ex Student 
Re:  Parklands Secondary School Nairobi
(Formerly Dr. Ribeiro Goan School)
I am writing to you in regard to our old school and to the suggestion that
the Parklands School reverts the name bearing Dr. Ribeiro's name.
There is the desire on the part of members of the Board to revert to the
previous name.  This desire corresponds to the aim of giving due credit in
general to the initial owners/sponsors and managers of the school, (i.e.
the Goan Overseas Association); and in particular to the major donor the
late Dr. A.R. Ribeiro.
I would be grateful if you could kindly consult members of your club or
society, members of the Goan Community and especially former students of
the above school.  Please send your proposals for a name to me.
Please note that the final decision regarding the change of name will be
made by the Ministry of Education.  Also, kindly note that there is a
decree prohibiting the use of tribal or community names for educational or
social institutions.  In adition the change of name will not imply any
change in the current ownership, sponsorship nor management of the school.
The best possible suggestion for the name is that the school be named Dr.
Ribeiro Secondary School.
I would like you to circulate this letter to as many of the ex-students
worldwide as you are aware of with a request for all written proposals to
be sent to me by or before 31st May 2002, so that I can place the matter
before the next meeting of the Board of Governors sometimes in the second
half of June.
With best wishes
Yours very sincerely
Zahir Malik (year 1947)
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