Whether you affiliate yourselves with a religion or not, know that 
the rapists blinded by hatred have no boundaries. They are 
misanthropes. Every man born of a woman should stand up NOW 
against these criminals. Otherwise, we are not far from the abyss 
of self-destruction.

Here is another report of the dehumanizing Gujarat genocide.
Rapes Go Unpunished In Indian Mob Attacks
Muslim Women Say Claims Are Ignored

By Rama Lakshmi
Special to The Washington Post
Monday, June 3, 2002; Page A09

KALOL, India -- Sultana Feroz Sheikh sat motionless, staring at 
the mud floor in a dark, windowless room.

Three months ago, as religious riots engulfed the western Indian 
state of Gujarat, Sheikh saw her husband and several relatives 
burned alive. Then, she said, she was brutally raped by three men 
as her 4-year-old son wailed nearby.

Sheikh wants to see the criminals brought to justice. But Gujarat 
police are routinely refusing to file charges against individuals 
accused of rape during the violence in late February and early 
March, because they say mob violence cannot be broken down into 
specific crimes.

"It is difficult to determine who in the mob pelted stones, who 
raped and who killed," said police inspector Ramanbhai Patil. 
Though the riot on March 1 that claimed the lives of Sheikh's 
loved ones and resulted in her rape engulfed the entire village of 
Kalol, she said Patil has arrested only four men in connection 
with the day's events.
The violence then spread throughout Gujarat, where nearly 1,000 
people, most of them Muslims, have been killed in Hindu-Muslim 
clashes since Feb. 27. That was the day Muslims launched a 
firebomb attack on a train carrying Hindu activists, killing 60. 
Countless cases of arson, looting, murder and rape have been 
jumbled together in what are known as first-information reports, 
or FIRs. Police have filed "general FIRs," simply blaming riots on 
Hindu tola, or mobs, and refusing to register individual 

Arrests increased markedly after the Indian government appointed 
K.P.S. Gill -- known as the "super cop" of Punjab state for his 
work there in the 1990s -- to assist with law enforcement in 
Gujarat. Police have arrested about 3,200 suspects in more than 
300 cases of attacks against Muslims in Gujarat. The suspects have 
been charged with murder, rioting and arson. But advocacy groups 
say arrests for rape are still rare.

"The police FIR said that a Hindu mob attacked a Muslim mob," said 
Sheikh, who is Muslim. "I am not a 'mob,' I am a woman who was 
gang-raped by three men. How can I hope for justice, when they 
don't even register my complaint properly?"

Farah Naqvi, an independent journalist who is part of Citizen's 
Initiative, a fact-finding team that recorded testimony of sexual 
violence in Gujarat, called it "a piracy of silence."

"Cases have been filed against the nameless and the faceless," 
Naqvi said. "When you register them as mobs, it gives you a basis 
and an excuse for inaction. A single, collective FIR cannot take 
care of all the individual losses, as the time, loss and place 
varies. And it is especially true for rape."

There are no reliable estimates of how many women -- Hindu or 
Muslim -- have been raped in the Gujarat violence. According to 
the Citizen's Initiative report, however, almost every relief 
shelter in the state houses people who are victims of or witnesses 
to rape, molestation or other types of sexual assault.

Part of the difficulty in gauging the problem, said Sejal Dand, an 
aid worker, is that "many women were raped and then killed or 

Dand said fear of the police, who have been widely accused of 
standing idle as violence peaked, discouraged women and witnesses 
 from reporting crimes for days. When the victims and witnesses 
finally did file reports, police often asked them to omit the 
names of influential men, Dand said.

In addition, in India's conservative and inward-looking Muslim 
minority of 130 million, even talking about rape is a matter of 
deep shame and stigma.

In the village of Fatehpura, aid workers reported, a Hindu mob 
dragged 30 young women into full public view, sexually assaulted 
them and forced them to run naked. Yet the Muslims of Fatehpura 
refuse to go to the police or even reveal the names of the women, 
fearing no man would marry them, the aid workers said.

"There is a lot of denial on the issue of rape of Muslim women in 
Gujarat," Dand said. Even after citizens groups published reports 
with women's testimonies, many officials were dismissive. Prime 
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said in Parliament that reports of 
sexual violence were "exaggerated," and the country's law minister 
said only two FIRs have been filed for rape in Gujarat so far.

Sheikh hasn't filed one, because the police wouldn't let her, she 

Her ordeal began on the morning of Feb. 28, a day after the attack 
on the train, she said, when she heard hundreds of angry Hindus 
marching toward the Muslim quarters of her home village of Delol, 
shouting, "We will burn you!" She and her husband grabbed their 
son and fled to some wheat fields, where they hid with a group of 
other panic-stricken Muslims. Their homes went up in flames.

The Muslims retreated in a milk van the next morning to the 
nearest town, Kalol. There, another Hindu mob surrounded them.

"One by one, they pulled out the men from the van and burned them. 
My husband was burned alive in front of my own eyes as I screamed 
and pleaded with them," Sheikh said, tears welling in her eyes.

Sheikh said she managed to jump out with her son, then ran toward 
a nearby river. Eight men wielding swords chased after her.

"One of them grabbed my hair from behind and pulled me; another 
snatched my son away," she said. They threw her down and hit her, 
and three raped her. "They were ruthless," she whispered.

Sheikh ran and hid for days before going to a relief shelter in 
Kalol. Ten days after the rape, she summoned the courage to go to 
the police to file a report.

"To my surprise, the police said I cannot file an FIR," Sheikh 
said. "They said an FIR already existed for that day's events."

Police officials investigating the Kalol violence said they could 
not register two reports for the same incident. Because a general 
FIR had already been filed, they said, the most they could do was 
attach a statement to it.

Patil said Sheikh's case was weak anyway, because she did not 
undergo a medical examination until more than 10 days after the 
alleged rape.

Citizen's Initiative recommends that special courts be set up to 
hear women's cases and that their testimony be treated as the 
basis for legal action if FIRs are not filed. And the requirement 
of medical evidence should be dropped, the group says, because so 
many women hid for days before going to the police.

Trauma counseling, according to the group's report, is the most 
urgent need.

For a number of emotionally scarred women now languishing in 
shelters, consisting of tents in the scorching heat, simply 
returning to their homes could provide the first healing touch. 
But homecoming is fraught with risks, too.

Bilkees Rasoolbhai Yaqub, 19, was one of many women gang-raped 
outside the village of Randikpura. She is the single witness to 
many killings and rapes in Randikpura and has named three men in 
her police report. Now Yaqub's Hindu neighbors say they will not 
allow the Muslims to return to the village until she withdraws the 
names of the accused in her police report.

The villagers say her statements are baseless; the police say 
Yaqub's story contains inconsistencies and her medical report was 

But, asked an anguished Yaqub, "Why would I lie about my rape? 
Which woman would invite social stigma upon herself?"


On Sun, 02 Jun 2002 Pamela D'Mello wrote :
> From: sahmat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 17:50:19 +0530 (IST)
>His forehead almost touched the ground, the policemen held him 
>down by the
>neck and beat him hard on his buttocks, then threw him back and 
>hitting on his legs. I am sitting in front of six year old Wasim 
>looking into his beautiful, deep and very sad eyes. His innocent 
>face and
>bruises on his legs and back will not let me sleep today.
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