1. BURTON, Richard F.  Goa and the Blue Mountains. London, Bentley, 1851.

Richard Burton, the Orientalist (Kama Sutra, Arabian Knights, etc.) went to
Goa to recuperate after he e was unwell,  and stayed there for six months.
He wrote a book on his experiences there.  He did not like Goa at all. He
lived in Panjim and asked his Goan manservant, Salvador,  one day,:
“Salvador, what is that terrible noise – are they slaughtering a pig?”
“Nothing,” replied Salvador, “nothing whatever – some Christian beating his
2. The Express  (London). 29 June 2002.
Headline:  Surgeon hit wife with coathanger.
By Sally Guyoncourt.

A Surgeon  hit his wife with a coathanger after he caught her dancing with a
younger man at a party.

Ear, nose and throat specialist Dennis Mendonca, 62, was warned by
magistrates that the assault on his wife, Judith, was so serious that he
could face a stretch behind bars.

Mendonca, who is originally from Bombay, admitted punching his wife,
slapping her across the buttocks and then hitting her so hard with a plastic
coathanger it snapped.

But he asked the court, at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, to show leniency.

"I'm looking forward to a new life, which, hopefully, will be peaceful,
without alcohol and without aggro," he said.

"I look to this court for some mercy."

The attack happened earlier this month while the couple were spending a
weekend at their country home at Coln Rogers, Gloucestershire.

They went to a neighbour's party and a row broke out when Mendonca saw his
wife dancing with a young man.

She then returned home alone.

The doctor returned later to find her asleep in their spare room and he then
flew into a violent rage.

After the beating, Mrs Mendonca managed to struggle to her feet but then
lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

She awoke some time later at the bottom of the stairs with bruising to her
face, a black eye, a deep wound on her hand and some bruising to her right

The police were called early the following morning but Mrs Mendonca refused
hospital treatment.

Harley Street surgeon Mendonca admitted assault causing actual bodily harm
when he was questioned at Stroud Police Station.

He said: "I started to make amends the next day and I will continue to do

He added that he was now reconciled with his wife and was trying to get his
life back on track, attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and an anger
management group.

Prosecutor Geoff Nash told the court: "Mrs Mendonca apparently danced with a
younger man at the party, which caused the defendant some concern."

Mendonca, who also practises at Kingston Hospital in Surrey and at Queen
Mary's University Hospital in London, said that he was very sorry for
committing the offence.

However, he also claimed some of his wife's injuries could have been
sustained when she fell down the stairs.

He was remanded on bail and will be sentenced on July 23.

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