In a message dated 05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Subj:     Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!
 Date:  05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunila Muzawar)
 For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very tempting 
 ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would 
 focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health, 
 sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with 
 organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit.
 >From: ash k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!
 >Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 02:15:11 -0700 (PDT)
 >To all Goans: "Vote for BJP and give up your
 > >>

Dear Netters:

Please excuse the presentation of the entire above post and my following 

Date:   05/20/2002

In a message dated 05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very 
 ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would 
 focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health, 
 sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with 
 organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit. >>

In response to the above, I humbly submit: What doth it profit a (wo)man if 
(s)he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his/her soul?

There is no point in trying to twist Ash's poignant prophesy for any 
generalizations. Religion (from 'religare') is designed to "bind us back from 
jungle rule. IMHO, without religion, Goans would fit the computer prompt of 
Goons :( 

I would like to initiate a survey of all Goanetters on the following question:

Are you "for" or "against" religion?

Let us plan to close this survey at midnight, Friday, May 31, 2002.

Hopefully some computer wizard will volunteer to tabulate and provide the 
results :-)

Viva Goa, Viva Goacom!

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA >>

I don't know about you, but I received three copies of this May 20 posting 
between 4:43:08 and 4:43:25 AM EST, probably intended as votes:

Date:   05/20/2002 4:43:08 AM EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunila Muzawar)

>Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 00:50:22 EDT

>In response to the above, I humbly submit: What doth it profit a (wo)man if
>(s)he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his/her soul?
>There is no point in trying to twist Ash's poignant prophesy for any
>generalizations. Religion (from 'religare') is designed to "bind us back 
>jungle rule. IMHO, without religion, Goans would fit the computer prompt of
>Goons :(

Speak for yourself if you like. To generalise with all Goans is to insult 
their sensibilities terribly. Additionally, please note that the North West 
of Pakistan actually follows organised religion to the T and are famous for 
jungle rule or tribal law. Incidentally it is believed that "the evil one" - 
Osama is currently in hiding there. And the current barbarism we see 
emanating out of Pakistan is also a product of organised religion.

And Buddha actually went to the jungles to meditate and get enlightened. If 
all were like Buddha then violence would not have any place in the jungles are not that bad after all. :-)

And don't forget that it is in the name of organised religion that the the 
Church murdered millions and rendered thousands homeless in their quest to 
convert Goans to Christianity.

And it is the efforts of the VHP to actually make Hinduism into an organised 
religion which is resulting in the current Hindu militancy and violence.

And how can I forget to mention the current ogre of Islamic terrorism...I 
won't bother with details.

Incidentally if you think religion made anyone civilized there is enough 
proof to link it with the worst barbarism in the world. It is education, 
culture, human values, and society which makes one civilised. Simply going 
to a church or temple and following priests blindly (even though they may be 
paedophiles or drug addicts) does not make one civilized or get one out of 
the "jungle" mentality.

In fact, it is the other way round. If you actually look at the custodians 
of organised religion you will find a whole horde of perverts ranging from 
paedophiles and child/female abusers to drug addicts to violence 
recommenders to revenge fanatics to racists to basic cheats and liars and 
egoistic chauvinists. And most people actually follow them blindly in the 
name of Jesus, Allah, Ram and whoever. I tell you people have forgotten 
Jesus, Allah and Ram. Instead, Satan and the devil reigns supreme with 
current religious bodies with the horns showing prominently.

>I would like to initiate a survey of all Goanetters on the following 
>Are you "for" or "against" religion?

And what's that going to achieve other than prove that religion is popular 
or not among the goanetters ? That does not mean it is good or bad. After 
all alchohol is also popular and so is smoking. But whether it is good or 
bad is another question. Incidentally, if organised religion was not popular 
I would not have to write so many yarns against it. ;- )

>Let us plan to close this survey at midnight, Friday, May 31, 2002.
>Hopefully some computer wizard will volunteer to tabulate and provide the
>results :-)

Here's my vote : against organised religion of course. Now why did I even 
bother ? ;-)

Sunila >

NOW, if you read Sunila's entire May 19 post, the generalization will be 
evident -- Ash's one-liner <Vote for BJP and give up your RELIGION> was 
contorted by her to brand all religions with 'Hindutva.'

>From the other side of the very same mouth, comes this effusion: "Speak for 
yourself if you like. To generalise with all Goans is to insult their 
sensibilities terribly..." I need not go through all the venomous swipes 
which reflect a religious morbidity.

But I will venture to state that the barbarism emanating from India's Gujrat 
carnage equals or surpasses that of any other fanatics. "So if jungles are 
not that bad after all. :-)" then a fairly good case has been made for 
regressing to the Dark Ages.:(

After providing details of the Church, apparently some mysterious 
"injunction" may have prevented like treatment on Islam. 

You probably have tunnel vision when you say that "most people" blindly 
follow the major religions. The "whoever," probably encompasses Satan who 
prowls the world seeking the ruination of souls. The devil finds the 
non-discerning as attractive targets -- and prowls as a lamb in wolves 

When you tell me that people have forgotten Jesus I know where you're coming 
from. NO, Jesus reigns supreme in many, many hearts. I heard that crap when I 
lived in some remote areas and now know that it is the work of the devil.

Religion is no popularity contest -- it is as I said before something "to 
bind back" or prevent (wo)men from becoming savages. We have seen the 
resultant jungle rule, where 'might is right' and even the police become 
silent spectators among junglis. 

You allege "in the name of organised religion that the Church murdered 
millions and rendered thousands homeless in their quest to convert Goans to 
Christianity." Have you developed amnesia to the fact that it was exactly 
because of Buddha's advocated principle of  "ahimsa," that most all of his 
followers were annihilated from India -- why? 

The Muslims, like the Jews believe in an eye for an eye and are dauntless. 
Christians, on the other hand  will turn the other cheek when they are 
slapped, and would be easy prey under communalism.

Furthermore, your statement "If you actually look at the custodians of 
organised religion you will find a whole horde of perverts ranging from 
paedophiles and child/female abusers to drug addicts to violence ......." 
reflects a warped mentality. Offenders are but a miniscule percentage, and 
certainly not more than the general population average. Only a nomadic Mongol 
tribe could fit the definiton of horde :(

Also, your May 21 question to Joel Almeida on the subject 'Sunila's Message' 
<But why does a person following Jesus need to swear allegiance to the 
Vatican Church?> reflects an inherent obsession against the Roman Catholic 
Church. Not all followers of Jesus are Roman Catholics, a  rudimentary matter 
indeed :-)

In the final analysis I fail to comprehend your May 21 response to Santosh on 
the subject, Scientific Method, when you say: "There is something beyond and 
that is God. And God cannot be caged by organised religion or science." We 
mortals can barely comprehend God's Omnipotence. No sane mind would imagine 
using a defiling term as 'caged.' 

Religion is the stairway or ladder to God and the major religions strive to 
lead us on to the right path. Let us not try to feign superiority through 
arrogance or ignorance.

The "so many yarns," you've spun because of the popularity of organized 
religion, appear to be symptomatic :-)

Three Cheers for Religion:


PS: The next simplification would probably be no need organized government!
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