Hi Rene
Many, including myself have limited knowledge about Konkani. In this regard
I hope for some assistance as follows:
1. Geography of Konkani (regions where it is predominant and regions where
it co-exists, like Mangalore)
2. Types of Konkani (the Hindu Konkanas of Mangalore, The Catholics of
Mangalore and Goans speak different types of the language. Are there more?
What is the list?
3. Age of the language (I understand it is one of the 5 Dravidan language).
4. List of those martyred for the sake of Konkani (in the State of Goa).

I will try and give the information I have in this regard:-
1. The regions where Konkani is predominantly spoken today is Goa, it
co-exists in Mangalore, Kerala, Kochin, Maharashtra and Karwar, Belgaum etc.
2. All the regions speak Konkani differently, as with any other Indian
Language e.g. the Marathi of Konkan and Punne is spoken differently.

3. The age I do not know exactly but it is as old as many other Indian
languages. Konkani is an aryan language, inflexive and non-dravidian. It's
written in five scripts Devanagri, Roman, Kanada, Malayalam & Urdu.

4. I cannot vouch for the martydom of the seven persons at the time of the
Konkani agitation, but they are considered to be the martyrs. I can
recollect only one name - Floriano Vaz.


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