goanet-digest         Thursday, May 30 2002         Volume 01 : Number 4033

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Quebec Goans Association function... 25 years strong
    [Goanet] Goan poet on NDTV website
    [Goanet] FEATURE: Magicians 'seal' fate of Goa politicians... in bank vault
    [Goanet] Your vote we depend on
    [Goanet] IMAGINE
    [Goanet] Corruption... and human rights 

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 15:23:50 -0400
From: "C. Felix D'Sa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Quebec Goans Association function... 25 years strong

C. Felix D'Sa
QGA - VP [Publicity]

The Quebec Goan Association (QGA) Montreal will be completing twenty five
years of its founding on 17th July 2002. The Board of Directors of the QGA
invites all its members, and members of sister institutions, to a 'Gala
Dinner Dance to be held at the Saint James Club, 1145 Union Ave.,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Saturday October 12th 2002 at 6.30 pm. For
futher details call 450-466-4469 or 514-363-9277 or any other members of
the QGA Board of Directors. [Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 15:09:15 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Goanet] Goan poet on NDTV website


4 recent poems of dr brian mendonca, 3 of which are on goa, are 
currently on view at the website of new delhi television, india's 
largest private producer of news, current affairs and 
entertainment television.

The poems were earlier read to a highly appreciative audience on 
may 18th at 'poets cafe' a forum for creative fusion organised by 
'katha' a new delhi based group working in the area of 
translation.The poems are 'sonya','homecoming', 'in conclusion' 
and 'sousa lobo'. Other poems read at the venue included 'Fr 
joseph rowland salema' on the parish priest of siolim on the feast 
day of st anthony and 'fugitive.' brian also read poems in 
portuguese - 'barcos' and  'inscricao' - from the collection of 
maria andressen entitled 'mar'(2001).

brian said that a poem of his was like a photograph seeking to 
capture the memory of a specific time and space. brian linked his 
poetry reading to the cataclysmic social changes goa is going 
through due to 'development'and stated that it was his intention 
to tell the truth like it is. he ended with singing and 
accompanying himself on the guitar to the dulpod 'hundra mhojea 
mama'.  at the end brian invited the audience to take away copies 
of some poems from his corpus of poems which the milling crowd 
were only too delighted to do.at he beginning he had also 
displayed his published work on lengths of thermacol, which made 
the audience take him more seriously as a writer and poet.


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 01:53:13 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] FEATURE: Magicians 'seal' fate of Goa politicians... in bank vault

Magicians 'seal' the fate of Goa politicians in a bank vault

By Frederick Noronha

PANAJI (Goa), May 30: Even before a single vote could be cast, the fate of
politicians contesting Goa's May 30 elections has been sealed -- not in a
ballot-box. Magicians here claim they can accurately predict the fate of the
ambitious men and few women trying to make it big via electoral politics.

Late Tuesday evening, the Goa Magicians Guild, in the presence of
journalists representing the local and outstation press, offered their
predictions of who would win Goa's critical elections.

But, in true magic style, there's a trick attached. Predictions were tightly
sealed in a wooden box, and handed over to Mahesh Parikh, a banker of the
State Bank of India. 

These predictions of the mystery men will be kept away safely in a bank
vault, till after the election results are formally out on June 1, and then
the citizen will be able to judge the efficacy of the magician -- vis a vis
the non-delivery that politicians have come to be known for.

"We spoke to some official in the Election Office, and they said that such
predictions had never been done. Since this was the case, they didn't know
what the rules were. So, they told us to go ahead and decide (whether it was
within the law or beyond)," says veteran magician D.Satish, half in jest.

Satish has been four decades in magic, and says proudly: "My first victim
was General Vassalo Silva, the last Portuguese Governor of (colonial) Goa."
This popular magician is a well known figure across Goa, having put up shows
that a generation grew up with.

In fact, Satish at one stage even employed as a stage-manager a person who's
stage-name was Z.Somu -- Somnath Zuwarkar, who went on to become an
often-controversial minister in multiple Congress ministries in Goa, and is
currently contesting the Taleigao assembly constituency.

"We have declared the number of candidates who are going to lose their
deposits, and also how many seats each party will get," said Magician
Dandrake (38), one of the younger but professional crop in the
field.  Dandrake is Remy Rodrigues in real life. 

"We are cock-sure that our predictions will be over 90% correct. It could be
even 100% correct," said Dandrake, who in real life also runs an advertising
business and was one-time an employee in the 'Herald' newspaper of Goa. 

Satish says this trick comes under the category of 'extra sensory
perception' magic. "This is a publicity stunt, as our club is very new," the
quick-witted magician who seemingly never runs short of amazing stories to
narrate admits, with a smile on his face.

This trick was last tried some 30 years back. Two journalists who were also
in the profession at that time -- Waman Prabhu and Vijay Gad -- remember
their participation in the event, but could not recall if the predictions
were accurate then. Public memory, as they say, is short! 

Goa's Magicians Guild was launched in March 2002, at the hands of current
BJP chief minister Manohar Parrikar, currently locked in a bitter battle
with the Congress to retain his strangle-hold in power in a state where the
BJP has never won an election in the past.

"We set it up to protect our profession and take our interests forward,"
says Magician Dandrake. "We have about 7-8 magicians (in this small state)
now, which is a sufficient number to work with," says he.

Cocksure though they may be, the magicians might face a tough time in an
instability-prone state like Goa, where politicians themselves are unsure
which party they are going to be part of even six months down the
line. Unless, of course, the magicians -- like the politicians -- have
some trick up their sleeve. But at least we know they're magicians...


Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 22:49:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Goanet] Your vote we depend on

Hello Goans and netters,
On the eve of the election day when all the loud
have been silenced,it is time to meditate and it
reminds me of the card game called Donkey or Burro in
portuguese wherrein we pick a card from another player
and make a pair and whoever remains with the joker
starts to be the Donkey. Now is the time for all our
Goans whether Hindu/Muslim/Christians to think well
and play your card right or else you might be ruled by
the donkeys.
Election promises are plenty but how many of them are
really put into practice? I don't have to spell it out
to you. I live in Canada and you guys in Goa sort of
represent us for whatever decision you make. So please
think well and do the right thing tomorrow when you go
to vote. If politicians have bought you by way of
or lavish gifts, its ok to go against it, as they
always do. Beware of the those cards that change hands
under the table. You have seen it time and again
happening right before your very eyes. I like to say
"Go Goans Go" get the right people to rule you and get
rid of the scum bags who only think of filling their
pockets first.
Allow me on behalf of all Goans who live abroad, to
wish you all the best in deciding the future of Goa,
and remember Goa is for the Goans. VIVA GOA.
Wilson Soares

Find, Connect, Date! http://personals.yahoo.ca


Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 22:56:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: ash k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] IMAGINE


Panjim renamed Santhekattenagar.
Dona Paula renamed Santhekattenagar.
Murgao renamed Santhekattenagar.
Calangute renamed Santhekattenagar.
Baga renamed Santhekattenagar.
Anjuna renamed Santhekattenagar.
Colva renamed Santhekattenagar.
Santa Cruz renamed Santhekattenagar.
Vagator renamed Santhekattenagar.
Bambolim renamed Santhekattenagar.
Rivona renamed Santhekattenagar.
Bethim renamed Santhekattenagar.
Nuvem renamed Santhekattenagar.
Vasco-da-Gama renamed as Santhekatte bunder.
GOA renamed Santhekatte.
No beat shows allowed in Santhekatte.
No food festivals allowed in Santhekatte.
Portugal legacies destroyed in Santhekatte.
All signs of heritage destroyed in Santhekatte.
No more carnivals in Santhekatte.
No Crosses by the roads of Santhekatte.
Pot-holes on the roads of Santhekatte.
Dug-up roads throughout the year in Santhekatte.
Un-cleared garbage bins for months in Santhekatte.
Stench of piss and garbage in Santhekatte.
Spit-stains all over Santhekatte.
Fear psychosis, the game of the rulers of Santhekatte.
Increase in crime in Santhekatte.
Decimation of trees in Santhekatte.
Greenery turned into concrete in Santhekatte.
Konkani, the secondary language in Santhekatte.
Konkani, the unspoken language in Santhekatte.
No room for minorities in Santhekatte.
You'll be known as SANTHEKATTEKARS.


happy voting santhekattekars!


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Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 12:33:22 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Corruption... and human rights 

Interesting to compare with the situation in Goa. FN

- ---------- Forwarded message ----------

Factors that determine the effective protection and promotion of human
rights in India:

In addition to governmental indifference, there are a number of factors
that are determental against the effective protection and promotion of
human rights in India. These include:

* Widespread corruption at all levels in the bureaucracy, including the
law enforcement agencies.

* Political interferences in the functioning of the police.

* Insufficient training and sensitisation of the law-enforcement agencies
in human rights matters.

* The lack of an adequately vigilant and empowered citizenry.

* Communal, caste, linguistic and other divisions across the country.

* Widespread illiteracy.

* Great poverty among vast sections of the population... From


End of goanet-digest V1 #4033

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