goanet-digest          Monday, June 24 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4109

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Paganism in 21st Century
    [Goanet] re: Paganism
    [Goanet] test
    [Goanet] NEWS-KERALA: Medical pay seat bonanza for non-resident Keralites
    Re: [Goanet] Darwin & Argentina
    [Goanet] re: Argentina,  Darwin: & So many Indians....but NO AMERINDIANS!
    [Goanet] judeo

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 05:51:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Orvitz Polycarpo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Paganism in 21st Century

Miracles are for pagans.  It's blind faith and being
imposed on others by all so called "religions." 
Religious mechanisms begin brainwashing one since the
childbirth and eventually makes it difficult at later
years to detach from it. Eventually those who wish to
persue believing in miracles will do no justice to
fellow beings, and will not bring in economic growth
for the betterment of all. 

In our great country with the largest democracy in the
world, people need economic growth, jobs, and food,
clothing and security.  Let us work towards achieving
these goals.  This space in valuable, so let's use it
to make our influence count on those who govern us in
our present times for a good future. 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 06:58:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re: Paganism

Orvitz Polycarpo wrote:
"In our great country with the largest democracy in
world, people need economic growth, jobs, and food,
clothing and security. Let us work towards achieving
these goals."
- -----------------------------------
Dear Polycarpo,

How true. Do you think we might get further with a
little tolerance? After all, there might be one or two
people, in such a large democracy, whose beliefs are
not identical to yours.


Joel Almeida

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 09:34:51 +0200
From: "Viviana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] test



Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 22:43:13 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS-KERALA: Medical pay seat bonanza for non-resident Keralites

Medical pay seat bonanza for non-resident Keralites

By Sanu George, Indo-Asian News Service

Thiruvananthapuram, June 23 (IANS) Five new medical colleges in the pipeline
means good news for Kerala -- especially for non-resident Keralites (NRK)
who will get priority for 50 new seats.

The state has six medical colleges with 800 seats altogether. Only 22 of
these are reserved for NRKs.

The new five private colleges waiting for a nod from the Medical Council of
India (MCUI) are the Amritha Institute of Medical Science, Kochi, Pushpagiri
Medical College, Thiruvalla, Medical Mission Hospital, Kolencherry, Dr
Somerwell Memorial CSI Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram and the
Imam Rafi Muslim Educational Charitable Trust, Thrissur.

Each plans to start with 100 seats, of which 50 per cent would be filled on
merit. The rest would be reserved for different categories of students,
including 10 percent for NRKs.

To qualify for this 10 percent, an applicant has to be at least 17 and
related to an NRK. He or she can be a close relative like a child or sibling
or even a first cousin or nephew/niece.

If there aren't enough such applicants, the colleges will consider such kin
of foreign citizens of Kerala origin and in their absence, the kin of
non-resident, non-Keralite Indians.

The MCI has visited the proposed five colleges twice. Its permission is
expected after a third visit soon.

An official of the Dr Somerwell Memorial CSI Medical College Hospital said
they were ready to start classes and were only waiting for the MCI approval.

"Only the NRK seats are vacant, the rest has been filled," he added.

For the new pay seats, a candidate has to pay $60,000 or its equivalent in
Indian currency at the time of admission by demand draft made out to the
Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and payable at Thiruvananthapuram.

An NRK applicant has to provide a certificate to prove he is an Indian

He also has to provide other documents like the original marksheet of the
qualifying examination, an age certificate and a declaration from an NRK
establishing their relationship.

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 22:24:48 +0000
From: "Tim de Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Darwin & Argentina

Very good George.

I cannot say I have travelled extensively in S. America.
I have been to Mexico, Brazil and travelled in Argentina (on business).

One thing very noticeable when arriving in B.A. is the almost non-existence 
of non-europeans (unlike Mexico - Mexico City or Acapulco or Brazil - Rio).

What George has quoted is what I was told - systematic eradication of the 
native population. This is one of the reasons that it is so popular with 
White South Africans fleeing South Africa - also nazi Germans fleeing post 
war Germany.

An Argentinean was described to me as:
"An Italian pretending to be English"

Also Argentineans told me that "God gave them the most beautiful country in 
the world but to balance it off he gave them the Argentinean people".

Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

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Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 16:04:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re: Argentina,  Darwin: & So many Indians....but NO AMERINDIANS!

Tim D'Mello & George Pinto make some very interesting
observations on the topic at hand.

Tim wrote:[What George has quoted is what I was told
- -systematic eradication of the native population. This
is one of the reasons that it is so popular with White
South Africans fleeing South Africa - also nazi
Germans fleeing post war Germany.]

Population demographics is an intriguing topic.

The present population of Goans in Goa is dwindling. 

* Are they being 'systematically eradicated'?

* Are they being 'eradicated from the system'?

* Are they migrating more than ever before?

* Has the Goan death rate in Goa risen above the birth

* Are there more non-Goans coming into Goa? like every

I submit that we need to look at these factors.

Similarly, in Argentina...... the various factors for
the increased Mortality among AmerIndians after the
arrival of Europeans....and before...Arawaks vs
Caribs........... having been noted

Has the total NUMBER of AmerIndians gone down( with
the appropriate correction) in Argentina....or is it
only the case that the Immigration from Switzerland,
Germany, Israel, South Africa, Lebanon and
Italy....increased... giving Argentina the demographic
percentage of 97% Caucasians and 3% AmerIndians/

BTW: the % Population of AmerIndians in Guyana is
similarly ~ 2%.

But.....the Population of (East) Indian migrants is
close to 49%

Did the immigrants from India 'systematically
eradicate' the AmerIndians?

Of course not!

But....just as Tim observed in Argentina, I could say
about Guyana or Trinidad or Suriname.

Hey.....So many Indians....but NO AMERINDIANS!


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Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net

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Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 07:37:17 +0530
From: "gilbert menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] judeo

for possibly hundreds of years, there was a tradition to burn a "Judeo"(made
of cloth and stuffed with straw and fireworks) on the feast of Sao Joao ,
which is today.  I think the church was mainly responsible for putting an
end to this custom. Does anyone know how this custom originated, and did the
judeo signify Judas, or a Jew?


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 09:43:10 +0530
From: "Joel D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

24 June 2002

    Viva Sao Joao…!

SAI SERVICE TAKEN FOR A RIDE: The Porvorim police on June 22 arrested 
Shirish Jambhekar (45) of Thane-Mumbai on the charge of cheating banks and 
companies to the tune of lakhs of rupees in Goa and Maharashtra. According 
to the police, Jambhekar produced a demand draft of Rs.1.80 lakh drawn in 
favour of the ICICI Bank, Mapusa, to the Sai Service, Porvorim, to purchase 
a Maruti Zen car. Later, he demanded with the company to refund the balance 
of Rs.50,000 arguing that he paid more than the actual price of the 
vehicle. The draft was dishonoured and the company found that it was 
cheated for Rs.50,000 by the customer. (GT)

KONKANI'S STATUS WILL NOT BE SURRENDERED: Sahitya Academy Award winner and 
celebrated Konkani writer, Pundalik Naik, sent a curt message to the State 
government: "Konkani activists will not surrender 'equal official language' 
status even if the government chooses to give equal funds for the Konkani 
and Marathi academies." Mr Naik was speaking at function organised by the 
Konkani Bhasha Mandal, to commemorate the memory of Shenoi Goembab at the 
Institute Menezes Braganza Hall in Panjim yesterday. (H)

"FUTURE GENERATIONS of this land must know about the greatness of this man 
(Goembab alias Vaman Varde Valaulikar), his struggle to give Konkani its 
rightful place and the strength of the language itself," observed Chief 
Minister Mr Manohar Parrikar. While speaking at the function at the Menezes 
Braganza hall, Parrikar declared that the government would actively 
participate in the year-long celebrations of the 125th birth anniversary of 
Shenoi Goembab. (NT)

POWER CUTS PLUNGE NORTH GOA IN DARKNESS: Power interruptions several times 
were experienced in different parts of the State and it affected the 
routine of people yesterday. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and Power 
Minister Digamber Kamat were also victims of the power failures for nearly 
two hours while they were attending a public function at Institute Menezes 
hall, Panaji. (GT)

SWEEPERS, SERVANTS NEEDED: South Goa's premier hospitalthe Hospiciois 
facing a shortage of servants and sweepers. What has added salt to injury 
is that the government has been virtually sleeping over repeated requests 
to fill up the posts, which fell vacant over the last one year. (H)

have increased from 31 in 1991 to 44 in 2001, the number of cultivators has 
decreased from 68636 to 50.663 during the same period. (GT)

BELO CASH PRIZE WINNER FOUND DEAD: Rama Anant Naik, one of the winners of 
Rs.50,000 of Belo cash back offer was found dead in the Zuari river at 
Durbhat in Ponda on June 23 evening. Rama, 26, was seen in a photograph 
published in a local daily while he was receiving the prize on June 20 from 
one of the liquor distributors. (H)

PLASTIC CAMP AT BIG FOOT: "Make Goa Plastic Free" was the theme for 
Ancestral Goa's recently held World Environment Day celebrations for the 
students of Saviour of the World High School at the Big Foot in Loutulim. (GT)

POLICE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR DHARGALIM: The Goa Police department is planning 
to construct a modern and well-equipped Police Training School at Dhargalim 
in Pernem taluka. (GT)

135 DOG BITES CASES: As many as 135 cases of dog bites were referred to 
Hospicio Hospital, Margao and health centres in Salcete in the last seven 
months. The figures could be the tip of the iceberg as they do not include 
dog bite cases from other private hospitals. (NT)

MATHANY FETED BY CPI, AITUC: Hundreds of workers and other citizens of 
Zuarinagar assembled at Zuarinagar to felicitate Mathany Saldanha, the 
newly elected MLA from Cortalim. The function was organised by Goa State 
Council of Communist Party of India, All India Trade Union Congress and 
Zuari Mazdoor Ekta. CPI chief Narayan Palekar feted Saldanha. A charter of 
the demands and aspirations of the people of Cortalim constituency was also 
presented to Saldanha on the occasion.

MLA, Mathany Saldanha, urged the electorate to sink case and religious 
differences for the all round development of the constituency. Saldanha was 
speaking at the felicitation function organised by the villagers of 
Cortalim-Quelossim at Cortalim on Sunday. (H)

A ROAD DIGGING POLICY: "People are suffering silently, year after year. 
More roads and highways would be built only to be dug up subsequently. Goa 
would never have a culture of respecting the roads unless and until the 
think tanks in the government wake up to the necessity of framing rational 
and environmentally sound policy to permit the use of roads for non-traffic 
purposes." (Nandkumar Kamat in Glimpses-NT)

WILL NEVER QUIT BJP: After gaining notoriety for changing maximum number of 
parties as first-time MLA in the last elections, this time, IT Minister 
Francis D'Souza vowed to never quit BJP, come what may. He was the only 
minority candidate to get elected on a BJP ticket, a no mean feat 
considering the shrill campaign against the BJP. (H)

ISO 9001 FOR VRUNDAVAN: Vrundavan Hospital and Research Centre, Mapusa, has 
been awarded the coveted ISO 9001-2000 by International Certification 
Services, Asia Pvt Ltd. (GT)

MAJOR FIRE AT COLVALE: A major fire broke out at the Goa Glass Fibre 
Limited, Colvale, on Saturday, causing a loss of about Rs.4 lakh. According 
to the Fire Brigade, the fire broke out due to leakage of molten glass from 
the furnace. (GT)

"SANGODD" AT ORDA-CANDOLIM: The traditional "Sangodd" will be held at 
Orda-Candolim on the occasion of the feast of St Peter and Paul on June 29. 
Young Chico and his children besides other singers will sing on the 
occasion. The programme will start from Orda Jetty at 2.30 pm. (H)

WE WELCOME ONE AND ALL for the traditional Sao Joao celebrations at Siolim, 
particularly to witness the colourful boat parade, today evening around 3 
pm, near the Siolim Bazaar Bridge, in front of the church. At the parade 
the highlight today will be the "Cave of St John, the Baptist", a biblical 
tableau prepared by Fenson & Johnson (church painters) of Badem. There will 
more celebrations at Fernandes vaddo, besides the traditional JUMPING IN 
THE WELL at Gaunsvaddo, in front of Alister's house (around 3.30 pm), 
singing "Viva Sao Joao" to the accompaniment of ghumttam-madiem-kansallim 
and partaking of the Goa's traditional dali, ponnsache ghore (jackfruit), 
mussarad ambe (mangoes), and onnsam (pineapples), "a little kopachem", and 
may be Goemchim san'nam too. Viva Sao Joao…! Viva.

    22 June: Anjuna: ROMALDO D'SOUZA (Ex-Kenya), relict of late Josephine, 
father of Filomeno/late Eulalia, Inocencia/Henry (Canada), Alberto/Dina 
(Canada), Diogo/Joy (London), Eudes/Carmen (London).
    22 June: Porvorim: MINOO JAMSHEDJI SHROFF (Ex-Indian Airlines), husband 
of Zee, father of Rohington, expired in Bombay.
    23 June: SHANTABAI VITHAL PAI VERENKAR, mother of Haunsa/Kashinath 
Kamat, Mohana/Manohar Pai Kane, Ganga/Dr Gunakar Kamat, Mhalu/Rukhma, 
Venkatesh/Padma, Vasanti/Bhasker Wagle and Durga/Suhas Pai Kane.
    23 June: Sirlim: ROSY PEREIRA, wife of late Cruz, mother of 
Fernando/Antonette, Late Ludovico/Alice, Alex/Visitation, Lumen/Joanita, 
late Alba/Peter.
    22 June: Curchorem: ANTONIO JOAO D'COSTA, husband of Maria, father of 
John/Lourdina, Gracy/Socorro, Bernadine/Francisco, Ida/Jack Fernandes, 
Priya/Nicolau, Joe/Angela, Teotonio/Mila and Jackson.

G O A   W E A T H E R
    Temp: 26.5 deg C (79.7 deg F) at 7.30 am at Assagao.
    Max temp: 28.0 deg C; Humidity: 91 per cent. (Panjim yesterday)
    Rainfall so far: 1099.0 mm
    Weather: The morning has been dry. There is a bit of sunlight escaping 
through the gaps in the clouds.

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, WE-GT=Weekender-Gomantak Times

Daily Goacom News Clippings also at: http://www.goacom.com/news
Website: http://www.goacom.com
Webzine: http://www.goacom.com/goanow


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:33:19 +0530
From: Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Seven cases out of 31 were disposed off
at the permanent Lok Adalat held in the city on Saturday.

The 46th sitting of the Lok Adalat was held in the
District and Sessions Court, Panjim, wherein six motor accident
claim cases and one land acquisition case were settled.

While a compromise was reached in the land acquisition case,
the six remaining claim petitions were given various amounts
decided under the guidance of Retired District Judge,
Dr Alvaro de Noronha Fereira.

Waman Kenney. S Gawas, H D'Souza, P Gaude and S Naik,
all claiming for injuries were given Rs 70,000, Rs 1,00,000,
Rs 55,000, Rs 1,00,000 and 80,000 respectively,
while G Satodkar, claiming for death, was given Rs 4,00,000.

New India Assurance, Oriental Insurance Company,
United Insurance Company and National Insurance Company
were involved.

Justice V C Daga and Justice P V Hardas were the chief guest
and guest of honour respectively.

Justice Daga in his speech said that, "Lok Adalat is an old swadeshi
system of delivering justice and added that, our forefathers followed
the same method to settle disputes prevailing at that time."

He further said, Lok Adalat is the necessity of the time,
as the people have no time to wait for their cases
to be settled in a leisurely manner.

The very concept of Lok Adalat was evolved as the judiciary system
is very weak, felt Justice Daga, with no money, no power of the sword,
and very often no government backing. An alternative dispute resolution
technique is today internationally recognized for speedy justice, he added.

A plus point of the Lok Adalat proceeding, he felt was that,
there was no victim, all the parties go home satisfied.

He added that, it was up to the officers of the court and
members of the Bar to make the Lok Adalat proceedings a success.

He also felt that, the members of the Bar were under an obligation
to see that, the maximum number of cases possible were settled
through the Lok Adalat.

Judge A D Salkar, chairman of the North Goa District
Legal Services Authority, and District and Sessions Judge,
welcomed the gathering, and gave a brief history of the Lok Adalat.
He felt that, though efforts are being made to bring about settlements
amicably outside the court, people were still not coming forward
voluntarily to settle their disputes. He also felt that, awareness
about this should be created among the people.

G K Tamba, lecturer at the Salgaocar College of Law,
officiated as the master of ceremonies, while
Advocates Amrut Kansar and Albertina Almeida
were also present on the dais.
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HERALD  10/6/2002              Page  3
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End of goanet-digest V1 #4109

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