goanet-digest          Monday, June 10 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4065

In this issue:

    Re: [Goanet] 09-10 JUNE: GOACOM NEWS CLIPPINGS
    [Goanet] Threats from Gaspar and Ulysses to shut down goanet
    [Goanet] Don't start a war, you morons! - There is Nowhere to Hide

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 17:07:54 +0000
From: "Mario Rebello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


It's a massive week ahead, and the high point will be the dramatic, historic 
canonization of Padre Pio -- sure to take his place among the pantheon of 
greatest-ever saints. The largest crowd in the history of canonizations in 
Rome -- between 400,000 and 800,000 -- is expected as wave after wave of 
groups and nationalities parade their banner into St. Peter's Square for the 

There has not been a mystic of this stature since St. Francis of Assisi, so 
don't be surprised to hear accounts of miracles in and around the 
canonization Sunday. Pray for your own miracle. Pray for this great saint's 
intercession! And pray always for the protection of Rome against terrorism. 
We'll bring you constant reports.

It's a week that has already started with word the Orthodox Patriarch has 
said Mass at a Catholic basilica for the first time in more than 1,000 
years; that a bishop in Holland has approved an apparition know as "the Lady 
of All Nations"; that Sister Lucia of Fatima's new book contains a 
motherlode of spiritual direction; and that the Pope may be speaking out on 
climate change. We'll have more on these stories as well.

On a down note, it's also a week that will see the U.S. bishops meeting over 
the sexual scandals. It's a crucial meeting, and we believe that bishops 
must take the strictest route to recover credibility. Those who have abused 
children, past or present, should be defrocked and sent to do penance in a 
monastery. A public that sees such action -- a sudden barrage of abusive 
priests sent away -- will be greatly encouraged and relieved and a healing 
process will have started.

The key is going to be for the bishops to take the role of "spiritual 
leaders" instead of that of a "religious government." It is bureaucracy, 
liberalism, and psychology -- which so readily excuse sin -- that threw the 
Church into this fix to begin with.

At the same time, the media should be cautioned that, unless and until there 
are additional major revelations (which may in fact occur), its coverage has 
reached the point of saturation. While we believe evil should be uncovered, 
we are aware, at the same time, that many in the media have a hidden or at 
least subconscious agenda, and that's to damage Catholicism (starting, of 
course, with the priesthood). In truth, the scandal of immorality pervades 
our entire culture, more so outside the Church than inside -- and in large 
part was brought to be by the same media. We'll take a look at phenomena 
like Ozzie Osbourne. And we'll continue to cover the scandal.

But we'll stay focused on Padre Pio, for this will be the most historic 
aspect of the coming week, when all is said and done.

Forwarded from http://spiritdaily.com

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Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:24:56 +0100
From: "Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] 09-10 JUNE: GOACOM NEWS CLIPPINGS

> ANCIENT CROSS YIELDS SECRETS: An inscription in Persia's Pahlavi language
> on a unique granite cross found by a Pilar Society priest at Dando,
> Agassaim, has been deciphered by an Indian scholar in Rome. The ancient
> cross was noticed on the banks of River Zuari by Fr Cosme Costa. (WE-GT)

It would be good if the English version of the deciphered inscription could
be made known to the general public.

Also, could Joel D'Souza let us know if Fr. Cosme Costa is endeavouring to
discover the remaining part of that "Martomite" Cross?

Did GoaNetters know that one such cross figured in a 20p. postal stamp
released in India on July 3, 1973 to mark "St. Thomas 19th Death Centenary
72 - 1972"?

Jorge de Abreu Noronha


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 16:09:03 -0700
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Threats from Gaspar and Ulysses to shut down goanet

Hi Sonali,

It is very good to hear from you albeit under your phony alias. Would you by any 
chance happen to be related to an Ashok Chodnakar who apparently sabotaged Gaspar 
Almedia's computer on a number of ocassions?

Anyway, to answer your question:  No, goanet is not violating yahoogroups policies. 
For one thing, the mailing list is actually hosted on goacom, not yahoogroups. GOACOM 
offers this service to goanet for free, with no strings attached. Secondly as was 
posted by the goanet-admin team, Goanet/Herman collects advertizing money on goanet to 
support non-commerical activities and promotional activities in Goa. Hence even if 
Goanet were hosted by Yahoogroups, it would not be breaking their rules as goanet is a 
non-commerical entity. If asked by yahoogroups, I expect Herman to be able to provide 
all the necessary documentation/receipts.

Now rather not surpisingly, Ulysses and Gaspar have in private threats raised exactly 
the same issue as you and have threatened to shut down goanet by bringing this issue 
up with yahoogroups. You will be happy to know that goanet will continue to function 
regardless of what they try and do.

If it is anyone who should be worried about violating the rules of yahoogroups, it 
should be them. They have consistently promoted the floral business of their business 
partner in Goa on a number of their mailing lists. Since they and their partner obtain 
clear material and non-material gains through this collaboration, the phrase "dont 
throw stones in glass houses" comes to mind.

To the rest of the netters:
What we are seeing here is a "set up" by this junta. One of them willfully breaks the 
rules after apparently having been told several times (in private) to stop promoting 
their business on this mailing list.  Upon removing this person, the rest of the junta 
jumps in by making private threats against goanet. Next, new "members" we never knew 
we had (such as our beloved Sonali), jump into the fray and repeat the same in public. 
Man, these guys make some of our politicians in Goa look good.


- ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Sonali Prabhudesai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Sonali Prabhudesai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 9 Jun 2002 03:20:22 -0000

>Since you appear to be such a stickler for following the 'rules', why are you in such 
>a hurry to flagrantly abuse yahoogroups rules ?
>They explicitly say :
>You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any 
>commercial purposes, any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the 
>Would the goa-net admin care to comment on this ?
>- Sonali


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 19:59:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Don't start a war, you morons! - There is Nowhere to Hide

[Fool are exactly what they are. Don't know what
rushes to and into their heads but something does. Is
it their ego or is this just hype and sabre rattling.

Those two silly old rivals The Rt. Wingers in India
and Pakistan, please read this article and take your

>From all indications, this sabre rattling is related
to electoral and political interests in their
respective constituencies. Politicians are drama

But as in the case of WWF wrestling, NOT everybody
might know that this is only a chess game where a
certain number of lives are sacrificed every now and

Some......nutcase & trigger happy moron might flip and
let go the first strike. That will be the end.

Pull back you fools....Pull back.

Don't sacrifice the nation for a tiny piece of real



India and Pakistan: Nowhere to Hide
In nuclear attack, few would find shelter

By Paul Watson and Tyler Marshall

June 8, 2002

New Delhi - With India and Pakistan on the brink of
war over Kashmir, their people face a frightening
reality: If nuclear missiles ever rain down, there is
nowhere to hide. 

Among the 1.2 billion people of the Asian
subcontinent, the only people with any hope of finding
shelter from a nuclear attack are top political and
military leaders and, if regular rules apply, people
with enough money to ease their way into a few
protective bunkers run by the governments.

India's capital, New Delhi, a prime target for what
nuclear strategists call a "decapitation strike" by
Pakistani missiles, has no air raid sirens, no public
fallout shelters and no known evacuation plan for
almost 13 million residents. Indian officials in local
and national departments responsible for handling
emergencies referred journalists from one office to
another when asked about civil defense planning.

Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, is said to have fallout
shelters for the generals and politicians. In the past
month, Pakistan's interior ministry has run drills for
police, fire and hospital workers, but hasn't educated
the public on how to increase their chances of
surviving a nuclear attack.

Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf have said
repeatedly that they don't want a war, certainly not a
nuclear one. But experts warn the two countries have
slipped steadily closer to Armageddon since first
testing nuclear weapons in 1998. 

"You can't really say that they're going to have a
nuclear war, of course," said Achin Vanaik, an Indian
scholar and political activist. "All you really can
say is that the likelihood of a nuclear conflict in
this part of the world is greater than anywhere else."

Anti-nuclear campaigners such as Vanaik have long
argued that civil defense is a waste of money, and
that the only way to prevent mass death from nuclear
war is to get rid of the weapons. 

India and Pakistan continue to build up their arsenals
and test new missiles to deliver them farther and more
accurately. But the countries' people haven't been
told the most basic precautions such as how prevailing
winds would carry the fallout plume or how iodine
tablets would could help them survive radioactive

In 1999, New Delhi's government proposed a phased plan
costing more than $240 million to handle the aftermath
of a nuclear attack, which assumed the blast would
create a "dead zone" with a radius of 14 to 30 miles. 

The plan included emergency medical bunkers, a
disaster alert system, more than 200 protective suits
for emergency workers and 750 decontamination and
first aid kits, The Hindu newspaper reported. But
there is no evidence that plan was ever implemented,
Vanaik said. 

Indian hospitals are notoriously overcrowded and
understaffed, and health care is worse in Pakistan.
There is only one doctor for every 2,337 Indians,
compared with one physician for every 406 Americans. 

According to a 1999 study on the likely effects of a
nuclear attack on Bombay, India's largest city and
commercial hub, the blast, fire and radioactive
fallout from a 15 kiloton explosion would kill between
160,000 and 800,000 people in a population of more
than 16 million and injure several hundred thousand

"These estimates are conservative and there are a
number of reasons to expect that the actual numbers
would be much higher," wrote physicist M.V. Ramana in
his report, "Bombing Bombay?" He added that the
estimates don't include long-term effects such as
cancer and birth defects.

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End of goanet-digest V1 #4065

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