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Members of the Legislative Assembly are expected to legislate on beneficial
legislations to improve the quality of life of the people .  Our belief
therefore is that ambiguity, loopholes, amendments to existing laws
translation or enactment of new laws and placing the right persons strictly
on merit by ones worth not birth is the essence of good governance. Some of
the common grievances faced are listed below. Are those seeking
re-election able to explain why they failed to solve these problems? Or,
for those seeking their first term, have they taken note of these issues?


Land filling, cutting of hills, is rampant  nowadays   It is a cognizable
offence under sec 17A of Town & Country Planning Act but the authorities
being mere planning bodies have to depend on the police to file a case and
this becomes time consuming . If powers were given to Revenue authorities
the problem could be solved.In the case of change of use of land from one
purpose to another viz agriculture to nonagricultural purposes without
permission is a violation under sec 33 of the Goa Daman & Diu Land Revenue
Code 1968 but regularization on payment of fines or restoration of land to
original position is provided for to be decided by the Collector.  If it is
a cognizable offence problem could be solved.

Most of the irregularities in building construction witnessed in the cities
towns and villages is because for a consideration the certifying authorities
viz Chief Officers/Muncipal Engineers of these structures overlook the gross
irregularities.  Occupancy certificates issued by the Municipalities cannot
be revoked. Both the Municipalities Act & Goa Panchayat Act provides for
regularization of the illegal structures .  If necessary amendments to
revoke Occupancy certificates and delete the provision of regularization are
made these problems could be checked.

Occupiers of apartments, restaurants eating houses etc     release/discharge
"waste waters"  on streets and open drains causing nuisance and health
hazards.  Municipalities spend crores of public funds in clearing up this
nuisance.  The menance has reached the villages .  The Municpal Act provides
for measely fines .The Sub divisional magistrates and health authorities
have only recently been empowered to take cognizance of this nuisances.  The
fines if enhanced would have served as a deterrent ; Also if the underground
sewerage network was completed on priority lakhs of rupees spent on
fumigation and threat of malaria filarial prevented.  The High Court
judgement 29-11-1999 is clear on this issue .
Encroachments on road widening areas and foothpath have been checked
following the 18/12/2000 High Court order yet the menance continues during
and after office hours.  If Chief Officers and concerned officials were
pulled up for dereliction of duties the menance could be rid permanently

Rise in vehicular population specially two wheelers i.e. 75 %  has been the
cause of fatal deaths, traffic congestion ,.pollution and related health
hazards.  Sprouting up of way side vehicle workshops in residential and busy
thoroughfares are yet another nuisance.  If there was a mass transportation
policy this exhorbitant vehicle population could be curbed.

Parking is a perennial problem in major cities of the State.  Major
apartment complexes never provide parking spaces or if provided convert them
later to other uses. In 1987 a model byelaws ( fees for vehicles occupying
Municipal land was enacted} and roads open spaces unused busstands earmarked
thereafter.  If only pay parking as in the rest of the country is introduced
this perennial problem could be solved atleast during peak hours. If
pedetrianisation of roads is done mishaps would lower.

Plastic  has been the cause of the latest nuisance .   Setting up of 'No
Plastic Zone' and in phases of much o three months , a not less than 20, 40,
& 100 microns use of plastic permitted this nuisance could be avoided . 
This instead of spending lakhs in pre-monsoon clearing of drains.

The menance of stray dogs has been a  cause of grave concern.  Waste  from
the dustbins provided in municipalities and other areas if cleared after
noon and during nights instead of alternative days at morn . If provision of
licences for domesticated dogs and their vaccination is enforced strictly
this menance could be solved.

If  wayside  mobile cart eateries are  prevented from operating on road
sides and they are covered under the Goa Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
like other eating houses hotels etc; the nuisance of health hazard can be
checked. Also stray dog menance avoided. Hawking zones if provided and
markets decentralized and provided as per the Municpality and Village
Panchayat act the nuisance of roadside hawking would be avoided

Obtaining the extracts of birth,  death , & marriages   is a tedious process
if microfilming and computerization is taken up on war footing the problem
could be solved.

Hoardings have been increasing and multiplying along the national highways. 
The Supreme Court order on distance to be maintained without causing a
traffic hazard is clear.  If these were removed or shifted much of Goa?s
scenic beauty could be enhanced.

Fragmentation of land is rampant atleast in Talukas of the Old Conquests. 
The execution and registration of Agreement to sell, Deed of conveyance,
mutation , subdivision of property , partition, survey , obtaining NOC under
Town & Country Planning Act , conversion sanad , plan approvals from TCP &
PDA?s besides permission for building construction from Municipalities &
Village Panchayats is a time and money consuming excercise .  If a single
window instead of multiplicity of officials is provided the problem could be

Citizens Charters   written in recognized official languages  updated
periodically if made compulsorily available at all shops at costs and on the
Government website .  If public oriented department offices are properly
organized avoiding shuffling people from one end to another.  If all forms
are computerized and designed to check ambiguities and simplify the same. 
If all written applications are recorded in the inward register with serial
number date and initials of the clerk in legible ink., and acted upon within
three days instead of filing them without action much of the harassment to
the citizens could be avoided.

If every voter on the electoral  roll is  made to compulsorily ensure that
he has an election identity card and this is made the basis of providing all
types of assistance one requires from the State proper records could have
been maintained of the services rendered and the information made public on
the State website to avoid complaints of nepotism favouritism and corruption

Today one sees lopsided development. Every MLA aspires to be a Minister to
bring development in their Constituency .  If policies were framed for every
issue with the help of well meaning persons NGO?s qualified personnel etc. 
there would be no necessity of resorting to political expediency over
economic consideration.

It is a fact that knowledge of English in this informative era is  a must no
matter what politicians preach and never practice. If Konkani was made a
compulsory subject , and parents given the choice of language of education
for their wards.  Grants given to schools situated within five kms of every
village, town ,city whether English Konkani Marathi Kannada or Urdu medium. 
Much of the harassment to parents caused at the time of admissions , rush to
city schools, menance of tuitions mental torture to the child could be
If the State has its own state of art  medical equipment well maintained and
in use in its district Hospitals and primary, urban health centres the
physical hardships caused to sick patients moving to outside the State and
siphoning of the mediclaim amount by others could be avoided.

Unemployment problem is soaring educated technically qualified youth  are
taking up to crime in every village town and city .  If agriculture
horticulture traditional occupations cottage industry were provided
remunerative prices for their produce and assistance in cash and kind to
those deserving with insurance coverage to offset unforeseen circumstances
or post retirement needs influx of migrants and their inheritant problems
could be avoided and unemployment solved.. If the State makes out an
unemployment dole for all youth on the rolls of employment exchange and not
provided a single call within the fist three years of enrolment, much of
their frustration could be avoided.

NRI's  are the backbone of the economy  as witnessed in the Old Conquests ,
yet our NRIS are treated as second class citizens.  They are pushed from
pillar to post and sucked of their petrodollars.  If a NRI cell is
instituted to provide one window clearance for setting up industry.  Their
views experience harnessed for improving our own technologies.  If they are
given top prority in attending to all their land and other matters with
special assistance from Departmental Heads the state would have excelled in
all fields.

If the Right to Information Act be implemented in its letter and spirit and
information ordinarily provided within a week corruption would be
considerably avoided.  If officers are pulled up for dereliction of duties
and punished when strictures are imposed by the Courts accountability would
be introduced and administration turn responsive to peoples need.

If Village Panchayats, Zilla Panchayats Municipalities  are given full
powers to function and administration decentralized at Taluka level there
can be all round development laws are implemented in both letter and
spirit., much of the pressure on Courts could be avoided.

If  ground water resources are augmented, if rivers springs lakes  forests
wildlife fisheries and man is in harmony with nature and any violation
checked with stringent and exemplary punishment the Earth could be a better
place to live in.

Some litigants predecease  before their disputes are redressed because
neither the status of the individual viz aged orphan widowed age factor is
given a consideration nor the nature of dispute .  If there was some
criteria inplace much of the mental agony caused to citizens could be


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