goanet-digest          Tuesday, May 14 2002          Volume 01 : Number 3964

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Propaganda???
    [Goanet] Suit filed against Sudin Dhavlikar, ex-MLA from Madkai
    [Goanet] Goa's Central Library sans computers -- DigITal Goa's cover story
    Re: [Goanet] Goa's Central Library sans computers -- DigITal Goa's cover story
    [Goanet] 0110 HRS, May 15 and its pouring in Goa

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: 14 May 2002 17:41:44 -0000
From: "Rohit  Shukla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Propaganda???

As the old adage goes: Give the dog a bad name and hang it! Is 
this the GOEBBELS strategy of the saffron brigade?

> > On Fri, 10 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
> > >
> > >The exit of Mr Ravi Naik will add credibility to the BJP's 
> > >image
> > >and its drive against corruption. This was stated by the 
> > >Minister,
> > >Mr Manohar Parrikar at a press conference today.
> > >
> > >Brushing aside a question whether the departure would harm 
> > >party=92s
> > >prospects in the coming elections, Mr Parrikar said that 
> > >party had
> > >known for some time that Mr Naik was not fully with the BJP. 
> > >had been
> > >delaying the filing of his nomination from Ponda. The party 
> > >not want
> > >to take the first step and had been waiting for Mr Naik=92s
> > >response, he
> > >said. Mr Parrikar added that the voters knew very well 
> > >like Mr Naik
> > >and that such leaders should not be under the impression 
> > >they can
> > >take the voters for granted. Mr Parrikar said the performance 

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Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 12:32:11 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Goanet] Suit filed against Sudin Dhavlikar, ex-MLA from Madkai

PENTHOUSE BUILDERS PVT LTD owner of Penthouse Beach Resort has filed a
suit against the EDC for fradulently auctioning its property to Shri R G
Bhakale, nephew of its then Chairman, Shri Ramkrishna alias Sudin
Dhavlikar ex-MLA from Madkai. The company alleges that the auction sale of
the property is a benami transaction for an on behalf of EDC Chairman
Sudin Dhavlikar.

The Company had taken a loan of Rs 61.2 lakhs from the EDC in 1986 and had
repaid with interest a sum of Rs 100 lakhs but was unable to meet the
total repayment schedule. The EDC thereupon announced an auction of the
Company's property having a net worth of over Rs 500 lakhs. The Company
has alleged that no bidders had come forward to bid at the auction as the
advertisement was fradulently designed and was in violation of the norms
for publication of such an auction.

The Company has alleged that the advertisement was faulty in that it was
vague, did not disclose essential facts, left an inadequate period between
the date of advertisement and the date of auction, and did not mention an
upset price. The EDC failed to give notice to the Company of the value
fixed and did not divulge the name of the auction purchaser to the

There was a total lack of transparency on the auction process which was
carried out despite inadequate response or the sole purpose of favouring
the nephew of the Chairman of the EDC to acquire a deliberately
undervalued property at a pittance.

Furthermore, according to the Company, it had deposited an amount of over
Rs 25 lakhs and paid fees of Rs 20,000 as application charges for a
one-time settmenet of the Comapany debt, offered by the EDC by public

According to the Company it had deposited an amount of Rs 105 lakhs in the
High Court of Bombay at Panaji for a one-time settlement. However the
encashment of the amount was delayed by an interloper who stopped its
payment on a fictitious dispute of the amount which was actually due to
one of the Directors of the Company and which had been deposited in
Court. The money is presently in custody of the Comarca Court.

The Company says that the auction was carried out inspite of the deposit
of the above amount in Court and in spite of a suit haveing being filed by
a third party, one Aleta de Souza, wife of one of the Directors of the
Company, as co-owner of the property said to be auctioned by the EDC.

The Company alleges that property worth more than Rs 5 crores has been
illegally sold at a fraction of its true worth and in undue haste and
possession handed over without the entire amount of the bid being
deposited with the EDC. In fact, a fresh credit facility was given to the
nephew of the then Chairman of the EDC in spite of the fact that the
property was encumbered in a third party litigation.

According to the Company, the entire transaction is a colourable exercise
and intended to favour the former Chairman. It is apparent that the
transaction is a benami transaction for the benefit of Ramkrishna alias
Sudin Dhavlikar, who was the actual bidder at the auction.

The Company says that only a thorough investigation into the
auction/tendering process, including the source of funds from where
payment of Rs 54.6 lakhs was made, will clear the mist in which the
trnasction is shrouded.

Joey D'Souza, Director
Penthouse Builders


Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 13:55:34 +0530
From: "Niraj Naik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's Central Library sans computers -- DigITal Goa's cover story

Goa's Central Library sans computers


The Central Library of Goa, one of the most prestigious libraries in India and a 
treasure house of priceless information, is untouched by the Information Technology 

The apex library, which stores valuable data from the past, is still using the 
outdated methods in storing and retrieving the data in the absence of a single 

The proposal for the computerisation of the library is caught in the red-tapism for 
almost a decade now. The successive governments' have shown scant regard towards 
modernising this biggest resource of information in the state. 

The idea of computarising the library was first mooted way back in the early 90's. 
Even the tender documents were prepared, which got rejected every time on the grounds 
of "no funds". 

Interestingly, the 11th Finance Commission has granted Rs. One crore towards the 
modernisation of the library. But the irony is that the library is still waiting for 
the approval from the government to utilize these funds to fulfill its dream of 

In the absence of the computers, Central Library is still carrying out all its 
activities manually. The most useful contribution of computerisation in the Central 
Library would be in maintaining a comprehensive catalogues which can make data 
retrieval easier and faster. Facilities like key word search for the entire resource 
will prove to be a boon to the researchers and readers. 

Computerization of catalogue and indexing system would not only save lot of paper work 
but will also prove convenient to the users.

Digitalisation of old data, especially the 16th and 17th century records which are the 
prized possession of this library, will save it for posterity. 

The microfilming of most of the old Goan collections of the local newspapers and 
journals is already completed and could be converted into CDs for easy accessibility. 

Various committees have also stressed the importance of computerisation in the Central 
Library time and again. The recent committee under the chairmanship of BJP President 
Laximikant Parsekar and Francis Fernandes, Bhushan Bhave, Tomazinho Cardozo and Dilip 
Betkikar as members had also recommended the government to "make available the 
computer facility even at the lowest level i.e. village library and taluka level 
libraries". The committee also recommended the use of computers in cataloguing the 
books and other material. 

However, all this had no impact on our policy makers and the prestigious Central 
Library of Goa is still continuing with the age old manual system much to the chagrin 
of library users especially researchers. 


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Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 19:17:23 +0100
From: "Eddie Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa's Central Library sans computers -- DigITal Goa's cover story

From: "Niraj Naik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Central Library of Goa ... is untouched by the Information Technology
revolution... The successive governments' have shown scant regard towards
modernising this biggest resource of information in the state.

I wonder if the article by Niraj Naik was written before the PTI
announcement - see below:
From: The Hindu 11 May.

Electronic libraries in 10 states.

New Delhi, May 11. (PTI): The Centre will soon set up electronic libraries,
which remain open round-the-clock to help decrease the digital divide, in
remote areas of the 10 states, which have enacted library legislation,
Minister for Culture and Tourism Jagmohan said today.

The pilot project of the Rs 200 crore proposal to establish 18950 Electronic
Doorway Libraries (EDL) all over the country will be started in the "10
states which have a Library Act and will be funded by the Centre," Jagmohan
said at a seminar on 'Electronic Libraries in Rural India' here.

Electronic libraries, currently non-existent in rural region, have documents
in digital, soft copy of electronic form that is video/audio recordings,
multi-media computer files, full text databases etc and is Internet-based.

Jagmohan said the Centre will allocate more funds for the 'li brary
movement' adding that he has asked all the MPs to set aside Rs 15-20 lakhs
from Rs one crore MPLAD scheme for setting up libraries in their respective

Library facilities in the 10 states - Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, West Bengal, Manipur, Kerala, Haryana, Mizoram and Goa - are
inadequate, Developing Library Network (DELNET) Director H K Kaul said.

Each EDL would offer access to local level information in local languages
and Government generated information apart from the general content on
health, education, law, agriculture and small scale industries, he added.

The country has only one library for every 16,000 people when the
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions prescribe
one for every 3,000, Kaul said.


Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 01:34:50 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] 0110 HRS, May 15 and its pouring in Goa

After intense heat, they say, comes the rain. It's around 0110 HRS on May
15, and its has been pouring for nearly the past half hour in our part of
Goa... and possibly other areas too. Some respite, hopefully from the
water shortages too. (But then, the piped water being so unreliable, we
had to face shortages even just after the monsoons last year!) --FN

India-Weather-Heat                      (493 words)

90 die as killer heat stalks India

By Paloma Ganguly, Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, May 14 (IANS) Nearly 90 people have died in a terrible heat wave
sweeping India, but the weatherman is promising some respite - and soon.

Sunstroke has killed at least 37 people while 104 people taken seriously ill
in the eastern state of Orissa in the past fortnight, an official said

In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, officials have put the death toll
at 50 although unofficial sources estimate it could be double that number.

The temperature almost everywhere in north India is about four degrees above
the normal 40 degree Celsius.....


End of goanet-digest V1 #3964

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