Santosh Helekar writes:

"tried to deceive us into believing that no
conventional medical
treatment was given or could be given to this boy."


Dear Santosh,

Please be objective. Unlike the Medical Board which
assessed the prognosis on the basis of the full
medical records and other relevant evidence, I write
only the little that I know. Those who feel strongly
enough about these things can seek access to the full
medical reports. 

Let's assume that the best known conventional
treatment was given. I have no reason or intent to
believe or suggest otherwise. The question still
remains: what was Matteo Colella's prognosis?

If anyone has reason to differ with the verdict of the
Medical Board regarding the prognosis in this case,
please do not remain silent. I am as yet unable to
find any grounds for differing with their verdict.


Joel Almeida

PS Good idea to discard terms such as "hysteria" and
"skeptical", which launched this discussion. If the
medical staff described themselves as being
pessimistic about the prognosis, I am not in a
position to differ.

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