Dear Santosh,

You wrote of religious belief:

"something to cling to in spite 
of contrary evidence"

If I understand correctly, you have now clarified that
this was not a description of some particular
believers (in which case I had no objection), but your
blanket generalization about ALL religious belief. 

As far as my own religious belief goes, I suggest that
you first present some contrary evidence, then decide
whether I cling or not. I will repeat: I have never
knowingly clung to any belief refuted by evidence, nor
do I plan to start now. I permit myself only that
religious belief which does NOT require me to cling to
anything refuted by evidence.

Therefore your blanket statement quoted above is
false. I hope you can see why it appears to me no more
than prejudiced stereotyping: of all religious belief
and all religious believers without
exception(including myself).


Joel Almeida

PS It may be fun to "commit nuisance" in people's
drinking water, by deriding their beliefs, whether
intentionally or unintentionally (perhaps even more
fun when you permit yourself misrepresentation of
their beliefs such as the one above). If you have
found a better way, let's hear it: give us better
water to drink. I am far more interested in hearing
what you propose than in hearing what you oppose. If
you prefer to refute, rather than conjecture (which
many of the best scientists do), I urge you to do it
competently: use evidence, not careless generalizations.

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