goanet-digest         Thursday, May 30 2002         Volume 01 : Number 4035

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Re: Meeting in memory of Hugo's life
    [Goanet] 15th anniversary of Goa Statehood 
    [Goanet] RESPONSE REQUIRED: Subscription to [EMAIL PROTECTED] offered
    [Goanet] ONE GOA
    [Goanet] Goan Ladin in Kuwait.

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 02:09:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Meeting in memory of Hugo's life

small correction. meeting is on Friday the 31st of
May and not on June 1.


- -----------------------------------------------------
> > An informal meeting to remember Hugo Souza
> > and his life
> > is called by Hugo's friends. This meeting will
> > be the kind of meeting Hugo would have liked.
> > It is going to be on Friday 1st June
> > at 5 pm in the
> > Freedom Fighters' office,  Lohia Maidan
> > at Margao.
> > 
> > Your participation is urged.
> > 
> > regards,
> > Sam
> > Samir Kelekar, Margao/Bangalore.


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 12:18:34 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] 15th anniversary of Goa Statehood 

possible duplication.

Goemkars -

May 30th is the second of the three days of special significance
this year to our Konkani language, not because it is election day in Goa but
because it is the 15th anniversary of Goa Statehood (which statehood would
not have been possible without the territory having first its own approved
language). The other two special dates are: February 4, 15th anniversary of
the Language Act which made Konkani Goa's sole official language, and August
20, 10th anniversary of the Parliamentary law which incorporated Konkani in
the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

Jorge de Abreau Noronha who lives in Portugal has written a small article
which I am posting here today on his behalf.


GOA DAY - 2002

Thanks to the timely initiative of Rene Barreto in 1999, the yearly
celebrations of a Goa Day became a reality as from 2000, wherever there are
Goans or descendants of Goans, be it in various cities, towns and villages
of Goa be it in the diaspora. And I suppose everybody recollects why August
20 was selected as the ideal date for those celebrations: to honour the day
when our language "came of age" (if I may say so) by being included in the
8th schedule of the Indian constitution and by being in this way recognised
as one of the national languages of the country.

The 2001 celebrations were held under the banner of Solidarity, and August
19 of that year, being a Sunday, saw for the first time the GOA DAY being
celebrated in Lisbon.

In this year 2002 let us dedicate the celebrations in a very special way to
our avoi-bhas, to our mother tongue Konkani. It is true that many of us in
the diaspora, and particularly those of the second and third generations -
born far from the tiny state of Goa and many of them with difficulties in
maintaining contact with their roots -, do not know to write or sometimes
even to speak the language and, of those who do write it, most do so in the
Roman script while unfortunately this script is being discarded in Goa thus
affecting adversely, for instance, the tiatrs which have been traditionally
written in "Romi Konknni" by Christian tiatrists. But, irrespective of
whether we know or not the language of our state, it is undeniable that
amchi bhas is the basis of our "Goanness" and, if only for this reason, we
are dutybound to honour it.

And why do I say that the 2002 Goa Day should give special relevance to our
language? At least for three strong reasons: February 4th of this year was
the fifteenth anniversary of the Language Act by which Konkani was approved
as the official language of Goa by Goa's Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly)

today, May 30th, marks the fifteenth anniversary of Goa's statehood which
would not have been possible if the territory didn't have its own official
language; and August 20th will see the 10th anniversary of the unanimous
approval, by the two houses of the Indian Parliament, of the law which
included Konkani in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution.

In Portugal there is an additional reason: it was in May 1987 that an
association of Goans, Damanese, Diuese, Dadraites and Nagar-Haveliites was
informally instituted, under the designation of "Casa de Goa", which was
later legalised through a notarial deed on July 15 of the same year. It is
thus the year of its fifteenth anniversary. The Goa Day - 2002 will
therefore be recorded in Portugal, in August this year, as "Dia de Goa,
Damco e Diu" (Goa, Daman and Diu Day), the organsing committee being busy in

the planning of the multifarious celebrations along the period of 17th to
20th August. (Note: As in terms of the Portuguese "Estado da India" Dadra
and Nagar Haveli were part of the district of Daman, for those residing in
Portugal "Daman" includes those two enclaves which were annexed by India and

turned into a Union Territory on August 11, 1961).

Coming back to the language. Many Goans, especially the Christians, and
particularly those in the diaspora, resent the fact that, when Konkani
gained the status of a national language of India, it was approved that only

Devnagri would be its true and legal script. A year ago I advocated that,
our mother-tongue being the only one that is written in five or six
different scripts (which is one of its richest facets), we should struggle
to have this richness officially recognised. I remember having then been
strongly opposed by some quarters. Recently however I was glad to learn that

the Government of Karnataka had decreed that in that state the official
script for the Konkani language would be Kannada and none else. Why then can

t we have the Romi Konknni legalised in Goa? Let's face the facts squarely:
in Karnataka (Mangalore, Karwar, etc.) Konkani is written in Kannada script,

in some other region of the same state in Tulu, in Kochi in Malayali script,

in Gujarat in Gujarati and Urdu scripts; so why not in Devnagri and Romi in

Let's be proud not only of being Goans but of being Konkanis, and let's
honour our bhas, whatever be the script in which we write it. And - please
don't forget - let's all make an effort to learn (those who don't know) or
to improve (those of us who know) the Konkani language. Vaman Ragunath
Shennoy Varde Valaulikar, better known by his pen name of Shennoy Goembab,
who dedicated the last twenty years of his life to research the language,
literature and history of the Konkanis, was able to prove that Konkani is
not a dialect of Marathi but an independent language (in fact with far
longer existence than Marathi). So, let's cherish our language as one of our

most prized treasures.

May 30, 2002

Jorge de Abreau Noronha


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 12:07:16 +0000
From: "Peter dmello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] RESPONSE REQUIRED: Subscription to [EMAIL PROTECTED] offered

Sorry to fwd this,
Is this part of G-Net fly ?


>From: One Goa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RESPONSE REQUIRED: Subscription to [EMAIL PROTECTED] offered
>Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 23:12:20 -0700
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Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 18:18:52 +0530
From: "Aloysius D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] ONE GOA

Hi Peter,

We already have so many Goan discussion groups on the internet  --  do we
really need one more?

Aloysius D'Souza


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 18:21:45 +0530
From: "Aloysius D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS

Hi Joel,

Just received a message from your "composerja" address which my scanner
indicated carried a virus attachment  --  I have deleted it  --  please
check at your end

Aloysius D'Souza


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 14:26:08 +0000
From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Ladin in Kuwait.


In Kuwait there is one well known Choir in the Holy Family Cathedral – The 
main Catholic Church at Kuwait City.  It was formed by Mr Albino Fernandes 
who is deeply involved in Church affairs and other social work.  He is very 
much known in the community. In order to promote the Church activities he 
inducted many Goans in his Choir and thereby gave identity to many of the 
unknown souls.  As a great lover of Konkani and Goa Albino introduced 
Konkani Hyms too for the English Mass and by listening to these Hyms it 
really looks great and brings back nostalgic feelings.  Recently according 
to my information Albino the founder of this Choir – Holy Family Choir – has 
withdrawn from this Choir and totally detached from all its activities.  It 
is very surprising to know this and more so because how Albino was allowed 
to dissociate himself from this Choir by the very people whom he did so 
much. As per one source, Albino was dissatisfied with the politics of 
defamation carried out on Internet by one of his own colleagues.  If this is 
true then the discipline of the Church Circle is upset. The very people who 
should give good example of their good deeds are creating disorder by taking 
advantage of Church premises.  May be because of such anti-Catholic 
incidents Catholics are getting fed-up of our Church people and embracing 
other denominations in bigger and bigger number. For so long Albino 
Fernandes was  synonym with this Choir doing so many activities for the good 
cause and also promoting his colleagues.  Sometime back by organising a 
cultural event Albino’s group collected some funds and donated one lakh of 
rupees to Mother Theresa’s Mission in Calcutta.  In this way Albino and his 
group organize lot of activities.

Albino Fernandes on Friday 31st of this Month in tune with Goan tradition 
will organize in the Church Compound in front of Grotto of Our Lady Goan 
style Laudainha.  It will be held at 7.00 after the evening Mass and will be 
sung in Latin with the accompaniment of Violin which will be played by a 
young Goan boy. This is oranised to mark the “Day of Mary” to spread the 
devotion of Mother Mary. In maintaining with Goan tradition “Ukoddlole 
Chonne” will be served to give a real Goan touch.  Ladin singers and others 
are expected to join in good number.

A.Veronica Fernandes,

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End of goanet-digest V1 #4035

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