goanet-digest          Friday, May 24 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4012

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Beware Calangute Voters.
    Re: [Goanet] danger in Goa?
    [Goanet] Re: Whats on in Canada !

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Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 11:54:06 +0000
From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Beware Calangute Voters.


Calangute constituency is one of the top constituencies in Goa.  During the 
last few elections the candidates elected from this constituency betrayed 
the trust of the voters.  In the last election when Suresh Parulenkar got 
elected from one party finally changed to some other party to fulfill his 
ambitions and not of the voters who got him elected. Now again he is 
contesting the coming election on BJP ticket. The constituents of this 
constituency must ask him if he gets elected will he really remain faithful 
to BJP or will he defect to some other party which offers him bribe and 
portfolios?  This is the most important question voters from Calangute 
constituency should think of before voting for Parulenkar who is contesting 
on communal party ticket.  Calangute voters by nature are very secular and 
as such they must maintain their traditional secular outlook by dumping the 
candidate belonging to communal party.  Gujarat carnage of innocent Muslims 
on communal pattern with the help of BJP Government of Modi demands that not 
only Parulenkar but all the BJP candidates should be thrown out in the 
coming election.  Voting Parulenkar and any BJP candidate means accepting 
communalism, justifying Gujarat carnage and helping BJP to turn Goa into 
another Gujarat.

The other important candidate in Calangute constituency to be taken care of 
is Agnelo Fernandes of Congress.  Currently he is the Sarpanch of Candolim 
and in his present capacity he is showing lot of vindictiveness against 
those whom he suspects that they have not voted in the last Panchayat 
election for the candidates of his group.  This attitude should be condemned 
and Candolim voters should bring this goofy attitude of Agnelo to his notice 
when he comes for canvassing.  Candolim people should not spare him of this 
dadagiri on false presumption.  Just because he is Sarpanch he cannot take 
law into his own hands and castigate people wrongly.  He is given power as 
Sarpanch to do good for the villagers and not to take his revenge.  He 
should know that he is holding public office for the good of public and not 
to harass them.  Sarpanchship is not his father’s property to use it the way 
he wants.  If by being only the Sarpanch he acts so vindictive then what 
will be his arrogance if he becomes MLA and Minister?  Didn’t he learn any 
lesson from Tomazincho Cardos’ pride and arrogance earlier?  Now Tomazincho 
Cardos “Mus Marta” – nobody cares him and he is nobody.

Agnelo Fernandes the Congress candidate up to now has not made any statement 
on defection.  I am asking him and also request all the voters in Calangute 
constituency to ask him the same question when he/his representatives come 
for canvassing – “Agnel! Will you remain faithful to Congress or you will 
defect like your predecessor and join some other party once you get elected?

In my family in Candolim/Calangute  there are many votes, I have already 
asked them to ponder over the above issues I have raised. I have full faith 
in them, they in turn will also contact others to justify my point. I have 
given them an advice to vote for Goa Suraj Party candidate.  Voting for Goa 
Suraj party means voting for clean candidate.  Voting for Goa Suraj party 
means voting for non defection.  Voting for Goa Suraj Party means voting 
against defection, against dadagiri, against arrogance, against pride, 
against money and muscle power, against corruption.  I have thrown an open 
challenge to all my family members and all those who subscribe to my views 
against Congress and BJP candidates as stated above.  As an added booster 
for my campaign, I have received lot of support from Kuwait and Gulf based 
Calangute constituents who agreed to advise their family members back home 
to be aware of Parulenkar and Agnelo Fernandes and rightly vote for the 
candidate of Goa Suraj Party.  I also hope others from different 
constituencies should also advise their family members in Goa whom to vote 
and whom not to vote.  At this critical juncture we the expatriate Goans 
cannot remain silent spectators especially when Goa is on the verge of 
destruction from the hands of Congress defectors & BJP communalists.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 09:36:30 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] danger in Goa?


I echo your sentiments. Today, most of the enlisted people in the Indian
Army, and for that matter, armies all over the world, come from the
economically deprived sections of society. With the exception of a select
few, I don't think any of them joined the army to save the country. For
them, the Indian Army was just another means to escape the deep poverty
that had engulfed them.

Since 1971, India and Pakistan have fought two low-intensity conflicts.
Siachen and Kargil. In both cases, the battle was over tracts of land that
no human can live in, and no human would want to live in. The result -
some 5000 "jawans" were killed on both sides, and more die in accidents as
a result of manning these positions in the most inhospitable of areas.

Personally speaking, I couldn't care two hoots whether the Siachen glacier
is a part of India or not. Its not like I am going to visit it in the near
future or anytime for that matter.

Let us look at the result of the recent Kargil war. With the exception of
bragging rights, India did not gain anything and Pakistan, could not even
claim that, except by spin-doctoring the whole situation. The politicians
got fatter and acquired more land, the arms-dealers lined their purses and
the hooligans on the road backed by the right-wing parties, took out
demonstrations that celebrated their "might".

What about the widows and orphans of those jawans in India? What did their
husbands and fathers die for? Nothing! They just died so that someone else
could get fatter over their dead bodies.

I still remember the war hysteria in India at that time. Sachin Tendulkar
refused to play Pakistan. Some Indian film actors and actresses held shows
to raise funds. Great sacrifice I should say. Not playing Pakistan and
dancing and singing somehow, was supposed to equal the death of soldiers
fighting for a barren land. Today, nobody bats an eyelid to the plight of
the widows and orphans of India's wars. Sachin Tendulkar meanwhile has
gone about playing cricket as usual, while Salman Khan has gone around his
usual business of baring his chest at every opportunity.

Let me emphasize here that I am not a peacenik, or an opponent of war. I
believe war does serve a purpose, especially when there is oppression or
agression. But that war should serve a purpose and achieve a goal. A war
with Pakistan is not going to solve the Kashmir problem, nor is it going
to end the conflict. In fact, we are going to kill more soldiers and
civilians merely because the politicians in Delhi still harbor the view
that the Kashmiris will just roll over and play dead, and because there
are countless more jawans to sacrifice.

India and Pakistan have not prepared their citizens for a settlement,
making it even difficult to achieve one. However, they have prepared
their citizens for war. With war rhetoric and childish complaints to the
US, they have only served to accelerate the tension.

For too long, India and Pakistan have been looking over their shoulder
first to the USSR and USA, and now to the USA only, to bring the other to
their knees. By currying friendship with the big bully, they think they
can demolish the other. Little do they realize that it is in the best
interest of the big bully to keep the status quo.

Militarily, both countries have come to the conclusion that they cannot
win a war against each other. So isn't it logical to work for a
settlement? Yes, if they thought in the best interest of India and
Pakistan. Sadly, gone are the days of Nehru, Ayub Khan and Liaqat
Ali Khan, who thought about their people and the country. Today, what we
have is a crop of leaders who care little for the future of the country.
And in this case, I don't necessarily mean the top leadership, but rather
the administration. I am quite sure that at this present time, the mode of
thought in Delhi is not how to work for peace, but rather, how to impress
the US and outfox Pakistan.

That being said, a settlement with Pakistan is not going to end the
conflicts within India. That requires a will to negotiate and address the
grievances of the Kashmiris, the Nagas, the Bodos. In many cases, the
people aren't even demanding independence. Surely, we could reorganize the
states and give the locals more control over their resources? But why
would the Indian politicians do that when they have a steady supply of
poor jawans available in the BSF, CRPF etc to do the dirty work and die
for them?

In my opinion, members of the Indian Armed Forces should start a movement
where the sons and daughters of the Indian politicians should first serve
in Kashmir, Assam, Tripura and Nagaland, before they go in. Also, before
entering the local or national assemblies, the elected representatives
should serve atleast one year in Kashmir and the North East. I guarantee
we'll have a settlement of all these conflicts within no time.

- -Tariq

On Fri, 24 May 2002, gilbert menezes wrote:

> Jorge/Livia,
> your story about the rat is perhaps more relevent to the moral "for want of
> a nail a kingdom was lost".  When successive Govt.s show no political will
> to solve the Kashmir problem and the country bleeds economically for 50
> years, it is time to retreat to the benaulim beach. Believe me, I know,
> because I took part in 2 wars against Pakistan in 1965 and 1971. Body bags
> mean nothing to our politicians. So I may say things in jest, but Ive just
> about had it with politicians who think nothing about escalating the
> geo-political situation in the subcontinent to the brink of war.
> regards--Gilbert

- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 08:14:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Whats on in Canada !

So much about Chrystal Gomes. Last year, sometime in
October, I did a big feature on her in a local South
Asian paper. She had invited me to her performance at
a comedy club. I also did a small feature on her in
India Today (international edition).
She was happy. After that I got her to perform at the
Miss Canada-India Beauty Princess pageant.
I thought of sending the piece to GOANOW, but, as it
often happens with journalists, I forgot.
I have known her since she served for a brief time on
the Goan Overseas Association executive committee in
the 80s. She was young then, and still young.
I have known her father, Danny Gomes, who has been
president of GOA and a trustee. In fact, it was he who
suggested to her to invite me for her show when we
bumped into each other at the Viva Goa festival last
year. She and I are in constant email communication.
Coincidentally, she's from Colva, my village. She's a
wonderful person. Two months ago I was passing by her
house and called her if we could have dinner as I had
an invitation at a newly-opened Indian-Chinese
restaurant. She's couldn't as she had a show, but
insisted I visit her house. It was my first visit to
her place.
Surprisingly, she had left a scotch bottle with her
dad to give it to me. It's unfortunate that such a
lovely person is stricken with MS, the dreadful
disease. But she wants to use her own success to let
the world know that the disease can be fought and a
person can lead a normal life. She's an inspiration to
lot of MS victims, particularly the young and the
Eugene Correia

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