goanet-digest          Friday, May 17 2002          Volume 01 : Number 3976

In this issue:

    Re: [Goanet] Shabana Azmi targeted
    Re: [Goanet] Shabana Azmi targeted
    [Goanet] Attention Netters - bad addresses
    [Goanet] Re:  Kashmir killings
    [Goanet] Response to Santosh -- Christian apologetics book recommendation
    [Goanet] Armando Menezes Birth Centenary Celebration, May 11, 2002
    [Goanet] What's new about rape? (Column)

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 13:19:08 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Shabana Azmi targeted

On Fri, 17 May 2002, George Pinto wrote:

> I am passing this on from Prof. Hari Sharma (retired, Canada) without comment.  


You didn't find that piece hilarious? This was so funny, for its errors
and conclusions, that I didn't know if the people who wrote it were being
comical or serious.

- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 11:38:22 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Shabana Azmi targeted

It's obvious Prof. Hari Sharma is not an American.  Here in the US both Shabana and 
her detractors
have every right to say what they please, be it about Communism, India, Hinduism, 
Christianity, etc.
Our First Amendment applies to visitors as well as citizens.  Please let's not fall 
into the Liberal
trap of labeling as "hate speech" anything we don't agree with.  Let Shabana and her 
detractors air
their opinions and let the listeners decide for themselves.


George Pinto wrote:

> I am passing this on from Prof. Hari Sharma (retired, Canada) without comment.  
> **********************
> Dear friends:
> Can we allow this to happen?  Please read through the following. It came to my 
>screen yesterday.
> It is absolutely essential that this kind of activity must be stopped - by whatever 
> possible.
> Can the people in New York city, all the secular democratic forces, all the taxi 
>drivers some of
> us have been working with, and all our academic/intellectual contacts, can we all 
>please make sure
> that several hundred people show up on site, to counter the poison these fascists 
>intend to spew
> out there.
> Are there laws in the US which prohibit dissemination of hate? In Canada, there are. 
>Could some
> people please look into it. Talk to lawyers. Drag these fascists in court.
> Please, please do something. While Gujarat is still suffering, there are trying to 
>divert our
> attentions, our energies, from the crimes that were and are being committed there.
> Hari Sharma
> President, INSAF
> (International South Asia forum)
> ********************
> 41-67 Judge Street (#5P)Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373(718) 478-5735


Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 11:40:55 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Attention Netters - bad addresses

Netters - I've removed some addresses because GoaNet mails are not being
delivered and are bouncing back to me:

The following three addresses are not recognized by the servers:

The following two addresses have full mailboxes:

>>>> Viviana


Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 15:23:33 -0400
From: Sidney Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re:  Kashmir killings

Hi Santosh,
I agree fully with you that religion can never be about logic.
Religion is  oft said to be all about faith and hence the belief in
divine and sometimes(mostly ??) illogical acts..
Read an interesting article in the Time magazine a while ago that tried
to explain the same ..The article  seemed to think the human brain was
'wired' to believe in God(or a supreme being). Which would mean it would
be useless to argue logically about the religion.. 
We are after all 'hard-wired' to believe :)
Just my 2 cents :)

> Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 13:55:57 -0000
> From: "santoshhelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] re: Kashmir killings
> - --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >That is why many thinking people and
> >scientists become religious after carefully weighing
> >the logic and evidence.
> >
> I would love to know what logic and evidence leads one to believe
> that there is heaven and hell, that there is one God if you are a
> Christian, many deities if you are a Hindu, and no God if you are a
> Buddhist or an atheist. How do you decide in the face of conflicting
> evidence? Which religion holds the best evidence? would really love
> to examine the evidence if there is some book that describes it.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

- --
  Sidney Fernandes        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Database Administrator
  University of South Florida
  Health Sciences Center Information Systems
  Phone (813) 974-7927   FAX (813) 974-5198
  "I keep six honest serving men
   (They taught me all I know);
   Their names are What and Why and When and How
     and Where and Who."
        ----Rudyard Kipling


Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 16:28:55 -0400
Subject: [Goanet] Response to Santosh -- Christian apologetics book recommendation

In response to Santosh's enquiry about a book that deals with apologetics, may I
recommend Josh McDowell's "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" or "New Evidence
That Demands a Verdict"





Date: Sat May 18 02:00:54 2002
From: Sharmila Rebeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Armando Menezes Birth Centenary Celebration, May 11, 2002

Release of the book 'The Cradle of My Dreams -- Selected Writings of Armando

Professor Armando Menezes, born in San Mathias, Divar Island on May 11,
1902, was a teacher of English for close to 50 years of his life, having
taught at St. Xavier's and Elphinstone Colleges, Bombay; Karnataka College,
Dharwar; M.N. College, Visnagar (Gujarat) and Rajaram College, Kolhapur. He
was also Principal of the last 3 mentioned colleges and continued as
Professor of English (Emeritus) at the Karnatak University until 1978. He
died in Bombay in 1983.

Professor Menezes wrote a fair amount of poetry, some of which he published
in five slim volumes. His prose appeared in a number of journals, magazines
and newspapers in Bombay and Goa. He was an ardent nationalist in
pre-independent India and pre-liberated Goa. Many of his poems, articles and
speeches are products of his longing for freedom and his love of the land.

On the occasion of the birth centenary of Professor Armando Menezes,  a book
entitled 'The Cradle of My Dreams -- Selected Writings of Armando Menezes'
was released in a private function held on May 11, 2002 at the Mandovi
Hotel, Panjim.  

The function was attended by members of Armando Menezes' family and friends,
former students and colleagues, educationists and prominent Konkani writers.
Four eminent Goan writers paid rich tribute to the contributions of Armando
Menezes as a teacher, writer and man, as well as his efforts towards
preservation of Konkani as the language of Goa. The speakers were Manohar
Rai Sardessai; Prof. K.J.Mahale; Mr. Uday Bhembre; and Dr.Maria Aurora

Although Professor Menezes covered a wide and varied canvas in his writings,
the selection of poems and prose pieces in the book has a strong flavour of
Goa, the cradle of his dreams. It also covers his lifelong dedication to
education, his ardent nationalism, his love for the romantic lyricism of the
classical age and his unceasing quest for God. 

The book is being offered as an introduction to the works of Armando Menezes
and a small contribution to the body of Indian poetry in English and
Indo-Anglian literature in general. The book will be available in major
bookstores in the major cities of India and Goa i. For more information,


Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 14:28:20 -0600 (MDT)
From: Margaret Mascarenhas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] What's new about rape? (Column)

Margaret Mascarenhas
What's new about rape?

I know I was hard on the PMC with regard to the idea to convert the Panjim
Municipal Garden into an amusement park. I was caught up in my horror of
losing one of my favorite reading spots, and what I omitted mentioning is
that the PMC has done a fantastic job of maintaining the city gardens; they
are beautiful, which is why they should remain as they are. 

I also want to congratulate the PMC for their progressive and pro-active
concept in waste management, announced at a seminar on May Day, namely, the
idea for the disposal of wet garbage at source using vermiculture and
recycling methods to create compost fertile enough to grow vegetation.
Bravo!  Now, if we can only get the next State government to stop mucking
around ad nauseum with the roads, build some new sewage plants, and deal
with the electricity problems, good governance would really be in place.

On the BJP website, they run public opinion polls: how many people think the
roads are better since Mr Parrikar came into power -- things like that.
These polls always show an overwhelming majority in favour of the actions of
the care-taking government. I'd like to run my own opinion poll (applicable
to ANY Goa Government over the past ten years). Your answers should be Yes,
No or Bite Me. Here are my questions:

1.  Can you recall the last time your voltage was actually at 220 for any
length of time?

2.  Do you think poor people can afford generators, inverters, and a
multitude of stabilizers and spike busters?

3.  Do you think many parts of Goa smell like Dharavi?

4. Do you feel like gagging during low tide?

5.  Do have nightmares about your drinking water supply getting mixed up
with sewage?

6.  Do you think that if a Minister's child got busted for criminal
behavior, he/she would be treated on the same level as your own child?

7. Have you seen the bathrooms at the GMC?

8. Do you think your tax money is being utilized in the public interest?

9. (Here's one from Rajan Narayan) Have you ever seen a road prettier than a

10. Do you feel hopeless and/or cynical every time you vote in an assembly

11. Do you think the crash and burn of high-budget tourism in Goa has
anything to do with the government's (any government's) lack of vision?

12. Would you rather have General Jacob running the show?

In an article posted during Governor Jacob's President's Rule on
Rediffusion.com, Kanchan Gupta, a political analyst based at the B J P
headquarters in Delhi and editor of the party's official organ, BJP Today,
wrote the following in reference to my open letter to Prime Minister
Vajpayee where I said that Goans were sick to death of politicians of every
hue :

"I wish I had the time to meet Ms Mascarenhas because I wanted to tell her
that she was speaking for the entire country (minus Lutyen's Delhi) and not
just Goa." 

General J F R Jacob (of Bangladesh fame), if he were to allow it, would be
carried through the streets of Goa in a procession and kissed till his face
had blisters. All that he has done during these months of President's rule
is to get things going. Suddenly the people find the bureaucracy working
without being bribed. Various departments have become active. The police is
no longer accountable to politicians and their crooked friends. I wonder how
many hundreds of gallons of uraak (the horribly potent first distillate of
feni) have been drunk by the 'common people' of Goa this past two months in
General Jacob's honour and to celebrate the demise, albeit temporary, of
made-in-India democracy.

When I visited the BJP-Goa website, I clicked in for my personal letter from
the Chief Minister in response to my query on how the BJP obtained the
private email addresses of citizens. I have yet to receive a response;
instead, I have been bombarded by countless spam campaign mailers, including
one which contained an excerpt from Wendell Rodricks' Goa Today column,
eulogizing Manohar Parrikar and the BJP, and accusing the voting public of
political amnesia. 

Please. I consider Wendell a dear friend, but I would strenuously question
his view that the BJP agenda is the right one for Goa. And, speaking of
amnesia, I can only wonder whether Wendell has blanked out the Indian
Constitution, on the issue of Gujarat, on the PM's refusal to investigate
Modi and his now infamous inflammatory remarks concerning minorities, and
above all, on the lunatic comment of George Fernandes in Parliament
recently. "What's new about rape?" he said, in reference to the plight of
civilian Muslim women, who have not only been raped, but had their pregnant
wombs cut out from their bodies.  

And I would venture to suggest that any party that fails to put a stop to
such barbaric and horrific activity falsely carried out in the name of
Hinduism is not one most people would like to see in power here in Goa.

I attended a public meeting for concerned citizens on Gujarat while in
Mumbai last week. Among those who addressed the audience were heads of NGOs,
many of whom had spent time (and continue to spend time) in the relief camps
in Gujarat. 

Their stories were horrific and heart-breaking, and yet they are having
trouble generating enough relief support. I was not the only one who came
away numbed and appalled at the level of brutality that has raged in Gujarat
for over two months and at the level of apathy that civil society has had
for these civilian minority victims.

Think of Gujarat as the big picture. The BJP in Goa would like to downplay
the issue of Gujarat. Don't let them.


End of goanet-digest V1 #3976

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