28 June 2002

COPS GUARD SIOLIM-CHOPDEM BRIDGE: News spread yesterday that the 
disillusioned commuters from Pernem could wait no more and that they would 
cross the Siolim-Chopdem bridge at 7 am today, without waiting for the 
formal inauguration by the government. Caught on the wrong foot, the 
government is reported to have decided to open the bridge for traffic on 
July 4. In the meanwhile, a strong posse of policemen has also been posted 
on either side of the bridge since 6 am this morning, to prevent anyone 
from attempting to cross the bridge. (GoaNOW)

GOA ASSEMBLY SESSION: The monsoon session of the Goa legislative assembly, 
the second of the newly constituted House, would begin on July 22 at the 
new complex at Porvorim. (H)

PWD ENGINEER SUSPENDED: The State government on Wednesday suspended 
Executive Engineer, AA Patil, of the Public Works Department, for alleged 
irregularities in the tendering process of an under-water pipeline laying 
work worth over Rs.1 crore. (H)

NORTH GOA HOTELS DOING MODEST BUSINESS: With the onset of monsoons, most of 
the western tourists have gone, most of the hotels along the Calangute 
coastline have closed and the few that are running, are doing modest 
business on domestic tourists. (NT)

HEALTH OF STATE'S POLICEMEN: Medical tests of police personnel above the 
age of 45 years have revealed that a staggering 94 out of 137 police 
personnel suffer from one disease or the other, with stress and hyper 
tension the most rampant ailments. (H)

TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES BLAMED: The indifferent attitude of the Transport 
authorities, besides the problems of overcrowding and rash overtaking, have 
been the major factors for the road accidents taking place in the State. (NT)

ALCOHOL ADDICTION: While the State observed World Anti-Drugs Day on July 
26, it was reminded that alcohol addiction is a fast increasing menace in 
Goa, and has far overtaken the drug menace, with a shifting emphasis on the 
younger age group being affected. This is quite evident at the 
rehabilitation centres and also with organisations working to free the 
society of alcohol addition. (H)

WORKSHOPS TO MAKE GOA CHILD-FRIENDLY: The State government has decided to 
hold a series of workshops throughout the State for making Goa a 
child-friendly state. (NT)

PM URGED TO RE-INDUCT SHRIPAD: The Railway Pravasi Sangh, Goa, has urged 
the Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, to induct former Union Minister 
of State for Shipping, Shripad Naik, into the council of ministers and 
allot him the Railways Ministry. (GT)

security scheme appears to have been a traumatic experience for nearly 
9,000 beneficiaries of the Dayanand Niradar Madat Smruti Yojana as their 
monthly aid of Rs.100 per month has come to a half from January this year. 
The 12-year-old scheme appears to have collapsed after the Dayanand Social 
Security scheme, which provides pension of Rs.500 per month to senior 
citizens and widows, came into effect six months ago. (GT)

INTERACTION WITH EMINENT GOANS: A programme "Interaction with the eminent 
Goans in the service of the nation" scheduled to be held on June 14 by the 
Institute Menezes Braganza, will now be held on June 28 at 5 pm. (NT)

TICKET-GATE SCAM CASE: The trial in the ticket-ate scam case, which was to 
start yesterday, before the Judicial Magistrate first class, has been 
adjourned and will now be held on August 6 and 7. (NT)

BENAULIM VP YET TO DECIDE: Cana Benaulim Sarpanch Guilhermina Leitao 
yesterday denied that the panchayat had stopped professional clubs from 
using the Dando ground for practice and added that the panchayat is yet to 
decide on the issue of fees for use of the ground. (GT)

ANOTHER CASE AGAINST FRAUDSTER: A suspect (Shirish Jambekar), who had 
allegedly cheated a car dealer in Porvorim, has another charge slapped 
against him by the Economic Development Corporation in a loan case. An EDC 
official has filed a complaint that Jambekar had duped the Corporation of a 
sum of Rs.2.04 lakh while applying for a loan to purchase printing 
machinery. (GT)

BAJAJ FAMILY FACING SPLIT: One of India's biggest business families is 
facing a split in its ranks, casting a shadow over the management of the 
1.4 billion-dollar Bajaj group. (AFP report in Herald)

CURBING PLASTIC LITTER: Thicker carry-bags of more than 40 microns, which 
will come into circulation in Goa from July 1, are expected to considerably 
reduce plastic litter, which has fouled the environment and added to woes 
on the garbage front. (GT)

NEW PRESIDENT OF GSIA: Keshav K Kamat was elected unopposed as the new 
president of the Goa Small Industries Association for the term 2002-04 at 
the annual general meeting held recently. (H)


GOAN EVES ENTER FINALS: Goan eves scored a hard-fought two-wicket victory 
over Jharkhand to enter the finals of the Sub Junior National Tennis Ball 
cricket championship, organised by Uttar Pradesh Tennis Ball Cricket 
Association, at Kushinagar, in UP. (H)

    27 June: Colva: CASMIRO ANTONIO ROSARIO FERNANDES, husband of Remeiza, 
father of Menino (Kuwait)/Antonetta, Suzan/Agnelo, Netty/Baptisto (Muscat).
    27 June: Navelim: MARIA INACINHA ANTONETE SANCHES, wife of Armando, 
mother of Margret/Oscar, Maria/Luis and Cajetan.
    27 June: Tivim-Avchit vaddo: ANN V D'SOUZA, wife of late Anibal, mother 
of Audrey (Sesa Goa)/Joe Vaz, Arnold/Zita, Aaron.
    27 June: Ponda: MATUTINHA COELHO E FERNANDES, wife of Caetaninho, 
mother of Maria Conceicao/Ricardo (Diu), Maria Fatima/Inacio, 
Manuelino/Anna, Maria do Carmo/Roque, late Jesus Jose/Rosita (Italy).

G O A   W E A T H E R
    Temp: 28.7 deg C at 7.30 am at Assagao.
    Max temp: 30.5 deg C; Humidity: 82 per cent. (Panjim yesterday)
    Rainfall so far: 1128.7 mm
    Weather: A bright and windswept morning.

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, WE-GT=Weekender-Gomantak Times

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