goanet-digest          Monday, July 1 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4124

In this issue:

    Re: [Goanet] SUGGESTION: Setting up Goa-related mailing list
    [Goanet] NEWS-GULF: Air-India to consider cutting fares to Middle East
    Re: [Goanet] Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup! (fwd)
    [Goanet] Note to Cecil
    Re: [Goanet] 'Commercial posting' allowed for GoaNet Admin team
    Re: [Goanet] Everyone's waking up - but not GoaCom
    [Goanet] gentle on my mind
    Re: [Goanet] 'Commercial posting' allowed for GoaNet Admin team
    [Goanet] Re:  Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup!
    Re: [Goanet] Re:  Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup!
    [Goanet] TANZANIANS take 1-2-3 at world cup! 
    [Goanet] Re: Goanet story
    Re: [Goanet] Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup! 

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 14:37:49 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] SUGGESTION: Setting up Goa-related mailing list

Yes Fred , I would.


- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: [Goanet] SUGGESTION: Setting up Goa-related mailing list

> Would anyone like to set up (e)mailing lists that could help network
> specific interest groups of Goans across the globe? We already have a
> number of different groups running, many of which (includes one I've set
> up) were inspired by GoaNet set up in 1994 by Herman Carneiro.
> Some of the lists currently running include:
> GoaNet/GoaNetDigest (discussion and news lists)
> GoaNews (news-only list)
> GoaNetUK (news-summaries, tightly edited from Eddie Fernandes)
> GoaResearchNet (only open to academics studying Goa, low-volume)
> GoaJourno (for journalists from Goa/who worked in Goa)
> Education (low-volume, yet to pickup)
> BSG (Botanical Society of Goa, for those with green fingers)
> CSI (Computer Society of India mailing list)
> ILUG-Goa (list to promote GNU/Linux software)
> CGN (Catholic Goan Network)
> There are also lists dealing with specific localities:
> SaligaoNet (about 130+ members strong)
> CalanguteNet (recently started)
> CortalimSancoaleStJacinto (set up by John DeSa in the Gulf)
> among others.
> If any volunteers would like to set up mailing-lists for specific interest
> groups (e.g. professional, etc) or for specific village localities, and
> need some help to do so, please contact me. Regards, FN
> --
> Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783
> BYTESFORALL www.bytesforall.org  * GNU-LINUX http://linuxinindia.pitas.com
> Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Mobile +9822 122436 (Goa) * Saligao Goa India
> Writing with a difference... on what makes *the* difference


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 17:25:09 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS-GULF: Air-India to consider cutting fares to Middle East

Air-India to consider cutting fares to Middle East

By Sanu George, Indo-Asian News Service

Thiruvananthapuram, July 1 (IANS) Air-India has agreed to consider cutting
airfares to the Middle East from Kerala's three international airports, a
state minister said Monday.

Minister for Non-Resident Keralites (NRKs) M.M. Hassan said the country's
flag-carrier had agreed to consider this long-standing demand of Kerala,
which has a large population of expatriates, mostly working in the Gulf

"Roy Paul, the civil aviation secretary and chief of Air-India, in a
telephonic conversation with me 10 days ago, said they are looking into this
issue," Hassan told IANS.

T.N. Prathapan, a legislator of the ruling Congress party who raised this
issue in the assembly Monday, said: "If they (Air-India) are not going to
mend their ways, we should take a decision to boycott Air-India.

"There is a strong lobby of Air-India working with certain foreign carriers
on this issue and the situation today is that passengers have to wait for
two months before they get confirmed seats," alleged Prathapan.

The travel trade in Kerala claims a Mumbai lobby is responsible for keeping
fares to the Middle East from this state much higher than from the country's
commercial capital so that it would continue to get more traffic.

Said K.V. Muraleedharan, the president of the Kerala Association of Travel
Agents: "Air-India is neglecting certain airports in Kerala, especially the
one here. Despite all the arrangements made for night landing and the
arrival of the Jumbo Jet, Air-India has failed to utilise this.

"There is a big lobby supporting Air-India in this. The Air-India office
here has also been downgraded and several officials have been transferred
from here," he said.

There are also disparities between fares from Kerala's international

Passengers flying from Kochi and Kozhikode on Air-India to Dubai and Abu
Dhabi are charged Rs.11,400 while the fare from Thiruvananthapuram to the
same destinations is Rs.8,000.

"A return ticket to Dubai from here costs Rs.18,690 and the distance is
3,660 miles (5,890 km) while a return ticket to New York from here, which is
a distance of 17,500 miles (28,163 km), costs Rs.52,000. Is this fair?"
asked Prathapan.

Keralites claim Air-India is fleecing them as a return trip to Doha from
here costs around Qatari riyals 3,000 while a return ticket to New York from
Doha is just 6,660 riyals, though the distance is three times more.

K.P. Rajendaran, the opposition Communist Party of India (CPI) in the
assembly, demanded that the government reintroduce ship services from the
Middle East.

A Bahrain-based company had launched such a service last year, but it was
scrapped as it did not meet safety regulations. The two trips the ship made
saw 100 percent occupancy because of the low fare.

Hassan responded saying the public enterprise Kerala State Inland Navigation
and Shipping Services Company is keen to launch a ship service. "At the
Global Investors Meet in November, we are showcasing this as one of the
possible investment projects," he said.

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:26:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup! (fwd)

How do you spell "Sour Grapes"? Well, it is M-A-R-L-O-N M-E-N-E-Z-ES.

Brazil's opponents have only themselves to blame. Brazillian defense was
suspect the whole tournament, but the lack of creative midfield play from
the rest of the world ensured the success of Brazil. I think it was only
the illegal immigrants to Germany (i.e. Turkey) who gave the Brazillians a
run for their money in both games.

- -Tariq

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Marlon Menezes wrote:

> In an historic achievement, Germans took the first three places in the world cup 
>tournament.  Brazil like many of its S.American neighbors, whose population mainly 
>consists of descendents of escaped Nazi war criminals, gas chamber operators and 
>human guinea pig experimentalists were lucky to beat their motherland in the finals.
> In the other match, the Turkish soccer team whose team consists of descendents of 
>illegal immigrants who eventually gain permanent residency in Germany, beat their 
>Korean hosts for the 3rd place.
> Looking forward to the 2006 world cup in homeland of football.
> :)
> Marlon
> Germany, 2006 World Cup champions

- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 20:19:49 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Note to Cecil

Cecil, You're taking this rivalry to ludicrous extents. By now it's very
clear that you will use any excuse to hit out at GoaNet (and GoaCom, which
hosts this mailing-list currently). 

By extension, anyone who is even remotely associated with GoaNet will
become fair-target. IMHO, you would have been a great humour writer, if
only you could keep your personal rivalries and dislikes away from
writing. It might have also helped if you had targetted someone really 
worthy of being targetted, instead of a humour-by-insinuation style meant
to take off on those you don't like.

You seem to be eager to get this forum caught up in all sorts of
irrelevant debates. Let's not waste our time and energies getting caught
up in all this typically-Goan infighting; can't we all concentrate our
energies onto something positive instead? Just imagine what a difference
that could have made....

On the filters, the issue is very clear: filters are a machine-level check
to block the possibility of abusive postings from going through. This is a
standard procedure used in a number of un-moderated mailing
lists. Majordomo and a number of other mainstream software allow for
this as part of the package. The rule is -- use foul language, and your
post get blocked. Why should we make  it easier for anyone to find ways to
work-around the filters, and defeat their very purpose? 

Surely, this is not going to convince you; I don't plan to keep debating
endlessly.... FN

PS: I've stripped my signature below of my profession or to the job I
do... hope that at least makes you happy. Is this a battle for the freedom
of expression, or the "freedom" of Expressions? With this small note, I
request readers of GoaNet not to remain silent, but to let us know about
this. If we on the GoaNetAdmin team are wrong, let us know! But let's keep
all this intra-mailinglist and intra-website rivalry out of things....

PPS: I don't have the time, energy or inclination to get caught in this
once-in-three-months fatricidal GoaNet-versus-GulfGoans,
GoaCom-versys-GoaWorld wars. I've had my say; you can say what you wish...
- --
Frederick Noronha * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783
BYTESFORALL www.bytesforall.org  * GNU-LINUX http://linuxinindia.pitas.com
Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Mobile +9822 122436 (Goa) * Saligao Goa India


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:53:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] 'Commercial posting' allowed for GoaNet Admin team


Tell you what - GoaNet sucks! And it sucks big time! I can't believe what
a crappy mailing list this is and the people who run it are evil
incarnates magnified to the power of hundred.

To summarize:
Axis of Evil - Marlon, Fred, Viviana
Just Plain Evil - Herman
Domain of Evil - www.goacom.com (petitioning to rename to www.evil.com)
List of Evil - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why don't we do this - just you and I. Why don't we set up another mailing
list. We can call it "goanet3". We'll make sure that this list can have
all the commercial postings in the world. You can advertise your flower
business and I'll advertise my de-flowering business. We'll also have
no filters in there so that we can talk dirty to our hearts content. Deal?

Now quit being a playa hater!

- -Tariq

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Cecil Pinto wrote:

> I presume that The GoaNet team members themselves are not covered by the
> rule that disallows subscribers to make 'commercial' postings. Fred can
> advertise his own writing services. But subscribers cannot advertise their
> services.
> And don't tell me 'Free-lance' means not-for-payment!
> Vive la difference!
> Cecil
- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:58:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Everyone's waking up - but not GoaCom

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Cecil Pinto wrote:

> Among the laws to be scrapped could include one which makes it illegal for
> two men to engage in sex in a hotel bedroom and another which criminalises
> consensual gay group sex.

I don't think Goanet or Goacom would have any objection if you indulge in
the acts described above.

Fred, Marlon, Viviana - Please let us know if you have any objection if
Cecil indulges in the acts described above.


- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 16:25:11 +0100 
From: "DeQuadros, Ciril" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] gentle on my mind

I am sorry but I never thought that it would come to this, but if the people
who insist on having slinging matches about nothing keep on, you will have
achieved your aim to destroy Goanet.


I am fed up. You people don't like anything at all about Goanet, and have no
respect and consideration for other members, and are obviously very clever.
So why don't you take a hike and leave us to our stupid, silly, idiotic,
bumbling etc. etc net.


Ciril de Quadros 


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Date: Mon,  1 Jul 2002 09:22:54 -0700
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] 'Commercial posting' allowed for GoaNet Admin team

A couple of points:
1) There is a pretty big difference between Fred's post and your CONTINUOUS promotion 
of your business on EVERY of your emails. It would not have been a big deal if you did 
it periodically (as some others have done). To make matters worse, you choose to 
continue to post your advertizements after being privately asked not to do it. It only 
stopped after the issue became public.
2) You and your business promoting partners (Gaspar and Ulysses) have made 
insinuations about Fred's sources of income. It does not take a genius to realize that 
Fred's ability to earn his living in journalism is based on his reputation of 
credibility and honesty. 
3) The notion that the goanet-admin is specifically targetting you with its filters is 
ridiculous. The filters do not discriminate and a post or two of mine has been 
inadvertently blocked. The filters act to block the following:
a) viruses
b) very long messages
c) obscene words
d) cross postings 
Lately, your partners set up this bogus list called "goanet2" to cause confusion 
amongst the subscribers on the net. You have abetted in this effort with your cross 
posts to this bogus list, but the filters worked in picking this up. 


- ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 13:38:07 +0530

>I presume that The GoaNet team members themselves are not covered by the
>rule that disallows subscribers to make 'commercial' postings. Fred can
>advertise his own writing services. But subscribers cannot advertise their
>And don't tell me 'Free-lance' means not-for-payment!


Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 09:22:56 -0700
From: Aurelius Figueredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re:  Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup!

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>From BraZILCH to BraZILLIANT!  :-)

Debate topic:  If France beat Brazil, 3-0 and Brazil beat Germany 2-0,
does that mean France COULD have beaten Germany 5-0???  :-)


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Content-Description: Card for Aurelius Figueredo
Content-Disposition: attachment;

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 11:37:17 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re:  Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup!

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Aurelius Figueredo wrote:

> >From BraZILCH to BraZILLIANT!  :-)
> Debate topic:  If France beat Brazil, 3-0 and Brazil beat Germany 2-0,
> does that mean France COULD have beaten Germany 5-0???  :-)

Counter-Debate topic: If France beat Brazil 3-0, and Senegal beat France
1-0, does that mean Senegal could have beaten Brazil 4-0??

- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 04:15:04 -0400
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] TANZANIANS take 1-2-3 at world cup! 

i.e. if you accept the contention that the first man walked out of Olduvai
gorge, Tanzania




Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:52:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Goanet story

- --- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why don't we do this - just you and I. Why don't we set up another mailing
> list. We can call it "goanet3". 


This is a post from the future.  The year is 2030 and we have the following goanet 
and everything in between....

The census department has determined that there are more Goa mailing lists than Goans.

George :-)

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Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 17:22:42 +0000
From: "Nagesh Bhatcar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Germans takes 1-2-3 at world cup! 


I think that the goalkeeping of Brazil's Marcos was better on Sunday,
than the much touted Kahn. The German frontline did not have the punch
of previous years. They also got away with a few blatant fouls
against the Brazilians. The game could have gone either way. Yes,
Turkey was the only team that looked like being able to beat the

In response to Marlon:-

One other bit of thing to note is, all the Turks in Germany are not
illegal immigrants. As per what I have read, prior to the 1972 Munich
Olympics, W.Germany badly needed labourers to work on the building of
the Olympic stadia. This was achieved by sending empty planes to
Turkey and bringing in people by the thousands. Those Turks stayed in
Germany and the Germans have refused to grant them citizenships! Many
of these Turkish players are children of these Turks and are in a way
unwelcome guests now. They have had their first exposure to football
in Germany but cannot play for the country they were born in!!

Most of the Nazis who fled Europe, have settled down in Argentina.
Brazil has more of people from Portuguese descent.

Nagesh Bhatcar

>From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Brazil's opponents have only themselves to blame. Brazillian defense was
>suspect the whole tournament, but the lack of creative midfield play from
>the rest of the world ensured the success of Brazil. I think it was only
>the illegal immigrants to Germany (i.e. Turkey) who gave the Brazillians a
>run for their money in both games.
>On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Marlon Menezes wrote:
> > In an historic achievement, Germans took the first three places in the 
>world cup tournament.  Brazil like many of its S.American neighbors, whose 
>population mainly consists of descendents of escaped Nazi war criminals, 
>gas chamber operators and human guinea pig experimentalists were lucky to 
>beat their motherland in the finals.
> >
> > In the other match, the Turkish soccer team whose team consists of 
>descendents of illegal immigrants who eventually gain permanent residency 
>in Germany, beat their Korean hosts for the 3rd place.
> >
> > Looking forward to the 2006 world cup in homeland of football.
> >
> > :)
> > Marlon
> > Germany, 2006 World Cup champions
> >

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End of goanet-digest V1 #4124

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