--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>However, whatever I know seems to be free from fraud or deceit. All
>of the facts above can be objectively evaluated. If anyone has
>specific evidence of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

Deceit and fraud can be acts of commission as well as of omission. I
submit to you that, by omitting important information on the diagnosis
and treatment of Matteo Collela, those who were responsible for
providing the description (communicated to us by Joel) on his case
have tried to deceive us into believing that no conventional medical
treatment was given or could be given to this boy.

I find it hard to believe that the only treatment that this boy could
receive was "an exceptionally large dose of adrenaline administered,
as a last measure, by pessimistic medical staff". From what I know
about medical staff, even the bad ones don't abandon their patients
out of pessimism. 

And yet this account mentions nothing about the diagnosis or the
treatment. Did the boy suffer from any bacterial infection? Were any
drugs that are known to cure and save the lives of people suffering
from severe bacterial infection, given? Why are those who provided the
supposedly non-deceptive and non-fraudulent case description
withholding this information?

I also find it curious that the entire description conveys an
atmosphere of hopelessness, carefully crafted with phrases like
"exceptionally large dose", "administered as a last measure",
"pessimistic medical staff" and "His death was considered imminent by
the medical staff", to create the impression that this state of
fatalistic inevitability was medically certified. 

Nobody who is guided by the principles of honesty, transparency and
scientific objectivity would provide such a deceptive case description
for "objective evaluation" as has been provided to us in this forum.



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