goanet-digest          Monday, June 10 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4064

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Linobabache nazuk Kovita.
    [Goanet] Ms. Coelho evades the issue......
    [Goanet] NEWS: 100 varieties of mangoes at Indian fest

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:12:22 +0000
From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Linobabache nazuk Kovita.

Lino Douradochi sokol diloli sundor Kovita.

Linobab Dourado hanchi "Hanv Montri Zalam Gha" kovita ekdom maka avoddli. Hi 
kovita ek "satire" rupan boroilea ti vachpa sarki assa.  Itli unch kovita 
eka khuinchea tori Konknni potrar or masikar eunkuch zai ani jedna ticho 
hetu ekdom tazo assa tedna ti ailear bori.  Choddan chodd Konknni lokan ti 
vachpachi goroz ani tech porim Konknni mollar itlo unch namnecho Kovi assa 
mhonn gommpakui borem.  Kuwaitak Konknni mollar Linobaba sarkello unch 
kulliocho kovi assa mhonn maka ghorv bhogta ani oslea kovik porbim favta.  
Linobab fuddem tanch mar ani oxech porim unch dhorjeacho kovita boroit rav, 
amcho tumkam sodanch tenko astolo. Tujevelean Konknni Kovitanchem zoit zaum 
ani Kuwaitak Konknnichem unchlepon vaddonk.

Konknni Mogi A. Veronica Fernandes-Kuwait.

"Eka Montreachea Rudan Kovita Rupan
- -----------------------------------


Mhoje nove montrimonddolan asat cheallis subhagi
Nigtoch novo povitr prasad ghetla konnuch na papi
Daven-uzvean pollovpi nhoi, sarkech nitt rosto cholpi
Ponn kednai goroz podleruch meza pondchean hat korpi

Bizle montri tumkam kednach kallokant dovorchona
Air condition choloit ravat bizle meter voir sorchona
Vahutuk montri sardina baxen bosint tumkam bhorchona
Goddie tikeattichi dhor vhaddteli montreachea bolsak
                                  burak asona

Vikas montri teag kortolo xarantli borich udhorgot
Goir kaidean imaroti ubheo, thodim flettam toiar
                                      montreak diupak
'Tourism' montri adtolo bailo 'tourist' hotelancho
                                      donddo vadovpak
Baina oslea sundoream kodlean AIDS pidda Goeant odik

Bolaikea montri sambaltolo bolaiki Goemchea porjeachi
Sorkari hospittolant  distelem gordi na piddestanchi
Ghor montri rakonn kortolo dor ek Goemchea kuttumbachi
Daram ugttinch dovrun nidat  birant na choranchi

Krixi montri xetkamot korinastana borpur jevon ditlo
'Non-agricultural land' oslo xik'ko marun pikavol
                              zomnir sudarop kortolo
Xikxonn montri Goemchi 'illeteracy' kobar korun jerul
Thodeach mhoineant porot venchnnuko ani fuddlo sorkar
                                       xikop naslolo

Ani Hanv Mukhel Montri nit mhoji asteli ekdom
Mhojem ritem aidon asa koslei kamank etna tacher poili

                                           nodor dovor
Thodea zagea rikamea dovorleat,'Jumbo Cabinet'
                                       todir pavlo tor
Rockdeach montri zage choddoitat, kiteak ami Ali Baba
                                  ani cheallis chor

Lino B. Dourado

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Date: 10 Jun 2002 10:30:56 -0000
From: "John  DSa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Ms. Coelho evades the issue......

 From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ms. Coelho has posted on behalf of the GoaNet Admin. Her words are 
in parenthesis [!]

A few replies from me. Sorry about taking up your time and 
bandwidth with this issue. I would rather have taken it up on 
GoaNet itself but since I have been suspended... I am taking the 
liberty of sending a c.c. to GoaNet.
hopefully it will appear and this can be a more 'open' debate as 
it wellshould be.

- ---------
Ms. Coelho:
[GoaNet is a non-profit volunteer-driven mailing list.  The money 
 from paid advertisements is used to support noncommercial 
community-building activities in Goa and to promote GoaNet.]

I have NEVER questioned what happens to the money. It is not my 
But since you have brought up the topic please explain how it 
makes sense that I send the $50 all the way to Boston and then it 
is sent back to Goa to support these 'activities'? The commissions 
on Money Transfers itself would make a large dent in the original 
figure. Why was I instructed to send the money to Boston? Why not 
to your representative in Goa or directly to the concerned 
'activity'? Isn't anyone from the Admin Team in Goa? If not, then 
who oversees the judicious use of the funds for these 

- ------------------

Ms. Coelho:
[GoaNet's policy on advertising, as it appears the Rules, states: 
"Do not post advertisements.  Commercial postings have to be paid 
for if circulated via GoaNet."  In the past we have ignored one or 
two commercial posts within a few months from the same subscriber 
or on the same subject, but repeated posts are not tolerated.  Mr. 
Pinto continued to advertise a floral business on GoaNet after 
being asked not to do so, and was removed.]

It becomes apparent that Ms. Coelho has not been following close 
attention to my previous explanatory e-mails.
At the risk of boring everyone else to death I will repeat the 
sequence of postings.
On 27th April I posted some information which was NEVER objected 
to by anyone.
On 30th April Herman sent me a warning about by 'advert/signature' 
I heeded his warning and changed my 'signature' the very same 
On 29th of May, one month later, Herman decides to suspend me and 
charge me $50 for a posting that was never objected to all this 
while!!!!! And which
was BEFORE the warning!

So you see Ms. Coelho I never broke the rules. The only thing that 
was brought to my attention was the change in my 'signature' which 
I immediately rectified.

But lets for a moment give Herman (and the GoaNet Admin team) the 
benefit of the doubt. Let say he (they) were confused about the 
sequence of postings and hence he (they) applied the 'spirit' 
rather than the 'letter'
of the Rule. Two points need to be clarified.

1) When I had agreed to pay for advertising why weren't the rates 
sent to me as requested? Till date? What are the rates anyway? How 
can I be accused of 'commercial postings' when I have agreed to 
pay and asked for a Tariff?

2) By Herman's logic I was charged $50 for two of my postings. 
This means each posting/ advert is charged at $25. Rather high but 
I nevertheless agreed to pay. Again, all I requested was a Tariff 
Card and an Invoice to facilitate the payment. These too have not 
been forthcoming.

Ms. Coelho claims that money from "paid advertisments is used 
for....". I presume thus that money has been collected in the 
past. At what rate were the advertisers charged? Or is it always 
an arbitrary decision like this one where the advertiser is 
charged a random amount AFTER the advert
appears? What a strange way to do business.

 From the GoaNet archives I have located three 'adverts' that 
appeared at the end of every (normal subscriber) posting, each for 
a good period of time, in the last few years.
- -------------
1)To buy or sell any kind of real-estate or business investment 
almost anywhere in the world, contact Mario Dias 1 403 252 3057, 
FAX 1 403 258 0432 or find out more at: http://real-invest.net
- --------------
2)Agnelo Gomes Associates, Consulting Engineers, Philadelphia, Pa, 
Offer Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services for 
Architectural Buildings and Industrial Plants. E-mail: 
- --------------
3)Paid Advert:
Executive Ball of the Millennium in GOA, Dec 31st.
For details: http://www.goacom.com/business/blasco/
- ---------------

Notice that only number (3) above has 'Paid Advert' before it. 
Does that mean that the other two were free? How much was charged 
for the 'Paid Advert'? If it was indeed $25 per posting then the 
'community building
activities' in Goa are indeed lucky. It's a hell of a lot of 
money. That too considering the other two were free. If they too 
were charged at $25 a posting then we can probably clear the Goa 
Government budget deficit with
the proceeds. And if the other two were not charged, why not?

And since these are blatant adverts and not 'commercial postings' 
I am sure they must have been charged substantially more.

Unlike my postings which were more like Press Notes rather than 
The journalist in your team should be able to explain the 
difference. He too places Press Notes for services and 
establishments he likes, very often. Nobody objects to that! Or do 
the Rules apply only to the normal
subscriber and not the Admin Team members?
- ------------------
Ms. Coelho:
[Regarding informing GoaNetters about members who have been 
unsubscribed, it is simply not our policy to do so.  This is not 
the Middle Ages and there will be no public floggings or 
executions, period.]

I think you are alluding to a question by Mr. Allwyn Sequeira. His 
question I am sure was in the interests of transparency of action 
so that other subscribers know what are the lines they cannot 
cross. These closed door
decisions are highly objectionable. Take my case. Herman claimed 
that it  was a consensus opinion of the Admin Team, who have been 
c.c.ed in all correspondence. This missive from Ms. Coelho is the 
first time anyone else
 from the Admin team had spoken on the topic although the 
'controversy' has been going on for more than 10 days. And the 
normal GoaNet Subscriber has no idea of the sequence of events, 
the charges, the rates - or the
injustice. Why should they not be informed? This is not a public 
flogging but more of having a jury of peers rather than a hanging 

- ---------------------
Ms. Coelho:
[Mr. Pinto can and will be reinstated if he chooses, and we will 
waive the fee for his past use of GoaNet to advertise as long as 
he agrees to abide by our rules.]

Thank you most kindly for waiving the 'fee'. I will use the money 
saved for 'community building' by 'family feeding'. But before I 
start spending the money let me to restate...

I have abided by all your rules. I have stuck to the 'letter' of 
the rules if not the 'spirit'. You don't need a degree in Law to 
figure that out. The GoaNet team could well use its vast energies 
to properly clarify the rules and rates before penalising members. 
As Allwyn Sequeira had asked, I quote "What construes an 
advertisement on GoaNet? A signature? A recommendation?
An announcement about a service? A short story with a commercial 

Once the different categories of adverts are clarified then fixed 
rates should be set up and not this arbitrary demand for $50.

As regards 're-instating' my membership I would like someone from 
the Admin Team to appraise me of my CURRENT status. Initially 
Herman wrote me that I was 'suspended' for a month. I presume this 
means I cannot post for a
month. Then Herman told me I was 'no longer welcome'. What does 
this mean?

That I can post, but my posts are not welcome? Or am I 
indefinitely suspended? Or permanently? My choice hardly comes 
into question. I did not ask to be suspended or unsubscribed, or 

More important than my indvidual case, is the precedent which is 
being set.
Can the Owner / Admin team suspend or remove a member without 
following proper procedure? What is the procedure? What are the 
rules? Specially regarding advertisements or 'commercial 

That is the issue.


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Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 19:05:12 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: 100 varieties of mangoes at Indian fest

Mangoes all the way in Tamil Nadu

>From Indo-Asian News Service

Chennai, June 10 (IANS) A little over 100 varieties of mangoes were on
display as south India's biggest mango festival got under way in the Tamil
Nadu town of Krishnagiri.

Tamil Nadu Education Minister M. Thambidurai inaugurated the festival

The All-India Mango Exhibition, as the show is known, is an annual event
that takes place in different parts of India. It showcases mangoes from all
corners of the country.

At a seminar, experts will present papers on India's national fruit. A music
festival has been organised on the occasion.

Authorities at Krishnagari, 400 km west of Chennai, have set up a mango park
for children where all decorations resemble mangoes.

- --Indo-Asian News Service


End of goanet-digest V1 #4064

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