--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joe Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want you to understand that I was trying to put the "Miracle"
>concept into context, so that misconceptions, posited in Santosh's
>posts, may be exposed to clarity.

My legs are tired. I cannot go on in over time. I am also afraid of
sudden death. I have a new substitute. His name is Sunithino. He is
better than me at free kicks. He will take care of Joelinho.

But this substitute Milagrino (Joe Vaz) from the other side keeps
challenging me for a rematch. The big problem I have with him is he
repeatedly slumps to the ground without being tripped, and then
incites the crowd to appeal for a foul. This time he has also appealed
for a red card in my penalty box. This can only mean that he knows all
along that his goal is guarded by an invisible goalie who is believed
to have made some miraculous saves. But nobody really knows whether
this is true or not because nobody saw these games, and nobody has
seen the goalie.

> Like all other things on this subject you indeed have miserably
>failed to objectively prove how "Miracle is an appeal to ignorance."

Those who want to verify whether the above statement is credible or
not, please refer to my earlier post. I will never be able to
objectively prove anything to somebody who is not objective about it
in the first place.

But there is ample objective historical evidence that the
demystification of a miracle claim in every single case has led to
freedom from ignorance and advancement of knowledge. When belief in
miracles was widespread, people died of small pox and syphilis. Belief
in miracles never helped cure any disease. Acceptance of miracle cures
did not and does not produce any advancement of medical knowledge. 

> I had cited just two examples of a miracle by definition: Red Sea
>parting as depicted in the movie "The Ten Commandments" (i.e., not
>simply a low tide); Jesus raising the dead man Lazarus to life (John,

As I alluded to before, nobody saw these games. Joe Vaz, Have you seen
them? Do you have authentic photographs of these events in real life
by any chance? I have seen the movie. I hear they used props and
things like that in it. But even in the movie enactment, the parting
of the Red Sea looks pretty fake to me. 

Having said that, I know Joe Vaz is trying to win cheap sympathy for
his argument from an audience that is overwhelmingly sensitive to the
mention of Jesus's name. How can an irreverent lout like me ever score
a goal against Jesus? So I will head this ball over my goal line. Let
Joe Vaz have his cheap corner.

>Like others on the forum, I would like to request our esteemed
>scientist, -- to demonstrate to this audience through his own
>scientific wit (or through his peer-review) that the above are not
>miracles but merely "an appeal to ignorance."

The above miracles are an appeal to ignorance because those who insist
in the literal reality of these events are asking people to believe in
things that are in violation of scientific principles and everyday
experience. They are asking people to believe in things that are not
supported by objective evidence.  They are trying to legitimize
miracle as a valid logical explanation, bypassing even the common
sense need for truthful eyewitness testimony and independent
corroboration from multiple sources.

> And if you think the onus of providing scientific proof is NOT upon
>you, through your sheer inability to do so, (or for lack of
>scientific wit in this area,) then please hold your peace.

Only referee Viviana can command me to hold my peace. Milagrino's
appeal for this red card is so obviously fake that if he were on our
Xerrachea groundar, I would have complained that he is eating roddi.
Eating roddi on our ground calls for stopping the game and going home
with the ball, all the while shouting obscenities at each other.

> You are NOT doing any service to either science or humanity here 
>but causing upheavals, by your constant mocking of the subject >matter.

Joe Vaz, I humbly and respectfully note and reject your above opinion. 

Here is mine for you to reject, even with contempt if you like. 

I consider it my inalienable right and duty to think freely, and
express myself fully and forthrightly in any public forum that I
participate in. And yes, I do believe I am doing a service to Science
and humanity, as much as you believe you are by spreading your gospel.

I do believe however that you are doing a service to mankind.



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