Padre Pioīs Canonization Expected to Break Records

Crowds Expected to Top the 300,000 Who Attended Beatification

VATICAN CITY, JUNE 13, 2002 ( The pilgrims who attend Padre 
Pioīs canonization in St. Peterīs Square this Sunday might break all 

The Capuchin friarīs beatification on May 2, 1999, attracted 300,000 
faithful. Another 100,000 had to follow the ceremony on giant TV screens in 
St. John Lateran Square, given the lack of space in the Vatican.

Only one event in the history of Rome attracted a greater number of 
faithful: World Youth Day 2000, which drew 2 million young people to the 
outskirts of the city.

It is impossible to estimate the size of the crowd for this Sundayīs 
ceremony. The House for the Relief of Suffering of San Giovanni Rotondo, 
which Padre Pio founded, has already issued 250,000 free tickets for the 

Organizers have reported that some 12 giant TV screens will be installed in 
the Via della Conciliazione, which runs into St. Peterīs Square, to 
facilitate the viewing of the ceremony.

Early on Sunday morning, 4,000 buses and 50 special trains are expected to 
arrive in Rome.

Beginning on Thursday and continuing until Saturday, a special solemn rite 
in preparation for the canonization is being held every day in the Basilica 
of St. Mary Major. It includes the rosary, led by Father Pietro Bongiovanni, 
coordinator of the Padre Pio Prayer Groups, and Mass.

Some 150 groups, in parishes, universities, hospitals and homes for the 
elderly throughout Rome, are preparing for the event.

In the Church of St. Francisī Holy Stigmata in Rome, where a Mass was 
celebrated in 1968 for the deceased friarīs soul, the flow of pilgrims is 

"People come in at all hours. They remain recollected in prayer for a few 
moments and then leave," the churchīs rector, Father Antonino Ubaldi, said.

There will be a thanksgiving liturgy in this church at 5:30 p.m. on June 21, 
similar to the first Mass 30 years ago, which was presided over by Cardinal 
Fiorenzo Angelini, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Health 
Care Workers.

The Diocese of Rome is holding an exhibition entitled "Padre Pio: The Great 
Light," which displays relics, photographs and objects that belonged to the 
saint. The exhibition includes scientific aspects of some of the mysteries 
of the Capuchinīs life.

At the very moment that John Paul II proclaims Padre Pioīs sanctity, the 
Indian Diocese of Tura, in the state of Meghalaya, will place the first 
stone of a church, an outpatient clinic, and a school dedicated to the friar 
of Pietrelcina.

What would Padre Pio think of all this commotion?

Father Florio Alessandro Tessari, the general postulator of the friarīs 
cause of canonization, replied: "He would not have liked it. He was a very 
reserved person and he would have fled from so much noise."

"What is important is that we not forget that we must not place him above 
all," the priest added. "Jesus Christ is the authentic and sole protagonist 
of salvation."

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