The controversial 'banned' film allegedly proscribed by the State's Chief
Electoral Officer Arvind Ray was today screened at the Multi-Purpose Hall
next to the Women Police Station at Old GMC Complex at Panaji by Bailancho

The Saad spokesperson Sabina Martins stated that this was done after it
became clear that no written order, instructions or gazette notification has
been issued by the Chief Electoral Officer prohibiting the screening of the
Film. Saad activist Madhuri Rao stated that earlier this morning, a twelve
member delegation of Bailancho Saad, a women's collective visited the CEO
Office at Altinho, with a representation which representation had drawn
attention to the fact that the casette promotes communal harmony and peace
and that suppression of the same is a gross violation of the fundamental
freedom of speech and expression.

Discussions with Assistant Electoral Officer J. Pai revealed that no written
orders regarding the Film HEY RAM and the Magazine Communalism Combat had
been issued by the CEO. The Saad pointed out that in effect, this means that
the screening of the Film and the circulation of the Magazine Communalism
Combat is not prohibited in any way and the public were misled by the State
at the instance of instance of the vested interests. Consequently, a
screening was organised which was well-attended. Copies of the Special Issue
of Communalism Combat titled Genocide 2002 were also sold at the screening.

albertina almeida
for Bailancho Saad

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