KARACHI: A self-exiled Christian leader fired the first salvo at the
minority deputies who allegedly betrayed their community in and out of
parliament as freshly enfranchised Christians began sizing up their
leadership options for the October polls.

Nazir S.Bhatti, chief of the Pakistan Christian Congress, reserved much
of his scathing criticism for maverick politician Julius Salik, known as
much for his bizzare outfits, long marches and alternative protest
politics as his oratorical style. Accusing Salik of being a stooge for an
Islamist party, Bhatti said the politician had been campaigning for
empowering Muslim minorities in the global village, yet ignoring the
oppression that Christians endured in their own country. 

Salik's last "political stunt" was to climb into a cage at his Islamabad
residence and make it his living quarters for seven months. During the
time he was confined to a cage,Bhatti said, Salik made impassioned
speeches against New Delhi for failing to stop the Muslim genocide in
Gujrat, and Israel for its war of attrition against the Palestinians. Two
tragic events involving Pakistani Christians occurred in this
period--terrorists attacked a church in Bahawalpur in January 2002 and
killed 16 people and,! then, two months later, a grenad attack was made on
a church in Islamabad's Diplomatic Enclave, leaving five dead. Salik and
other former MPs, he said, maintained a "disquieting" silence over these

"Does he represent the Christian minority of Pakistan? If he is a
representative, then why is he always silent on Christian minority
issues?" Bhatti asked in a hard-hitting statement released to the New
York-based website Pakistan Christian Post. 

In the past seven months Salik has ignored calls made by Christian
clergymen to come out of the cage and work in a meaningful way for his
community. When he finally crawled out of the cage last month, Salik made
no bones of the fact that he was acting upon the advice of the
Jamiat-e-Ulema-i-Islam leaders, according to the PCC leader.

"I don't understand why it took us so long to realise that Salik is a
stooge," said Inyat Emmanuel, a PPP worker from Gujranwala. "For years he
has humiliated his own community by pulling stupid gimmicks on the
national scene. Who can forget that he wore Taliban gear to please his
political masters? Or his peace in a cage stunt?" he said. Salik is only
one of a crop of minority politicians whose actions are coming under the

Joseph Eugene, a social activist from Karachi, claims that the former
provincial lawmaker from Sindh, Michael Javed, confiscated a school
belonging to the Catholic Board of Education in Essa Nagri nearly a
decade ago but was never prosecuted. At the time Javed justified his
action, saying he would ensure that Christians living in Essa Nagri would
benefit from the move because he was more benevolent than the CBE. 

"He used his power and position to hold on to the property all the
while," says Eugene. Emmanuel agrees with Eugene that Javed has poached
the church property but contends that the CBE has not made any serious
efforts to regain the school. "But let's not confuse the real issues. The
gravest sin committed by our leaders is that they have silently watched
the enactment of anti-minority legislation," Emmanuel points out.

Rufus Imran, a development worker from Lahore, accuses past minority
leaders of bartering away their community interests in favour of petty
greed. "Our memories are not so poor as to forget who were in the
assemblies then," says Imran,warning that a voters' backlash awaited such

Since August 2001 several new faces have appeared from among the
Christian community to claim union and town councillor seats, although
the mainstream Christiangroups, by and large, boycotted last year's
municipal polls. Some of these newcomers have the backing of major
political groupings and analysts say they could pose a challenge to the
old guard whose support has waned in recent years.


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