goanet-digest          Saturday, May 4 2002          Volume 01 : Number 3930

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Some Mothers' Day Quotes
    [Goanet] The Goan Forum website update
    [Goanet] Gabru's Gift - A Mothers' Day story from Goa
    [Goanet] Nairobi: Dr. Ribeiro Goan School /Parklands School ex-students
    [Goanet] The world according to the USA
    [Goanet] Goa's NRI  Facilitation Centre 

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 18:53:11 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Some Mothers' Day Quotes

"What the child says, he has heard at home."
African Proverb

"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my
mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and
physical education I received from her." 
George Washington (1732-1799)

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." 
Lin Yutang

"A mother who is really a mother is never free."
Honore De Balzac

"Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret
hope outlives them all." 
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

"The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom." 
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)

"By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have
regular time off. They are the great vacationless class."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." 
Jewish proverb

"The hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world."
W. R. 

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will
always find forgiveness."
Honore' de Balzac (1799-1850)

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no
one else can take."
Cardinal Mermillod

"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

"Children and mothers never truly part,
Bound in the beating of each other's heart."
Charlotte Gray

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. 
They have clung to me all my life." 
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

"Nobody knows of the work it makes
To keep the home together.
Nobody knows of the steps it takes,
Nobody knows-but Mother."

"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall
upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who
rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us,
still will she cling to us, and endeavour by her kind precepts and counsels
to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our
Washington Irving (1783-1859)

"No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for
signs of improvement."
Florida Scott-Maxwell

"We only have One Mom, One Mommy, One Mother in this World, One life. Don't
wait for the Tomorrow's to tell Mom, you love her."
Author Unknown

"Mothers' Day is on May 12th this year. EXPRESSIONS accepts orders only
uptil 7th May
for the fantastic Mothers' Day package"
Cecil Pinto (1967 - still alive and kicking)


Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!


EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop
World famous all over Goa!


Date: Sat, 4 May 2002 06:37:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] The Goan Forum website update

Dear all,

The Goan Forum Website at




is being updated and slowly improved (hopefully)

New articles on the website include

1. re: Goa....liberation et al

Responses to Gabriel de Figueiredo

by Lt. Commander(ret) Harbans Singh

by Dr. Nitin Singh [photo not yet uploaded]

by jose colaco

2. The Great Goan Siddi Controversy

3. Santosh Helekar's POST MARRIAGE STORY - being
uploaded at this moment)

your views and criticism welcome

Please send us a jpeg photograph of yourself if poss

BTW: Please remember that you can send a bunch of
flowers to a loved one in Goa....from EXPRESSIONS-GOA

It's mothers' Day next Sunday!! May 12

good wishes to all

jc for TGF

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net

The Goan Forum is at http://www.colaco.net

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness


Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 19:28:51 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Gabru's Gift - A Mothers' Day story from Goa

Excerpt from "Goem Mhojem Bhangar" by Pundalik Asnodkar
Freely adapted from the original Konkani by Cecil Pinto 

- -----
12th May 2002 -  7.45 p.m. - Siolim, Goa.
- -----

Zelia coughed dramatically for effect. It was just a slight cold but Zelia
liked to put on a pretense of being seriously ill whenever anyone phoned or
visited. At the age of seventy two, with five grandchildren, she felt she
had earned the right to put up an appearance of being more sick than she
actually was. Her eldest son Daniel was phoning from Canada. He phoned
every month to find out how things were. 

"Daniel baba, you know what day it is today?" asked Zelia with an affected
hoarseness in her voice.

"Twelfth of May, Mai. Why anything special today?"

"Baba, today is Mother's Day!"

"Oh yes. Happy Mothers' Day Mai. I did'nt know it was such a big thing in
Goa. Here in Canada it is a big event. You did receive the Mothers' Day
card we sent you though?"

"Card? What card?"

"Doris had picked up this beautiful card for you and all of us signed it
and Ryan and Stacy drew cute little cartoons for their Grandma"

"But, Baba I did'nt receive any card from you. Must be stuck in the post
somewhere. Your sister Linda sent one from Australia though. When is she
going to have any children, that sister of yours. Does'nt she want to be a
mother too? She's nearly thirty five. What is she waiting for?"

"Mai, Mai, we've been through this before. Let Linda take her time. It is
her decision to make and we should not push her."

"You modern generation with all your modern ideas. What's the point in
getting married at all. Huh?."


"Baba, talking about marriage, your brother Gabriel is finally seriously
giving marriage a thought. I have spread the word around here. Working in
Kuwait for 8 years now I am sure we will get some good proposals."

"When did Gabru last phone you Mai?"

"Just a few minutes back Daniel Baba. Called to wish me and ask if the
flowers had arrived"

"Flowers? What flowers are you talking about Mai?"

"Oh! You don't know? A Maruti van came today morning and this smart young
man got out and asked me if I was Zelia D'Costa. Then from the van he gave
me a nice tall vase with beautiful fresh flowers, and a beautiful cake from
A Pasteleria, and a gift wrapped box. Said that our Gabru had ordered this
for me from Kuwait via e-mail!"

"What was in the gift wrapped box Mai?"

"There was this lovely fine china plate with it's own wooden stand. On the
plate was printed 'Thank you for being The Best Mother in the World -
Mothers Day, May 12th 2002'. I have put the plate in the showcase, in the
centre, and I can see it right now as I speak to you. Oh! That Gabru! He
always knows how to do things in style. Oh my Gabru. My favourite son"

"Mai! I thought I was your favourite son. And was'nt my family photo that I
sent you from Canada in the centre of the showcase?"

"No longer Daniel Baba. From now on Gabru's Mothers' Day plate will occupy
that place. Theresina Aunty from next door had come and she was green with
envy on seeing the flowers and cake. And when she saw the plate she just
walked out without a word. Ha! What did her son send her from Kenya? A
cheque maybe. No heart they have. Ha! Now see my Gabru...."



Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!


EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop
World famous all over Goa!


Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 18:47:55 GMT
From: Eddie Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Nairobi: Dr. Ribeiro Goan School /Parklands School ex-students

I have been asked to publicise the information below.  Please forward this
message to anyone you know who is likely to be affected.
Eddie Fernandes
>From Mr. Z. Malik of the Dr. Ribeiro Goan School Ex-Students. 
P O Box 40713, Nairobi, Kenya.  
Fax 332796
Dear Ex Student 
Re:  Parklands Secondary School Nairobi
(Formerly Dr. Ribeiro Goan School)
I am writing to you in regard to our old school and to the suggestion that
the Parklands School reverts the name bearing Dr. Ribeiro's name.
There is the desire on the part of members of the Board to revert to the
previous name.  This desire corresponds to the aim of giving due credit in
general to the initial owners/sponsors and managers of the school, (i.e.
the Goan Overseas Association); and in particular to the major donor the
late Dr. A.R. Ribeiro.
I would be grateful if you could kindly consult members of your club or
society, members of the Goan Community and especially former students of
the above school.  Please send your proposals for a name to me.
Please note that the final decision regarding the change of name will be
made by the Ministry of Education.  Also, kindly note that there is a
decree prohibiting the use of tribal or community names for educational or
social institutions.  In adition the change of name will not imply any
change in the current ownership, sponsorship nor management of the school.
The best possible suggestion for the name is that the school be named Dr.
Ribeiro Secondary School.
I would like you to circulate this letter to as many of the ex-students
worldwide as you are aware of with a request for all written proposals to
be sent to me by or before 31st May 2002, so that I can place the matter
before the next meeting of the Board of Governors sometimes in the second
half of June.
With best wishes
Yours very sincerely
Zahir Malik (year 1947)


Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 22:24:56 +0000
From: "Tim de Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] The world according to the USA

Go to:


Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. 


Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 22:31:43 GMT
From: Eddie Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's NRI  Facilitation Centre 

Headline: NRIs expect something real from facilitation centre 
Source Navhind Times Sunday 5 May 2002 at:
By A Staff Reporter 

PANAJI, May 4: Setting-up of a NRI Goa Facilitation Centre by the present
Goa government has met with a mixed response, with Goan NRIs seeking
genuine concrete decisions arising from this cell instead of mere
assurances on paper. 

The NRI Goa Facilitation Centre was established by the present government
on August 15, 2001, with a view to strengthening the cultural roots of
Goans residing or working abroad and mobilising their resources and talents
for the development of the state. 

The NRI Goa cell in its recent meeting on Thursday, May 2, at the EDC
House, Panaji received the following suggestions from the twenty odd NRIs
attending the meet. The compilation of a Directory of NRI Goans residing or
working in the Gulf and Western countries and the vigorous expansion of a
membership drive to include NRI Goans through the help of Goan associations
abroad. The services of talented NRI Goan professionals in the fields of
medicine, engineering, architecture, etc could be utilised for the
development and progress of the state when these professionals decide to
settle down in their homeland. 

Besides, schemes of providing insurance cover, housing plots through the
Housing Corporation to the NRI Goan members and their families are being
deliberated upon, informed the NRI Goa Facilitation Centre chairperson, Mr
Chandrakant Keni. 

The NRI Goa cell has also proposed certain projects it intends to implement
with the aid of the government and various Goan associations abroad, like
the establishment of an Old Aged Hospice, a working women’s hostel and a

While such beneficial schemes and projects are welcomed by the NRI Goans,
they criticise the lack of implementation of these schemes/projects in the
interest of the Goans residing/working abroad and their families. Mr Aires
Rodrigues, a former NRI returned to his roots, said that such schemes or
projects remain merely on paper with lack of implementation by the
government. He strongly denounced all the governments who headed the state,
(including the present) of simply boasting of their achievements but not
initiating any action in the genuine interest of the community. 
I do wonder at the optimism of being able to compile a Directory of
Overseas Goans.  A couple of years ago I was involved in such a project to
produce a Directory of UK Goans.  It was decided to launch the scheme at
the UK Goan Festival, which is attended by about 3,000 Goans.  1,000 forms
were printed asking for brief details of each person and handed by winsome
young lasses to those arriving.   A travel firm offered free two weeks
holiday accommodation in Goa for the winner of the free prize draw.  The MC
at the event continually cajoled those attending to fill in the forms.

At the end of the day, the total number of completed forms handed in was
nil :-(

Eddie Fernandes 


End of goanet-digest V1 #3930

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