The exit of Mr Ravi Naik will add credibility to the BJP's clean image
and its drive against corruption. This was stated by the Chief Minister,
Mr Manohar Parrikar at a press conference today.

Brushing aside a question whether the departure would harm the party=92s
prospects in the coming elections, Mr Parrikar said that the party had
known for some time that Mr Naik was not fully with the BJP. He had been
delaying the filing of his nomination from Ponda. The party did not want
to take the first step and had been waiting for Mr Naik=92s response, he
said. Mr Parrikar added that the voters knew very well people like Mr Naik
and that such leaders should not be under the impression that they can
take the voters for granted. Mr Parrikar said the performance of Mr Ravi
Naik could have been much better, considering that he had given the PWD Rs
300 crore for development work.

The Chief Minister said that those people who do not feel comfortable
with the party=92s stand against corruption, for cleanliness and
transparency in public life, are bound to leave. He expressed satisfaction
that the BJP had taken such a clear stand against corruption, and added
that the people fully endorsed this stand.

When asked how he had in the first place accepted such people in the
party, Mr Parrikar said he was not fully comfortable with such people in
the party, but that he had to take a decision in those circumstances
regarding government formation. Mr. Parrikar added that the BJP wished to
demonstrate to the people of Goa what good governance was and therefore
seized the opportunity that existed at that time. Mr. Parrikar said that
despite having no experience in governance the BJP still provided the
State with a better and cleaner government than their predecessors. The
situation was such that the party had to accept people like Mr Ravi Naik,
he said. He disclosed that thrice earlier Mr Naik had approached him to jo
in the BJP but that he had fobbed him off.

The Chief Minister said that the dissatisfaction over the situation (of
having to admit MLAs who were not competent or not fitting the BJP
criterion of cleanliness and transparency) was one reason why he went in
for dissolution. The BJP has returned to the people for a fresh mandate
because of this dissatisfaction, he emphasized.

Commenting on the recent exit of other leaders from the BJP, Mr Parrikar
remarked that ``birds of the same feather flock together.=92=92 He added th=
the Congress was full of corrupt people.

He said the exit of people like Mr Naik and others had brought about a
clear polarization as far as voter choice was concerned. The choice is now
between a clean, non-corrupt government or a government full of corrupt
people, he remarked. Mr Parrikar said that the people had to decide
whether they want a clean government such as the one the BJP had provided
over the last 18 months or a government that existed in 1999 and before.


Govind Parvatkar
General Secretary


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