goanet-digest          Tuesday, May 28 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4028

In this issue:

    [Goanet] HERALD: Tuesday Tunes
    Re: [Goanet] Re: Whats on in Canada !

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Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 17:27:17 +0530
From: "Frederick Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] HERALD: Tuesday Tunes

www.oherald.com dated May 28, 2002


Tough poll talking

IT'S THAT TIME in an election campaign when things are getting heated up in
the political arena. A time when political stalwarts have no qualms about
taking digs at each other.

Two such veteran stalwarts of Goan politics are - Speaker, Pratapsing Raoji
Rane, and his long-time rival Dr Wilfred de Souza - and both have no love
lost for each other.

Recently, at the 'open forum' organised by the Goa Union of Journalists
(GUJ), Dr de Souza snatched at an opportunity to take a dig at the Sultan of

The issue being discussed was defections and the Congress representative
there had just finished suggesting possible changes in the law to ban
defections. Dr de Souza, however, was quick to state: "The law is perfect.
Only, the Speaker must act as required under the law and decide the
disqualification cases filed before him. But, what happened in Goa? The
Speaker kept the petitions in his drawers only because he wanted the
government of a particular party to survive? Now the Congress is making the
same Speaker head its campaign. This is shameful."

Only, Rane was not present and therefore unable to defend himself, a task
that his colleague, Shantaram Naik, hardly fulfilled.

On another occasion, while addressing a press conference, one journo
provoked the good doctor from Saligao into taking a dig at the Sultan of
Poriem. And, a dig, the doctor did take.

One journo, pointed out that historically, politicians in Goa facing
elections as Speakers, have always lost. Barring, of course, one or two
exceptions. The hint was enough, and Dr de Souza, known for his unfailing
memory, rattled out details of election after election, when Speakers were
defeated at the hustings.

"Tomazinho Cardozo in 1999, Shaikh Hassan Haroon in 1994, Dayanand Narvekar
in 1989, Froilano Machado in 1984........" Dr de Souza went on in reverse

And hey, not to forget the punch-line: "What will happen in 2002? Will
Pratapsing Rane survive?" the dotor added.

Reminds us of that traditional Willy-Babu rivalry. Both had a good laugh in
1984, right?

Filipe gets fillip

FILIPE NERI SCORED a victory of sorts over his rivals with the Returning
Officer, Sanjit Rodrigues granting him permission to screen his documentary
film on cable TV and also at the corner meetings. He was cautioned not to
distort the documentary during screening, which is to be done after
obtaining necessary permision under the Cinematograph Act or the Cable Act.

Paani politics

MARGAO MUNICIPAL COUNCILLOR, Sadanand Naik, contesting on the NCP ticket in
Fatorda, had earned immense goodwill for supplying water through tankers
whenever the Selaulim pipeline broke down.

Recently, when water supply was disrupted following a major leakage in the
pipeline, Sadanand again rose to the occassion by deploying three water
tankers in Fatorda constituency. Will the people remember his generosity at
the time of casting the ballots?.

David v/s Goliath?

CONGRESS LEADER LUIZINHO Faleiro was apparently hurt and angry when his
posters and banners were allegedly torn by a person from Orlim. He managed
to get the person arrested after lodging a complaint with the collector.

Poor John Raikar, Luizinho's rival. Must be wondering what's going on in
Navelim. Because, he had to contend with strong opposition and threats from
a brother of a Congress heavyweight when he planned to open his election
office in Varca. Even the owner of the premises was forced to return the
money back to John for letting the place.

Flags and poles

THE BJP HAS the distinction of using the maximum number of electricity poles
for displaying party flags in Salcete. Except in Velim, party flags were
seen flying on electric poles at many places. The electricty department
apparentely looked the other way. But, the Returning Officers for Salcete
took upon themselves the task to remove the propaganda material from these
power poles.

An holocaust?

WHAT'S THE SIGNIFICANCE of timing in politics? Check this out.

The NCP symbol - Clock - that shows a timing of 10.10 (am or pm?) signifies,
according to one school of thought, the time when the 'atom bomb' was
dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

That's not all. The Congress candidate from Taleigao, Somnath Zuwarkar,
addressed a press conference on Monday. It was originally slated for 10 am,
and word was that the Taleigao turk, would drop a 'bomb'.

Indeed, a 'bomb' Zuwarkar did drop at the press conference, in the form of
an inquiry report submitted by the Director of Co-operation, Government of
India, that exonerated him in the alleged Goa State Co-operative Bank Ltd's,
one-time settlement scandal. Only, instead of 10 am, he began the press
conference dot at 10.10 am!

So, will it really turn out to be a holocaust in Taleigao?!?!

Rane and CM

SPEAKER PRATAPSING RANE was just trying to put the record straight when
after the release of the Congress manifesto, he stood up and told
journalists that he was very much in the race for chief ministership.

The story goes that a reporter from the vernacular press twisted facts and
reported that Pratapsing Rane was no longer in the race for the top slot.

Rane probably wanted to clear any misconceptions and that his desire to lead
the party was as strong as his spirit to win his seat.

No sooner the press-conference for release of the Congress manifesto ended,
Rane, to everyone's surprise including that of some of his colleagues, said:
"I clarify that some newspaper has `wrongly' reported that I am not in the
race for the chief minister's post. I am very much in the race."

When someone pointed out that he can do so only after he wins the election,
he shot back: "Yes, yes. Only after I win."

Forget polls, lets talk CM

CONGRESS HEAVYWEIGHTS ARE at it again. The electorate has not even made
their choice, but computations and permutations are being worked out by
eligible chief-ministerial candidates in the party. A voracious Congress
politician from Bardez, who has only one life-time aspiration left to be
fulfilled - to be Goa's CM - is keeping contacts with like-minded colleagues
around the State. Taking his victory for granted, this avaricious politician
calls up his likely "friends" to work up a deal to favour his candidature
for the top post. He even has a plan to contest Pratapsing Rane's claim for
the post, who he says was mainly responsible for the BJP's 16-month rule, by
dragging his feet on the disqualification petitions.

As things are developing, looks like we are in for another interesting
intra-party bout of muscle-flexing.

Angels, Cidade de Goa, Marriots are all closely watching. Fight for CM you
guys, but we want to host your bout, the executives of these resorts seem to
be saying.

Ram-Laxman stuff?

THE BJP IS all set, or so it claims, to weed out corruption from this tiny
State by forming a Ram and Laxman duo out of its two stalwarts - Chief
Minister, Manohar Parrikar and former Union Minister of State for Shipping,
Shripad Naik.

Wonder if this revelation, made by none other than Union Parliamentary
Affairs Minister, Pramod Mahajan, is mere election rethoric or something in
store for the 'scamsters', 'scroundrels' and 'rogues'. If it's the former,
then let's laugh it off.

But, if it's the latter, then the veteran politicians who are unable to
explain their bungalows, apartments, limousines and industrial units, 'be
alert' is the message from the saffron brigade.

'Moolah' flows

ELECTION TIME IS party time. Time to have fun all over. Around 70-90
youngsters, all in the age group of 16-17, are reportedly earning some Rs
200-400 per day. It's one period of time when the fuel tanks of their bikes
are overflowing, and, lunch and dinner with unlimited beer is there for the
asking. All this only for their presence at a campaing office, errect party
flags on their bikes, and an additional Rs 200 for a two-wheeler and Rs 400
for a four-wheeler as 'hire charges'.


Democracy is wholesome
as a whole.
Hungry? Try Taleigao,
there 'chicken soup' for the soul


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 15:42:40 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Whats on in Canada !

"But she wants to use her own success to let
the world know that the disease can be fought and a
person can lead a normal life. She's an inspiration to
lot of MS victims, particularly the young and the
youth. "

Eugene Correia

It was a wonderful post - 

Eugene is more than just a journalist. Its that , that makes the DIFFERENCE
- - 
I hope such post encourages others MS victims too.

- - I too knew Chrystal - but that was when she was just a baby !


I would like to thank ........Eugene and Fred.......in keeping us informed. 

- -------Original Message-------

From: Eugene Correia
Date: Friday, May 24, 2002 08:28:18
To: rene barreto; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Whats on in Canada !

So much about Chrystal Gomes. Last year, sometime in
October, I did a big feature on her in a local South
Asian paper. She had invited me to her performance at
a comedy club. I also did a small feature on her in
India Today (international edition).
She was happy. After that I got her to perform at the
Miss Canada-India Beauty Princess pageant.
I thought of sending the piece to GOANOW, but, as it
often happens with journalists, I forgot.
I have known her since she served for a brief time on
the Goan Overseas Association executive committee in
the 80s. She was young then, and still young.
I have known her father, Danny Gomes, who has been
president of GOA and a trustee. In fact, it was he who
suggested to her to invite me for her show when we
bumped into each other at the Viva Goa festival last
year. She and I are in constant email communication.
Coincidentally, she's from Colva, my village. She's a
wonderful person. Two months ago I was passing by her
house and called her if we could have dinner as I had
an invitation at a newly-opened Indian-Chinese
restaurant. She's couldn't as she had a show, but
insisted I visit her house. It was my first visit to
her place.
Surprisingly, she had left a scotch bottle with her
dad to give it to me. It's unfortunate that such a
lovely person is stricken with MS, the dreadful
disease. But she wants to use her own success to let
the world know that the disease can be fought and a
person can lead a normal life. She's an inspiration to
lot of MS victims, particularly the young and the
Eugene Correia



Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:07:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>Who has certified that these 
>brands are safe? 

The appropriate first question for any product is:

What is the incidence rate of alleged adverse effects
following the use of the product? 

That is the first step in considering safety.
Knowingly concealing adverse effects is dishonest.
However, manufacturers and marketers might simply not
know whether or not their product is free from serious
adverse effects (hence the term "no scientific
evidence" of serious adverse effects). Most of the
time they are lucky: adverse effects turn out to be
rare, or mild, or unconnected with the product.
Sometimes adverse effects come to light too late, as
with thalidomide used for morning sickness in

The severity and frequency of the disease make a
difference to risk/benefit analysis with products. If
the disease is potentially fatal, greater risks of
adverse effects tend to be accepted: in order to gain
protection from the disease.

If you have grave concerns, enlist the help of a
competent epidemiologist to review all the reported
evidence (or to reveal the lack of it).

My own inclination would be to focus on bogus
life-saving drugs, where the active ingredient is
diluted to the point of inefficacy. Campaigning
against the dishonest manufacturers of such important
drugs would be a worthwhile consumer effort.


Joel Almeida

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