The restriction imposed by Parrikar Government of showing Video Cassettes of 
Gujarat Carnage in Goa is unacceptable.  I condemn it.  By banning such 
films it looks Salazar is reborn in Goa.  Where are all the freedom fighters 
who were fighting against Salazarist regime gone? How they can accept Goan 
Salazar in the form of Parrikar?  During Portuguese time the censorship 
imposed by Salazarist regime was opposed by the freedom loving Goans but now 
how they accept Video Film censorship imposed by Parrikar? By following the 
dictats of Salazar Parrikar is hailing Salazar.  By doing what Salazar was 
doing in Goa before 1961 Parrikar is praising Salazar, by imposing 
restriction on showing Video Film of Gujarat carnage Parrikar is raising 
Salazar to the pedestal and shortly as a follower of Salazar, Parrikar and 
his BJP in Goa will give a slogan "VIVA SALAZAR".

It is not only Gujarat cassettes but if necessary human rights activist 
Goans must also show the Video cassettes of Congress initiated carnage of 
Sikh community in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi killing.  This carnage was 
done with the silent nod of Rajiv Gandhi while in Gurajat the carnage was 
done with the open nod of Modi.  To hell with these leaders leading India 
once again to disintegrate on the communal lines.  By showing these 
cassettes let people know what cruelties Congress have done against Sikh 
community.  To hell with this criminal congress and all its followers.

If it is possible people should show the Video Cassettes of the demolition 
of Babri Masjid by BJP so that Goan voters will know the true colours of BJP 
and how communal it is. If yesterday Babri Masjid of Muslims then tomorrow 
it will be the Churches and Chapels of Christians.  Oh Francis Desouza of 
Mapusa, take note of it.  To hell with you for contesting on BJP ticket.  
You are worst than atheist George Fernandes.  People from Mapusa 
constituency without any reservation must destroy Desouza in the coming 
election and Mapusa Voters are really secular and sensible people then they 
will not give votes to BJP candidate.

If Video Cassettes are totally prohibitted I am sure many of the 
intellectuals in Goa will have the books in their showcases written soon 
after the lifting of emergency, these books were written by great writers on 
the excesses of emergency by Indira's Congress, in these books one will know 
the worst cruelties done by Congressmen some of these cruelties are worst 
than what we see today.  The best book written during that time was by 
Kuldeep Naiar "The Judgement".  I am sure some of the people in Goa will 
have the copies of this book.  The best thing during these critical time is 
to make photocopy of the relevant pages of this book and distribute to the 
people so that Voters in Goa will know what dirty game Congress played 
during that time. If comes back to power again Congress will do worst acts 
in Goa.  Let the fabricks of Congress be exposed thru the above exposure.

A. Veronica Fernandes

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