goanet-digest          Sunday, May 19 2002          Volume 01 : Number 3987

In this issue:

    [Goanet] JOBS: More Indian nurses arrive in Britain
    [Goanet] JOBS: US offers tremendous scope for Indian nurses -- recruiter
    [Goanet] Home Minister-Gujarat Rehabilitation
    [Goanet] NEWS: India mulls options ...
    Re: [Goanet] Pre world cup report

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Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 20:28:20 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] JOBS: More Indian nurses arrive in Britain

More Indian nurses arrive in Britain

by Sanjay Suri, Indo-Asian News Service

London, May 16 (IANS) The number of Indian nurses arriving to work in
Britain has shot up 30 times over the past four years, a new report says.

The report by the Nursing and Midwifery Council shows that no more than 30
nurses from India arrived to work in Britain in 1998-99. By 2001-02 that
number rose to 994. The pace of migration this year is rising more rapidly.

The number of applicants from India is far larger. Many more from this pool
of applicants could be recruited now as shortages rise.

Britain is short of at least 25,000 nurses, according to estimates by the
National Health Service. But that number could rise because many American
hospitals have begun to recruit nurses from Britain.

The demand for nurses has shot up in the U.S. because the country is facing
shortages. Nurses get paid a good deal more in the U.S. than they do in

As shortages increase, the number of nurses coming into Britain will rise,
the council says. Indian hospitals, already short of nursing staff, could
face severe depletion of nursing staff.

"Record numbers of people are applying to join the register from overseas,
and record numbers are being accepted," the council says.

The largest number of applicants came from the Philippines. From 52 nurses
in 1998-99, the number rose to 7,235 in 2001-2002.

In all, 2,114 nurses came to Britain from South Africa and 1,342 from
Australia in 2001-2002. More nurses are coming to Britain from all over the
world. A total of 473 came from Zimbabwe, 443 from New Zealand and 432 from

Only three nurses came from Pakistan in 1998-99. That number rose to 207 in

In the year ending March 2002, 41,656 nurses and midwives from overseas
(non-European Union) countries applied for registration; 43 percent more
than in the previous year, the report says.

More than 23,000 of these had to undertake a period of supervised practice,
while only about 480 were rejected outright.

The Philippines and India were the source countries for more than half the

The rise in overseas applications looks set to continue, since the figures
also reveal that during 2001-02, the registrations department of the council
dealt with around 100,000 applications for information packs and overseas
application forms.

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 19:11:56 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] JOBS: US offers tremendous scope for Indian nurses -- recruiter

U.S. offers tremendous scope for Indian nurses: recruiter

By Sanu George, Indo-Asian News Service

Thiruvananthapuram, May 18 (IANS) U.S. hospitals require some 650,000
qualified nurses and the southern Indian state of Kerala can play a major
role in bridging this gap, an NRI businessman has said.

"I have a contract with 20 leading hospitals in the U.S. who need 2,000
qualified nurses and I have come here to recruit them," Sam Kuzhikala said.

Salaries for nurses in the U.S. range from $50,000 to $60,000 a year, he

Nurses from Kerala have already made a name for themselves in hospitals in
the Middle East, where an estimated 100,000 are employed. A majority of
hospitals in India also employ Keralite nurses, though no reliable
statistics are available.

The only stumbling block for Keralite nurses aspiring to work in the U.S. is
that they have to first clear the Cgfns examination. Cgfns is the acronym
for Commission Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools, which is part of the
licensing requirements to work as a registered nurse in the U.S.

In India, the Cgfns test is currently conducted only in Bangalore.

"As of today, there is only one professional centre in Kerala which prepares
candidates for this course. Apart from this, aspirants also have to clear
examinations in written and spoken English.

"One way out would be for the government to include the syllabus for these
tests in the curriculum of nursing colleges in Kerala," said Kuzhikala.

The Kerala government has said it is making efforts to open a Cgfns
examination centre in the state.

Said M.M. Hassan, minister for non-resident Keralites: "We have made
contacts with the people concerned in Delhi and are hopeful that this would
come through. If that happens, then nurses from Kerala could see their job
prospects increase hugely."

Kuzhikala also cautioned Keralite nurses who intend to go to the U.S.
against being duped by unscrupulous agents and said the state government
could play a role in this regard.

A career in nursing is much sought after in Kerala with some 800 seats
available annually in medical colleges and another 2,500 seats in private
nursing schools in the state.

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 13:45:08 +0530
From: "faleiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Home Minister-Gujarat Rehabilitation

C-701, Swaran Jayanti Sadan,
Bishamber Das Marg,
New Delhi-110001
May 18, 2002

Dear Home Minister,

It is reported that some of the relief camps in Gujarat are about to be closed.  A 
letter written by Shri Bharat Bharot, a Minister in the State Government has been made 
public. In fact some camps were closed following an order of the Collector of Dahod to 
the Mamlatdars of Dahod, Jhalod and Limkheda.  We demand that no relief camp should be 
closed until appropriate infrastructure is provided for rehabilitation of the inmates. 
 The victims are asked to return to their homes which were destroyed by the mobs and 
do not exist any more.  Furthermore, they are attacked by the neighbours and there are 
pamphlets in wide circulation exhorting Hindus not to employ Muslims and to boycott 
muslim shops and businesses.  In such circumstances where will they return to?  There 
is indeed, a devious plan of the State administration to shift these victims as far 
away from Ahmedabad as possible and out of the public eye.

We urge Government to spell out clearly the amount of compensation packages to the 
victims, the criteria for eligibility and the timeframe for paying the compensation.  
There are a number of cases where victims have been given cheques worth Rs.200 and 
Rs.300 where their entire house has been destroyed.  A person cannot even open a bank 
account with such amounts and they are not sufficient to buy even a door much less any 
sort of house.

We demand that the rule that calls for a death certificate or a corpse in order for 
the next of kin to qualify for compensation should be waived.  This rule was waived 
for the victims of the earthquake.  In the present case many bodies have been burnt or 
buried in mass graves making retrieval impossible.

We urge you to direct the State Government of Gujarat to take immediate action as per 
the above suggestions so that the confidence of the people is restored and a measure 
of normalcy returns to that beleaguered State.

We and most members of Parliament would like to contribute to this relief effort with 
funds available to us under Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme 
(MPLADS).  Government may permit us to do so.  The situation in Gujarat is indeed a 
national calamity.

Yours sincerely,
Sd/- Eduardo Faleiro
Sd/- Prof. Ram  Gopal Yadav
Sd/- Prof. Ram Deo Bhandary 
Sd/- Justice Ranganath Misra
Sd/- Mirza Abdul Rashid
Sd/- Smt. Sarla Maheshwari
Sd/- Dr. Arun Kumar Sarma
Sd/- Shri Kuldip Nayyar
Sd/- B.S. Ramoowalia 
For any correspondence or clarification in the matter please contact Shri Eduardo 
Faleiro, M.P. at C-701, Swarna Jayanti Sadan, Dr. Bishamber Das Marg, New Delhi-110001 
or on phone No. 3319395 or 9810028850, Fax No. 3752140, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 00:23:37 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: India mulls options ...

India mulls options as terrorists strike again in Kashmir

By Ajit Sahi, Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, May 19 (IANS) India Sunday brought its paramilitary forces and
the Coast Guard under the direct command of the defence services in what is
seen as a slow but calibrated step to strengthen its defences as heavy
firing continued on its border with Pakistan.

Even as yet another brazen terrorist strike was reported on an Indian army
camp in Jammu and Kashmir that killed three soldiers and a paramilitary
trooper, military officials said Indian and Pakistani troops continued to
exchange fire across the border for the fourth straight day.

After a late evening meeting that Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had
with his top cabinet ministers, defence chiefs and senior security
officials, External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh announced that orders
placing the paramilitary forces under the command of the army and the Coast
Guard under the command of the navy would be issued Monday.

No other decision was announced after the meeting of the cabinet committee
on security (CCS) even as reporters kept peppering Singh with questions on
the possibility of war breaking out on the subcontinent.

"You have to read what you have to read. I do what I have to do," Singh said
in response to a direct question whether signs of a war could be read in the
CCS decision.

Besides Singh, Home Minister L.K. Advani, Defence Minister George Fernandes,
Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha and New Delhi's interlocutor on Kashmir K.C.
Pant attended the meeting at Vajpayee's official residence.

Army chief General Sunderrajan Padmanabhan, navy chief Admiral Madhvendra
Singh and air force vice chief S.G. Inamdar also attended the meeting.

Earlier Sunday, Vajpayee met opposition leader Sonia Gandhi to mull New
Delhi's response to the heightened terrorist violence in Kashmir, even as
the machinegun and mortar crossfire continued along the border.

More than half a dozen civilians were injured in the Pakistani firing, said
an Indian army officer who claimed that a dozen Pakistan army bunkers had
been destroyed.

In a daring strike 3 a.m. Sunday, terrorists attacked an Indian army camp at
Chasana, 150 km north of Jammu, killing three soldiers and one paramilitary
trooper and injuring about a dozen.

The killings came five days after terrorists massacred 32 people including
seven bus passengers and wives and children of soldiers near Jammu.

Mounting anger in India has led many to speculate that India is
contemplating a military strike against Pakistan, which it blames for a
dragging insurgency in Kashmir.

Following the May 14 Jammu attack, New Delhi expelled Pakistan High
Commissioner Ashraf Jehangir Qazi to protest Islamabad's continued support
to Kashmiri separatists. Qazi has described his expulsion as "unfortunate".

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 20:43:07 +0100
From: "Paulo Colaco Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Pre world cup report

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 6:57 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Pre world cup report
> Viva Germany, 2002 World Cup Champions!!
> :-)
> Marlon

Marlon: You are still in 1998 !!! (Or is this a 1998 post from you ? :-))
We are  in 2002 now mate. Wake up !

The final of the 2002 World Cup will be between France and Portugal !

Don't forget:  You heard it here first !!!!



End of goanet-digest V1 #3987

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