Zo Hat Painnem Dholoita …….Impressive

         The drama season has taken off in style. The discerning viewer has 
a wide choice this season to select his entertainment. The big names, not 
so big names, the small timers and the new comers too are in the fray to 
grab the honours on the konkani stage this season. I began this season view 
Rose Ferns ‘Zo Hat Painnem Dholoita…..’. As usual, the Director has taken 
pains to bring forth an interesting and absorbing story revolving round a 
middle class family.

         Since the show has just gone on stage and has a long stretch 
ahead, I do not wish to give out the entire story line and play spoilsport 
with the viewers. However, the story coming from a reputed Writer, Actor 
and Director of the non-stop segment needs a mention. The Director has 
chosen a very catchy and winning name ‘Zo Hat Painnem Dholoita…..’ for his 
new venture. But one has to really see the show to know exactly whose hand 
it is that actually rocks the cradle.

         The plot woven round a middle class family has Adv. Leandro (Rose 
Ferns), Shaini (Antonette de Calangute) Kishiya (Olga), Mark (Anil 
Pednekar) and Shawn (Ulhas Tari) in the main roles. With Jaju, and Bonny 
Pereira giving a good account of themselves in their respective roles too.

         The Writer has taken pains to bring to light that ‘Love, Trust and 
Understanding’ go a long way in keeping the unity and bondage in a family 
strong and unbreakable. He has shown the highs and lows within a family in 
the absence of their parents and how one can bring the family to a point of 
split if the foundations of trust are shaken.

         Rose Ferns playing the role of a concerned, responsible and loving 
brother to Kishiya and Shaini after the death of their beloved parents not 
only excels in his challenging role but also sets an example in real life 
to learn how a brother should really be. He sacrifices all his wishes and 
dreams only to see that his two sisters do well academically and prosper in 
life. He is willing to sacrifice just about anything and everything for 
their good and future.

         The small family lives united, loving one and other and are one in 
thought and deeds till the time their deep trust with each other is 
replaced by ‘mistrust’ and within no time Love flies out of the window. At 
this point of time understanding takes a back seat, and a happy and united 
family is on a warpath. Leandro, as the brother and head of the family goes 
to great extremes to bring things under control to keep the family united. 
But, mistrust prevails at every step and his efforts all come to nought.

         The story is well balanced with a sufficient dose of comedy headed 
by none other then Comedian Augustine and ably supported by Vitorin, and 
Crizole. Jaju who has in the recent shows adapted to different kind of 
role, plays his part well to give a further boost to the comedy. At no 
point of time does the comedy sequence exceed its limit and merges well 
with the main plot keeping the audience in a hilarious mood.

         Zo Hat Painnem Dholoita….. is a well balanced story were there are 
a couple of family debates which will certainly touch the emotional chord 
in you. The Director has handled the emotional debates well so as to arouse 
the interest of the viewer to know what happens next. One never feels bored 
as the story progresses. Since the onus of standing the emotional battle is 
entirely on Rose Ferns, who is an class actor himself, the actor portrays 
the emotions and expressions well giving a semblance of reality to the 
role. Similarly, Antonette de Calangute is equally realistic and stands 
tall. Tari who has a partly negative role combines well with Antonette. For 
the first time Tari’s  singing abilities are put to a serious test when he 
joins Antonette to render the opening song, and he has done justice to the 
responsibility entrusted to him. Veteran Bonny and talented and forceful 
Anil Pednekar are appealing in their respective roles.

         Apart from a interesting story which obviously draws the audience 
emotionally into it with every actor having equally balanced roles, the 
Director has depicted three beautiful props (scenes) one at the beginning, 
at interval and the last one at the end. All the three scenes are good and 
thought provoking. They not only provide food for the thought but they are 
well executed with a professional touch. It has rather become a trend with 
the non-stop shows to produce such scenes, but the real test lies with 
their smooth execution on stage. Rose Ferns deserves full marks for these 
three smooth depictions.

         Incidentally, the play has a sad ending but gives a loud and 
clear  message that Love, Trust, Faith and understanding are the very 
foundations of any household on which a stable family can grow in strength 
and stand up to any misfortunes. Going by the performance and presentation, 
I have no doubt that this show is gonna rock the non-stop show segment this 

Daniel F. de Souza

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