DONA PAULA, GOA: Executive Director of the Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) V=
M Prabhudessai was all praise for the organisers of the Optimist National=20
Sailing Championships underway here as he inaugurated the championship=20
today and flagged off the traditional pre-regatta practice race. He said=20
that sailing had a great future in the state which had already produced=20
young sailors who had represented the country internationally.

SAG Treasurer G Bhakta, who was Guest of Honour, said that Goa was now a=20
favoured destination for sports as well, as the junior basketball nationals=
were going on simultaneously, with 800 young basketballers from all over=20
the country.

Goa Yachting Association (GYA) President Cesar Menezes said that this was=20
the second National Championship which Goa was hosting, and which had=20
attracted a record number of entries, showing that it was a growing sport.=
He commended the young sailors for their courage and determination in the=20
face of tricky and tough conditions. Others who were present and spoke were=
GYA Secretary Hakim Sabir, GYA Vice President Umaji Chowgule, Goa Olympic=20
Association chief Anil Madgavkar, GYA Vice President Dr Damodar Bhounsulo=20
and Race Committee head Cyrus Hirjee.

The children, who were listening and applauding, were earlier splashing=20
about in the sea, shouting, playing and having fun, like any others of=20
their age. But once in their sailboats and out at sea, they are suddenly=20
transformed into the saltiest of sailors, battling 18-knot (30 kmph) winds=
and one-metre-high waves to get ahead of each other and to the finish line.=
No quarter is given and none asked for. Until the race is over and they=20
turn back into normal kids, they are complete sportsmen and women.

14-year-old Salil Sabir of Sharada Mandir School, Panaji, Goa, is one of=20
the frontrunners for the title showed it by coming first in today=92s short=
practice race. Salil is a veteran of seven national-level regattas and has=
already represented the country internationally thrice; at Dubai, in Korea=
and at Malta. His best showing abroad has been a third place in one race=20
and a 13th overall position at the EuroMed Championships at Malta in=20
December 2001, in the face of stiff European competition.

Rohith Ashok of Chennai =96 who came second in the practice race -- is=20
another favourite. He is the current under-12 national champ and has also=20
represented India at Malta. Shilpa Oberoi of the Sea Cadet Corps, Mumbai,=20
is favourite among the girls and also a hot contender of the overall title.=
She stood fourth in the practice race. Others in contention are Chaitanya=20
Chowgule of Goa (third), Ritesh Kank and Prasad Shelar of the Sea Cadet=20
Corps, Mumbai, Abhimanyu Nityanand of Chennai, Advait Deodhar, Xerxes=20
Bamboat and Viraf Hirjee, all of Mumbai.

Races start tomorrow at 1.30 pm, with two races continuously. Ten races=20
will be sailed and the overall winner will be the one with the least=20
aggregate penalty points, after allowing for discard of the two worst result=

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