
On 13th April, 2002, the Forum for Communal Harmony had organised a Silent 
Protest March and Public Rally in Panjim to protest the communal violence 
in Gujarat and ask for stern action against the Gujarat Government, which 
had not only failed to take action to stop the violence, but had actively 
aided and abetted the rioters and looters. Similar protests have taken 
place all over the country. The situation has not improved to date, and the 
Central Government has not acted to bring the situation under control. 
Worse, the Prime Minister and other senior members of the Government have 
actually defended the acts of the Chief Minister of Gujarat, and tried to 
justify the violence.

In these times, it is necessary for all citizens of this country to reflect 
upon the growing communalisation of our society at the behest of the Sangh 
Parivar, and where this trend is leading us. It is essential that ordinary 
citizens come together to raise their voice against communalisation of 
public life, and drive home to those in power that they will not stand 
silently by, while the secular fabric of our nation is torn apart.
The media has done a good job of exposing the real truth behind what is 
going on in Gujarata state which the Sangh Parivar has itself described as 
being the 'laboratory' of its brand of politics. Despite the efforts of the 
media, many citizens remain ignorant of the true situation. Keeping this in 
mind, the Forum for Communal Harmony is organising an exhibition of 
photographs on Gujarat, along with the screening of some films, in Panjim 
and other parts of Goa.

A photo exhibition will be held at T.B. Cunha Hall in Panjim  on 16th-17th 
April. The programme for the exhibition, which has been prepared by a 
15-year old boy (see attached note) is given below. The Forum is open to 
suggestions from citizens to hold exhibitions and screenings on this theme 
in other parts of Goa.
16th May 2002

4.30 p.m. Inauguration of the exhibition at a public function to be 
addressed by Adv. Amrut Kansar, Sahir Raza and others.
5.30 - 7.30 p.m. Exhibition and screening of film: "Hey Ram" by Gopal Menon
17th May 2002
9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Exhibition


(Ramesh Gaus)

"...And they killed him again''

Boy captures agony on camera
Trapped in the camera of a 15-year-old school boy, each imprint has a tale 
to tell  of gore, agony, plunder and medieval barbarism. Clicked by Sahir 
Raza, who visited the riot-ravaged areas of Ahmedabad, Gomtipur and 
Mahendrapur in Gujarat last week, each of his 76 pictures bear testimony to 
the uncontrolled violence that swept through the state.
"If you see my pictures, they look like leaves plucked out of our history 
book detailing a foreign invasion on the Indian soil in the medieval ages. 
But, the sad part is both the invader and the invaded, the killer and the 
killed, the plunderer and the plundered belong to this soil. They are all 
my countrymen,'' Sahir told UNI after the inauguration of his three-day 
photo exhibition in New Delhi recently.
Aptly named "...And they killed him again'' with a picture of the Father of 
the Nation turning his back to his countrymen, the exhibition displayed 
charred ruins of houses and religious places, selective demolition of shops 
and business centres, petrified victims with a stony silence and speaking 
eyes, an empty grave waiting to be filled up - all shot in the areas hit by 
over-a month-long communal carnage in Ahmedabad, Gomtipur and Mahendrapur.

The photo exhibition will be open to the public at T.B. Cunha Hall, Panjim, 
on 17th May 2002.

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