> > Press UPDATE:
> > Censor Board's war on "WAR AND PEACE"
> >
> >
> > Our worst fears have come true. We had suspected that the 
> > Board's
> > delay in appointing an examining committee to officially view 
> > video War
> > and Peace and the extraordinary measures taken to ban even
> > officially
> > sanctioned non-commercial screenings in the interim, were an
> > ominous sign.
> > We felt that contrary to norms, there was no level playing 
> > and far
> > from being in the hands of objective government officials, we 
> > up
> > against a very interested party with a strong political 
> >
> > War and Peace had won the Best Film/Video of the Festival at 
> > Mumbai
> > International Film Festival,  and the Films Division of 
> > (which comes
> > under the Ministry for Information and Broadcasting) attempted 
> > show it
> > along with other award winning films at their festival in 
> > The
> > Regional Officer of the Censor Board in Mumbai boasted to us 
> > he would
> > stop the Kolkata screening. The next day while other films 
> > had no
> > censor clearance were shown, the inaugural film War and Peace 
> > withdrawn. The Kolkata press was duly told that the "film had 
> > arrived"
> > despite the fact that we had a receipt to prove the 
> >
> > The examining committee of the Censor Board finally saw the 
>film on
> > 6 June.
> > After the screening though I was present, I was informed 
> > contrary to
> > norms, the committee members would not discuss anything with 
>me as
> > they
> > could not reach consensus. The following week the final 
>outcome was
> > given
> > to me in writing. It makes remarkable reading. The cuts 
> > are
> > unprecedented and the methodical, single-minded approach is
> > inconsistent
> > with that of a group that could not reach consensus.
> >
> > Cut No.1 sounds reasonable. It is: "Delete the visuals of 
> > Indian
> > flag". This scene depicting Pakistani jingoism balances 
> > of Indian
> > jingoism. But obviously the Censor Board has no objection to 
> > showing
> > the burning Pakistani flag. "War and Peace" consistently 
> > war-mongers and applauds peace lovers on both sides of the 
> > This is
> > clearly not something the Censor appreciates.
> >
> > Cut No. 2 "Delete the entire sequence with visuals and 
> > spoken by
> > the Dalit leader" refers to a sequence in which a Dalit
> > neo-Buddhist argues
> > that it is a travesty that nuclear tests were carried out on
> > Buddha's
> > birthday and that the Buddha's name was used as a military 
>code to
> > mark the
> > tests despite the fact that the Buddha has always been 
> >
> > Cut No. 3 is a demand to cut a Dalit song which describes 
> > killing of
> > Mahatma Gandhi by a Brahmin. So now the Censor feels bold 
>enough to
> > muzzle
> > the voices of those whom our caste system oppressed for 
> > even
> > when they merely make factual statements !
> >
> > Cut No.4 is an order to cut a sentence by a leading scientist 
> > "China
> > is our next possible enemy". This common justification for 
> > nuclear
> > weapons was endlessly repeated in the media by our 
> > including
> > most famously, by our Defense Minister.
> >
> > Cut No.5 is a predictable though thoroughly unjustifiable 
> > "Delete
> > the visuals and dialogues of entire Tehelka episode wherever 
> > occurs in
> > the film."  Over 4 hours of these Tehelka tapes showing 
> > camera
> > footage of corrupt arms deals were broadcast nationally at 
> > time. The
> > tiny extracts I used are a mere reference to what the public 
>saw at
> > length
> > on almost every channel.  Again, the Censor Board's bias is 
> > Tehelka
> > is not allowable because it depicts members of the ruling
> > coalition, but my
> > reference to the Bofors arms scandal is deemed OK as it 
>indicts the
> >
> > Opposition !
> >
> > Cut No.6 is the clincher. Under the heading GENERAL is the 
> > diktat:
> > "Delete the entire visuals and dialogues spoken by Political
> > Leaders
> > including Minister and Prime Minister." The censor board has 
> > it
> > unnecessary to pinpoint exactly which leader's visuals and
> > dialogues they
> > disliked so much that the public should be protected by 
> > deletions.
> > The heading GENERAL applies to all. The Censor Board deems 
> > illegal to
> > report the speeches of Ministers, Prime Ministers and all 
> >
> > Leaders. Do we have a new Secrecy Act? Should Messrs Vajpayee, 
> > wear a
> > mask from now on, and speak only in code? Or should only those 
> > elevate
> > every word of politicians into gospel and visualize these
> > politicians only
> > when they are the politician's wearing halos, be allowed to 
>film ?
> >
> > War and Peace begins and ends with the ideas of Mahatma 
> > (Perhaps
> > this too is now illegal as it could come under the Cut No.6
> > dispensation).
> > Focusing on the danger of nuclear war in the Indian 
> > the video
> > goes on to describe the problems faced by people living near
> > nuclear
> > testing and mining sites, the horror of Hiroshima and 
>Nagasaki, the
> >
> > culpability of the USA in using Atom bombs on a nation that 
> > about to
> > surrender, the globalization of the arms trade, but most of 
>all it
> > derives
> > its power and emotional appeal from the growing movement for 
> > both in
> > India and in Pakistan. Unfortunately in both countries there 
>is an
> > invisible force that does not want peace, a force that has 
>come to
> > power
> > precisely by spreading divisiveness within the country and 
> > sustained
> > threat of war outside it. This force has cynically used 
>concepts of
> >
> > religion and patriotism to hide its own hate-corrupted psyche 
> > has
> > sought to muzzle the voices of all those who speak out for 
> > harmony
> > and peace.
> >
> > So it will not be enough to demand merely that films like "War 
> > Peace"
> > be passed without cuts. Officials of the Censor Board must be 
> > to
> > understand that their brief cannot be to wield their scissors 
> > the
> > interests of particular ideologies. We must demand that the 
> > Board
> > and all the vital institutions in our country be freed from 
> > undemocratic grip of "the invisible force".
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Anand Patwardhan  14 June 2002

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